
谈谈对 Flink 框架中容错机制及状态的一致性的理解

  • 2022 年 7 月 05 日
  • 本文字数:2989 字

    阅读完需:约 10 分钟


Flink 故障恢复机制的核心,就是应用状态的一致性检查点,有状态流应用的一致检查点,其实就是所有任务的状态,在某个时间点的一份拷贝(一份快照);这个时间点,应该是所有任务都恰好处理完一个相同的输入数据的时刻。在执行流应用程序期间,Flink 会定期保存状态的一致检查点,如果发生故障, Flink 将会使用最近的检查点来一致恢复应用程序的状态,并。重新启动处理流程。


  • 重启应用

  • 从 checkpoint 中读取状态,将状态重置

  • 开始消费并处理检查点到发生故障之间的所有数据

Flink 还提供了可以自定义的镜像保存功能,就是保存点,Flink 不会自动创建保存点,因此用户(或者外部调度程序)必须明确地触发创建操作,保存点是一个强大的功能。除了故障恢复外,保存点可以用于:有计划的手动备份,更新应用程序,版本迁移,暂停和重启应用等。


public class Test{    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{        StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();        // 检查点的配置        // 开启检查点周期为毫秒        env.enableCheckpointing(300);        env.getCheckpointConfig().setCheckpointingMode(CheckpointingMode.EXACTLY_ONCE);        // 设置超时时间        env.getCheckpointConfig().setCheckpointTimeout(60000);        // 设置最大执行的checkp个数        env.getCheckpointConfig().setMaxConcurrentCheckpoints(2);        // 设置最小的间歇时间,两个checkpoint之间,前一次完成到后一次开始之间的间歇不能小于XXX        env.getCheckpointConfig().setMinPauseBetweenCheckpoints(100);        //env.getCheckpointConfig().setPreferCheckpointForRecovery();        // 容忍checkpoint失败多少次        env.getCheckpointConfig().setTolerableCheckpointFailureNumber(0);
// 重启策略的配置 // 固定延时重启 每隔10秒进行一次重启尝试重启三次 env.setRestartStrategy(RestartStrategies.fixedDelayRestart(3,10000L)); // 失败率重启 在10分钟内统计重启,在10分钟内尝试三次重启,每次隔1分钟重启一次 env.setRestartStrategy(RestartStrategies.failureRateRestart(3, Time.minutes(10),Time.minutes(1)));
DataStreamSource<String> inputStream = env.socketTextStream("localhost", 7777); DataStream<SensorReading> dataStream = inputStream.map(line -> { String[] fields = line.split(","); return new SensorReading(fields[0], new Long(fields[1]), new Double(fields[2])); }); env.execute(); }}




  • AT-MOST-ONCE(最多一次)当任务故障时,最简单的做法是什么都不干,既不恢复丢失的状态,也不重播丢失的数据。At-most-once 语义的含义是最多处理一次事件。

  • AT-LEAST-ONCE(至少一次)在大多数的真实应用场景,我们希望不丢失事件。这种类型的保障称为 atleast-once,意思是所有的事件都得到了处理,而一些事件还可能被处理多次。

  • EXACTLY-ONCE(精确一次)恰好处理一次是最严格的保证,也是最难实现的。恰好处理一次语义不仅仅意味着没有事件丢失,还意味着针对每一个数据,内部状态仅仅更新一次。

Flink 源码提供了一个枚举类进行相关配置:

@Publicpublic enum CheckpointingMode {
/** * Sets the checkpointing mode to "exactly once". This mode means that the system will * checkpoint the operator and user function state in such a way that, upon recovery, * every record will be reflected exactly once in the operator state. * * <p>For example, if a user function counts the number of elements in a stream, * this number will consistently be equal to the number of actual elements in the stream, * regardless of failures and recovery.</p> * * <p>Note that this does not mean that each record flows through the streaming data flow * only once. It means that upon recovery, the state of operators/functions is restored such * that the resumed data streams pick up exactly at after the last modification to the state.</p> * * <p>Note that this mode does not guarantee exactly-once behavior in the interaction with * external systems (only state in Flink's operators and user functions). The reason for that * is that a certain level of "collaboration" is required between two systems to achieve * exactly-once guarantees. However, for certain systems, connectors can be written that facilitate * this collaboration.</p> * * <p>This mode sustains high throughput. Depending on the data flow graph and operations, * this mode may increase the record latency, because operators need to align their input * streams, in order to create a consistent snapshot point. The latency increase for simple * dataflows (no repartitioning) is negligible. For simple dataflows with repartitioning, the average * latency remains small, but the slowest records typically have an increased latency.</p> */ EXACTLY_ONCE,
/** * Sets the checkpointing mode to "at least once". This mode means that the system will * checkpoint the operator and user function state in a simpler way. Upon failure and recovery, * some records may be reflected multiple times in the operator state. * * <p>For example, if a user function counts the number of elements in a stream, * this number will equal to, or larger, than the actual number of elements in the stream, * in the presence of failure and recovery.</p> * * <p>This mode has minimal impact on latency and may be preferable in very-low latency * scenarios, where a sustained very-low latency (such as few milliseconds) is needed, * and where occasional duplicate messages (on recovery) do not matter.</p> */ AT_LEAST_ONCE}


目前我们接触的一致性保证都是 Flink 流处理器内部保证的;而在真实应用中,流处理应用除了流处理器以外还包含了数据源(例如 Kafka)和输出到持久化系统。

  • flink 内部保证:依赖 checkpoint

  • source 端:需要外部源可重设数据的读取位置

  • sink 端:需要保证从故障恢复时,数据不会重复写入外部系统。两种方式:幂等写入、事务写入。

不同 Source 和 Sink 的一致性保证


发布于: 刚刚阅读数: 3

该来的总会来,或迟或早。🎈 2022.06.13 加入


