OpenMLDB Weekly Update(2021.9.12-2021.9.19)
本周合并 Pull requests 12 个,新增 Pull requests 4 个,关闭 Issues 6 个,新增 Issues 18 个。总计 353 个文件修改,新增 36056 行代码,删除 879 行代码。

Merged Pull Requests
feat: add a new optimization for expanding data in window skew optimization#424
feat: support insert multiple rows into a table using a single SQL insert statement#399
feat: bump junit from 4.11 to 4.13.1 in /java/openmldb-batchjob#382
Open Pull Requests
build(deps): bump snakeyaml from 1.17 to 1.26 in /test/batch-test/openmldb-batch-test#416
feat: reorganize error code and use check_status and check_true#435
Close Issues
Make openmldb-batchjob and openmldb-taskmanager as submodules of openmldb-parent#385
Support submit and manage Kubernetes jobs for TaskManager#375
Bug: SQL INSERT Statement with multi rows does not work as expected#391
Support General aggegrate function over table `COUNT`, `MAX`, `MIN`, `SUM`#219
feat: support integration test for java/python sdk and offline batch#316
Open Issues
feat: try run benchmark on GitHub workflow, compare & upload test results#432
feat: improve cli and make the console output more clean and clear#426
Sync metadata to hive metastore when creating iceberg table#421
Enable optimization fo window parallel computation by default#412
Refine the parameters from TaskManager API to support more job status#408
aceforeverd (
Chen22 (
dl239 (
Kanekanekane (
Kanekanekane (kane@KanedeMacBook-Pro.local)
tobe (
Wang ZeKai (
wuyou10206 (
本周新增加了 IntegrationTest 集成测试模块,并集成到 CICD 流程,整体代码修改较多,主要是新增了大量 SQL 测试用例。TaskManager 模块新增 Kubernetes 依赖,支持多种计算集群后端的任务管理。BatchJob 模块加入 Java 项目子模块中,纳入完整的 CICD 集成流程。本周项目正式通过 2021 年信通院可信开源项目评审,并在代码上升级 Hadoop-common 依赖版本解决潜在风险问题,修复项目 License 依赖风险问题。
版权声明: 本文为 InfoQ 作者【第四范式开发者社区】的原创文章。