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ETL 引擎 engine 适配 elasticsearch
ETL 引擎 engine 适配 Elasticsearch

国产 ETL etl-engine 流批一体数据交换引擎 轻量级 跨平台 支持动态解析 GO 语言脚本
国产 ETL 工具 etl engine 流批一体数据交换引擎

bboss 数据同步 ETL 工具介绍
The best elasticsearch highlevel java rest api-----bboss

A Guide to Write Elegant ETL in Easy SQL
How to write elegant ETL in SQL? With the language features provided by Easy SQL, we now have the ability to implement anything in SQL. We don't need to mix our ETL with other programming languages. And Easy SQL provides a ...

A New ETL Language -- Easy SQL
A New ETL Language -- Easy SQL Easy SQL is built to ease data development. With Easy SQL, you can develop your ETL in SQL in an imperative way. It defines a few syntax on top of standard SQL, with which SQL could be executed one by one.