
极客时间《如何落地业务建模》学习笔记 10,题图来自极客时间专栏
每个人都会遇到自己“导师”,一下内容节选自 TED
3 principles to building and keeping a great relationship with a mentor
Coming in with a perspective from your generation that they'll be able to share with their colleagues is a great way to provide value.
Giving, not just getting
When I was a mentee, I always made sure to get at least one piece of advice that I could put into action within a month.
Taking their advice so they know their time was used wisely
I saw my mentorship relationships change when I began asking personal questions.
Asking for personal life advice - not just professional career advice
I honed my approach to mentorship over many years by carefully observing what helped me connect more deeply with individual people.
Finding people who can advise and support you is much easier that most people imagine if you think about how they can have a good experience mentoring you.
Show how their advice has helped you;
Give them something they can use, too;
Get personal, not just professional
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