
kubelet 之 csi driver 注册分析

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kubelet之csi driver注册分析

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kubelet 注册 csi driver 的相关功能代码与 kubelet 的 pluginManager 有关,所以接下来对 pluginManager 进行分析。分析将分为 pluginManager 的初始化分析以及 pluginManager 的运行(处理逻辑)分析。

基于 tag v1.17.4


kubelet 注册 csi driver 的原理

kubelet 的 pluginManager 会监听某个特定目录,而负责向 kubelet 注册 csi driver 的组件 Node Driver Registrar 会创建暴露服务的 socket 在该目录下(每个 plugin 会对应一个 Node Driver Registrar 组件,也就是说,一个 Node Driver Registrar 只负责一个 plugin 的注册工作),pluginManager 通过 Node Driver Registrar 组件暴露的 socket 获取 plugin 信息(包括 plugin 的 socket 地址、plugin 名称等),从而最终做到根据该目录下 socket 文件的新增/删除来做相应的 plugin 注册/取消注册操作。

该图是 Node Driver Registrar 向 kubelet 注册 csi driver 的步骤流程图,这里大概看一下,可以等下一篇博客分析了 Node Driver Registrar 后,再回过头来结合本篇博客一起理解 kubelet 注册 csi driver 的整个过程。

plugin 注册完成后,后续 kubelet 将通过 plugin 暴露的 socket 与 plugin 进行通信,做存储挂载/解除挂载等操作。

Node Driver Registrar

Node Driver Registrar 在前面的文章中介绍过,它是一个 sidecar 容器,通过 Kubelet 的插件注册机制将 CSI plugin(csi driver,两个名词意义一样)注册到 Kubelet,让 kubelet 做 volume 的 mount/umount 操作时知道怎么调用相应的 csi plugin。

kubelet pluginManager 源码分析

1 pluginManager 的初始化

调用 NewMainKubelet()初始化 kubelet 的时候,会调用 pluginmanager.NewPluginManager 来初始化 pluginManager,所以把 NewMainKubelet()作为分析入口。


NewMainKubelet()中调用了 pluginmanager.NewPluginManager 来初始化 pluginManager。

这里留意 klet.getPluginsRegistrationDir(),调用该方法实际会返回plugins_registry,而该 sockDir 会传参进入 pluginManager 的 desiredStateOfWorldPopulator 结构体当中,相当于 pluginManager 会监听plugins_registry目录(负责向 kubelet 注册 csi driver 的组件 Node Driver Registrar 会创建暴露服务的 socket 在该目录下),pluginManager 通过 Node Driver Registrar 组件暴露的 socket 获取 plugin 信息(包括 plugin 的 socket 地址、plugin 名称等),从而最终做到根据该目录下 socket 文件的新增/删除来做相应的 plugin 注册/取消注册操作。

// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go// NewMainKubelet instantiates a new Kubelet object along with all the required internal modules.// No initialization of Kubelet and its modules should happen here.func NewMainKubelet(kubeCfg *kubeletconfiginternal.KubeletConfiguration,  ...  nodeStatusMaxImages int32) (*Kubelet, error) {  ...    klet.pluginManager = pluginmanager.NewPluginManager(    klet.getPluginsRegistrationDir(), /* sockDir */    kubeDeps.Recorder,  )  ...}

// pkg/kubelet/pluginmanager/plugin_manager.go// NewPluginManager returns a new concrete instance implementing the// PluginManager interface.func NewPluginManager(  sockDir string,  recorder record.EventRecorder) PluginManager {  asw := cache.NewActualStateOfWorld()  dsw := cache.NewDesiredStateOfWorld()  reconciler := reconciler.NewReconciler(    operationexecutor.NewOperationExecutor(      operationexecutor.NewOperationGenerator(        recorder,      ),    ),    loopSleepDuration,    dsw,    asw,  )
pm := &pluginManager{ desiredStateOfWorldPopulator: pluginwatcher.NewWatcher( sockDir, dsw, ), reconciler: reconciler, desiredStateOfWorld: dsw, actualStateOfWorld: asw, } return pm}


调用 klet.getPluginsRegistrationDir()会返回plugins_registry

// pkg/kubelet/kubelet_getters.go// getPluginsRegistrationDir returns the full path to the directory under which// plugins socket should be placed to be registered.// More information is available about plugin registration in the pluginwatcher// modulefunc (kl *Kubelet) getPluginsRegistrationDir() string {  return filepath.Join(kl.getRootDir(), config.DefaultKubeletPluginsRegistrationDirName)}

// pkg/kubelet/config/defaults.goconst (    ...    DefaultKubeletPluginsRegistrationDirName = "plugins_registry"    ...)

2 pluginManager struct

再来看到 pluginManager 结构体,pluginManager 结构体与 volumeManager 结构体类似,都有 actualStateOfWorld 与 desiredStateOfWorld 两个属性。

kubelet pluginManager 监听的 socket 注册目录每增加/删除一个 socket 文件,都会写入 desiredStateOfWorld 中/从 desiredStateOfWorld 中删除。

// pkg/kubelet/pluginmanager/plugin_manager.go// pluginManager implements the PluginManager interfacetype pluginManager struct {  // desiredStateOfWorldPopulator (the plugin watcher) runs an asynchronous  // periodic loop to populate the desiredStateOfWorld.  desiredStateOfWorldPopulator *pluginwatcher.Watcher
// reconciler runs an asynchronous periodic loop to reconcile the // desiredStateOfWorld with the actualStateOfWorld by triggering register // and unregister operations using the operationExecutor. reconciler reconciler.Reconciler
// actualStateOfWorld is a data structure containing the actual state of // the world according to the manager: i.e. which plugins are registered. // The data structure is populated upon successful completion of register // and unregister actions triggered by the reconciler. actualStateOfWorld cache.ActualStateOfWorld
// desiredStateOfWorld is a data structure containing the desired state of // the world according to the plugin manager: i.e. what plugins are registered. // The data structure is populated by the desired state of the world // populator (plugin watcher). desiredStateOfWorld cache.DesiredStateOfWorld}


actualStateOfWorld 结构体中存放的是已经完成了 plugin 注册操作的 Node Driver Registrar 组件暴露的 socket 相关信息。

// ActualStateOfWorld defines a set of thread-safe operations for the kubelet// plugin manager's actual state of the world cache.// This cache contains a map of socket file path to plugin information of// all plugins attached to this node.type ActualStateOfWorld interface {
// GetRegisteredPlugins generates and returns a list of plugins // that are successfully registered plugins in the current actual state of world. GetRegisteredPlugins() []PluginInfo
// AddPlugin add the given plugin in the cache. // An error will be returned if socketPath of the PluginInfo object is empty. // Note that this is different from desired world cache's AddOrUpdatePlugin // because for the actual state of world cache, there won't be a scenario where // we need to update an existing plugin if the timestamps don't match. This is // because the plugin should have been unregistered in the reconciller and therefore // removed from the actual state of world cache first before adding it back into // the actual state of world cache again with the new timestamp AddPlugin(pluginInfo PluginInfo) error
// RemovePlugin deletes the plugin with the given socket path from the actual // state of world. // If a plugin does not exist with the given socket path, this is a no-op. RemovePlugin(socketPath string)
// PluginExists checks if the given plugin exists in the current actual // state of world cache with the correct timestamp PluginExistsWithCorrectTimestamp(pluginInfo PluginInfo) bool}
// NewActualStateOfWorld returns a new instance of ActualStateOfWorldfunc NewActualStateOfWorld() ActualStateOfWorld { return &actualStateOfWorld{ socketFileToInfo: make(map[string]PluginInfo), }}
type actualStateOfWorld struct {
// socketFileToInfo is a map containing the set of successfully registered plugins // The keys are plugin socket file paths. The values are PluginInfo objects socketFileToInfo map[string]PluginInfo sync.RWMutex}


desiredStateOfWorld 结构体中存放的是在 pluginManager 监听目录下存在的,希望完成 plugin 注册操作的 Node Driver Registrar 组件暴露的 socket 相关信息。

// DesiredStateOfWorld defines a set of thread-safe operations for the kubelet// plugin manager's desired state of the world cache.// This cache contains a map of socket file path to plugin information of// all plugins attached to this node.type DesiredStateOfWorld interface { // AddOrUpdatePlugin add the given plugin in the cache if it doesn't already exist. // If it does exist in the cache, then the timestamp of the PluginInfo object in the cache will be updated. // An error will be returned if socketPath is empty. AddOrUpdatePlugin(socketPath string) error
// RemovePlugin deletes the plugin with the given socket path from the desired // state of world. // If a plugin does not exist with the given socket path, this is a no-op. RemovePlugin(socketPath string)
// GetPluginsToRegister generates and returns a list of plugins // in the current desired state of world. GetPluginsToRegister() []PluginInfo
// PluginExists checks if the given socket path exists in the current desired // state of world cache PluginExists(socketPath string) bool}
// NewDesiredStateOfWorld returns a new instance of DesiredStateOfWorld.func NewDesiredStateOfWorld() DesiredStateOfWorld { return &desiredStateOfWorld{ socketFileToInfo: make(map[string]PluginInfo), }}
type desiredStateOfWorld struct {
// socketFileToInfo is a map containing the set of successfully registered plugins // The keys are plugin socket file paths. The values are PluginInfo objects socketFileToInfo map[string]PluginInfo sync.RWMutex}

3 pluginManager 的运行

上面介绍了pluginManager的初始化,接下来介绍pluginManager的运行也即 Run 方法进行分析,分析一下 pluginManager 的处理逻辑。


kubelet的Run()方法(pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go) --> kl.updateRuntimeUp()(pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go) --> kl.initializeRuntimeDependentModules()(pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go) --> kl.pluginManager.Run()


下面直接看到 kl.pluginManager.Run 的代码。


(1)pm.desiredStateOfWorldPopulator.Start():持续监听 plugin 的 socket 注册目录的变化事件,将 Node Driver Registrar 的 socket 信息写入 desiredStateOfWorld 中/从 desiredStateOfWorld 中删除;


// pkg/kubelet/pluginmanager/plugin_manager.gofunc (pm *pluginManager) Run(sourcesReady config.SourcesReady, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {  defer runtime.HandleCrash()
pm.desiredStateOfWorldPopulator.Start(stopCh) klog.V(2).Infof("The desired_state_of_world populator (plugin watcher) starts")
klog.Infof("Starting Kubelet Plugin Manager") go pm.reconciler.Run(stopCh)
metrics.Register(pm.actualStateOfWorld, pm.desiredStateOfWorld) <-stopCh klog.Infof("Shutting down Kubelet Plugin Manager")}

3.1 pm.desiredStateOfWorldPopulator.Start()

跑一个 goroutine,持续监听 plugin 的 socket 注册目录的变化事件:

(1)当变化事件为新增事件时,即 socket 目录下多了文件,则调用 w.handleCreateEvent,将该 socket 加入到 desiredStateOfWorld 中;

(2)当变化事件为删除事件时,即 socket 目录下删除了文件,则调用 w.handleDeleteEvent,将该 socket 从 desiredStateOfWorld 中删除。

// pkg/kubelet/pluginmanager/pluginwatcher/plugin_watcher.go// Start watches for the creation and deletion of plugin sockets at the pathfunc (w *Watcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {  klog.V(2).Infof("Plugin Watcher Start at %s", w.path)
w.stopped = make(chan struct{})
// Creating the directory to be watched if it doesn't exist yet, // and walks through the directory to discover the existing plugins. if err := w.init(); err != nil { return err }
fsWatcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to start plugin fsWatcher, err: %v", err) } w.fsWatcher = fsWatcher
// Traverse plugin dir and add filesystem watchers before starting the plugin processing goroutine. if err := w.traversePluginDir(w.path); err != nil { klog.Errorf("failed to traverse plugin socket path %q, err: %v", w.path, err) }
go func(fsWatcher *fsnotify.Watcher) { defer close(w.stopped) for { select { case event := <-fsWatcher.Events: //TODO: Handle errors by taking corrective measures if event.Op&fsnotify.Create == fsnotify.Create { err := w.handleCreateEvent(event) if err != nil { klog.Errorf("error %v when handling create event: %s", err, event) } } else if event.Op&fsnotify.Remove == fsnotify.Remove { w.handleDeleteEvent(event) } continue case err := <-fsWatcher.Errors: if err != nil { klog.Errorf("fsWatcher received error: %v", err) } continue case <-stopCh: // In case of plugin watcher being stopped by plugin manager, stop // probing the creation/deletion of plugin sockets. // Also give all pending go routines a chance to complete select { case <-w.stopped: case <-time.After(11 * time.Second): klog.Errorf("timeout on stopping watcher") } w.fsWatcher.Close() return } } }(fsWatcher)
return nil}



(1)判断新增事件是否为文件,且是否是 socket 文件;

(2)是 socket 文件,则调用 w.handlePluginRegistration 做处理,主要是将该 socket 加入到 desiredStateOfWorld 中。

// pkg/kubelet/pluginmanager/pluginwatcher/plugin_watcher.gofunc (w *Watcher) handleCreateEvent(event fsnotify.Event) error {  klog.V(6).Infof("Handling create event: %v", event)
fi, err := os.Stat(event.Name) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("stat file %s failed: %v", event.Name, err) }
if strings.HasPrefix(fi.Name(), ".") { klog.V(5).Infof("Ignoring file (starts with '.'): %s", fi.Name()) return nil }
if !fi.IsDir() { isSocket, err := util.IsUnixDomainSocket(util.NormalizePath(event.Name)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to determine if file: %s is a unix domain socket: %v", event.Name, err) } if !isSocket { klog.V(5).Infof("Ignoring non socket file %s", fi.Name()) return nil }
return w.handlePluginRegistration(event.Name) }
return w.traversePluginDir(event.Name)}
func (w *Watcher) handlePluginRegistration(socketPath string) error { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { socketPath = util.NormalizePath(socketPath) } //TODO: Implement rate limiting to mitigate any DOS kind of attacks. // Update desired state of world list of plugins // If the socket path does exist in the desired world cache, there's still // a possibility that it has been deleted and recreated again before it is // removed from the desired world cache, so we still need to call AddOrUpdatePlugin // in this case to update the timestamp klog.V(2).Infof("Adding socket path or updating timestamp %s to desired state cache", socketPath) err := w.desiredStateOfWorld.AddOrUpdatePlugin(socketPath) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error adding socket path %s or updating timestamp to desired state cache: %v", socketPath, err) } return nil}



(1)将 socket 从 desiredStateOfWorld 中删除。

// pkg/kubelet/pluginmanager/pluginwatcher/plugin_watcher.gofunc (w *Watcher) handleDeleteEvent(event fsnotify.Event) {  klog.V(6).Infof("Handling delete event: %v", event)
socketPath := event.Name klog.V(2).Infof("Removing socket path %s from desired state cache", socketPath) w.desiredStateOfWorld.RemovePlugin(socketPath)}

3.2 pm.reconciler.Run()

pm.reconciler.Run()主要逻辑为对比 desiredStateOfWorld 与 actualStateOfWorld 做调谐,做 plugin 的注册操作/取消注册操作。具体逻辑如下:

(1)对比 actualStateOfWorld,如果 desiredStateOfWorld 中没有该 socket 信息,或者 desiredStateOfWorld 中该 socket 的 Timestamp 值与 actualStateOfWorld 中的不相等(即 plugin 更新了),则说明该 plugin 需要取消注册(更新的 plugin 需先取消注册,然后再次注册),调用 rc.operationExecutor.UnregisterPlugin 做 plugin 取消注册操作;

(2)对比 desiredStateOfWorld,如果 actualStateOfWorld 中没有该 socket 信息,则调用 rc.operationExecutor.RegisterPlugin 做 plugin 注册操作。

// pkg/kubelet/pluginmanager/reconciler/reconciler.gofunc (rc *reconciler) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {  wait.Until(func() {    rc.reconcile()  },    rc.loopSleepDuration,    stopCh)}

func (rc *reconciler) reconcile() { // Unregisterations are triggered before registrations
// Ensure plugins that should be unregistered are unregistered. for _, registeredPlugin := range rc.actualStateOfWorld.GetRegisteredPlugins() { unregisterPlugin := false if !rc.desiredStateOfWorld.PluginExists(registeredPlugin.SocketPath) { unregisterPlugin = true } else { // We also need to unregister the plugins that exist in both actual state of world // and desired state of world cache, but the timestamps don't match. // Iterate through desired state of world plugins and see if there's any plugin // with the same socket path but different timestamp. for _, dswPlugin := range rc.desiredStateOfWorld.GetPluginsToRegister() { if dswPlugin.SocketPath == registeredPlugin.SocketPath && dswPlugin.Timestamp != registeredPlugin.Timestamp { klog.V(5).Infof(registeredPlugin.GenerateMsgDetailed("An updated version of plugin has been found, unregistering the plugin first before reregistering", "")) unregisterPlugin = true break } } }
if unregisterPlugin { klog.V(5).Infof(registeredPlugin.GenerateMsgDetailed("Starting operationExecutor.UnregisterPlugin", "")) err := rc.operationExecutor.UnregisterPlugin(registeredPlugin.SocketPath, rc.getHandlers(), rc.actualStateOfWorld) if err != nil && !goroutinemap.IsAlreadyExists(err) && !exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff(err) { // Ignore goroutinemap.IsAlreadyExists and exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff errors, they are expected. // Log all other errors. klog.Errorf(registeredPlugin.GenerateErrorDetailed("operationExecutor.UnregisterPlugin failed", err).Error()) } if err == nil { klog.V(1).Infof(registeredPlugin.GenerateMsgDetailed("operationExecutor.UnregisterPlugin started", "")) } } }
// Ensure plugins that should be registered are registered for _, pluginToRegister := range rc.desiredStateOfWorld.GetPluginsToRegister() { if !rc.actualStateOfWorld.PluginExistsWithCorrectTimestamp(pluginToRegister) { klog.V(5).Infof(pluginToRegister.GenerateMsgDetailed("Starting operationExecutor.RegisterPlugin", "")) err := rc.operationExecutor.RegisterPlugin(pluginToRegister.SocketPath, pluginToRegister.Timestamp, rc.getHandlers(), rc.actualStateOfWorld) if err != nil && !goroutinemap.IsAlreadyExists(err) && !exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff(err) { // Ignore goroutinemap.IsAlreadyExists and exponentialbackoff.IsExponentialBackoff errors, they are expected. klog.Errorf(pluginToRegister.GenerateErrorDetailed("operationExecutor.RegisterPlugin failed", err).Error()) } if err == nil { klog.V(1).Infof(pluginToRegister.GenerateMsgDetailed("operationExecutor.RegisterPlugin started", "")) } } }}

3.2.1 rc.operationExecutor.UnregisterPlugin()

rc.operationExecutor.UnregisterPlugin()主要逻辑:做 plugin 取消注册操作。

那 plugin 取消注册操作具体做了什么呢?继续往下分析。

plugin 取消注册操作方法调用链

kl.pluginManager.Run --> pm.desiredStateOfWorldPopulator.Start() --> pm.reconciler.Run() --> rc.reconcile() --> rc.operationExecutor.UnregisterPlugin() --> oe.operationGenerator.GenerateUnregisterPluginFunc() --> handler.DeRegisterPlugin() --> nim.UninstallCSIDriver() --> nim.updateNode()

下面来对 plugin 取消注册操作的部分关键方法进行分析。


下面来分析下 GenerateUnregisterPluginFunc 的逻辑,主要是定义并实现一个 plugin 取消注册的方法,然后返回。plugin 取消注册方法主要逻辑如下:

(1)检测 Node Driver Registrar 组件 socket 的连通性;

(2)通过 Node Driver Registrar 组件 socket 获取 plugin 信息;

(3)从 actualStateOfWorld 中删除该 Node Driver Registrar 组件的 socket 信息;

(4)调用 handler.DeRegisterPlugin 做进一步的 plugin 取消注册操作。

所以接下来会对 handler.DeRegisterPlugin 方法进行分析。

// pkg/kubelet/pluginmanager/operationexecutor/operation_executor.gofunc (oe *operationExecutor) UnregisterPlugin(  socketPath string,  pluginHandlers map[string]cache.PluginHandler,  actualStateOfWorld ActualStateOfWorldUpdater) error {  generatedOperation :=    oe.operationGenerator.GenerateUnregisterPluginFunc(socketPath, pluginHandlers, actualStateOfWorld)
return oe.pendingOperations.Run( socketPath, generatedOperation)}

// pkg/kubelet/pluginmanager/operationexecutor/operation_generator.gofunc (og *operationGenerator) GenerateUnregisterPluginFunc(  socketPath string,  pluginHandlers map[string]cache.PluginHandler,  actualStateOfWorldUpdater ActualStateOfWorldUpdater) func() error {
unregisterPluginFunc := func() error { client, conn, err := dial(socketPath, dialTimeoutDuration) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("UnregisterPlugin error -- dial failed at socket %s, err: %v", socketPath, err) } defer conn.Close()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second) defer cancel()
infoResp, err := client.GetInfo(ctx, &registerapi.InfoRequest{}) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("UnregisterPlugin error -- failed to get plugin info using RPC GetInfo at socket %s, err: %v", socketPath, err) }
handler, ok := pluginHandlers[infoResp.Type] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("UnregisterPlugin error -- no handler registered for plugin type: %s at socket %s", infoResp.Type, socketPath) }
// We remove the plugin to the actual state of world cache before calling a plugin consumer's Unregister handle // so that if we receive a register event during Register Plugin, we can process it as a Register call. actualStateOfWorldUpdater.RemovePlugin(socketPath)
handler.DeRegisterPlugin(infoResp.Name) return nil } return unregisterPluginFunc}


handler.DeRegisterPlugin()方法里逻辑比较简单,主要是调用了 unregisterDriver()方法。


(1)从 csiDrivers 变量中删除该 plugin 信息(后续 kubelet 调用 csi plugin 进行存储的挂载/解除挂载操作,将通过 plugin 名称从 csiDrivers 变量中拿到 socket 地址并进行通信,所以取消注册 plugin 时,需要从 csiDrivers 变量中把该 plugin 信息去除);

(2)调用 nim.UninstallCSIDriver()做进一步处理。

// pkg/volume/csi/csi_plugin.go// DeRegisterPlugin is called when a plugin removed its socket, signaling// it is no longer availablefunc (h *RegistrationHandler) DeRegisterPlugin(pluginName string) {  klog.Info(log("registrationHandler.DeRegisterPlugin request for plugin %s", pluginName))  if err := unregisterDriver(pluginName); err != nil {    klog.Error(log("registrationHandler.DeRegisterPlugin failed: %v", err))  }}
func unregisterDriver(driverName string) error { csiDrivers.Delete(driverName)
if err := nim.UninstallCSIDriver(driverName); err != nil { return errors.New(log("Error uninstalling CSI driver: %v", err)) }
return nil}


接下来看到 nim.UninstallCSIDriver()方法的分析。

nim.UninstallCSIDriver()中主要看到 nim.uninstallDriverFromCSINode()、removeMaxAttachLimit()与 removeNodeIDFromNode()3 个方法,主要逻辑都在其中:


(2)removeMaxAttachLimit():更新 node 对象,从 node.Status.Capacity 及 node.Status.Allocatable 中去除取消注册的 plugin 的相关信息。

(3)removeNodeIDFromNode():更新 node 对象,从 node 对象的 annotation 中 key 为csi.volume.kubernetes.io/nodeid的值中去除取消注册的 plugin 信息。

node 对象的 annotation 示例:

csi.volume.kubernetes.io/nodeid: '{"cephfs.csi.ceph.com":"","rbd.csi.ceph.com":""}'

CSIDriver 对象示例:

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1kind: CSINodemetadata:  name:  drivers:  - name: cephfs.csi.ceph.com    nodeID:    topologyKeys: null  - name: rbd.csi.ceph.com    nodeID:    topologyKeys: null


// pkg/volume/csi/nodeinfomanager/nodeinfomanager.go// UninstallCSIDriver removes the node ID annotation from the Node object and CSIDrivers field from the// CSINode object. If the CSINOdeInfo object contains no CSIDrivers, it will be deleted.// If multiple calls to UninstallCSIDriver() are made in parallel, some calls might receive Node or// CSINode update conflicts, which causes the function to retry the corresponding update.func (nim *nodeInfoManager) UninstallCSIDriver(driverName string) error {  if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.CSINodeInfo) {    err := nim.uninstallDriverFromCSINode(driverName)    if err != nil {      return fmt.Errorf("error uninstalling CSI driver from CSINode object %v", err)    }  }
err := nim.updateNode( removeMaxAttachLimit(driverName), removeNodeIDFromNode(driverName), ) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error removing CSI driver node info from Node object %v", err) } return nil}
func (nim *nodeInfoManager) updateNode(updateFuncs ...nodeUpdateFunc) error { var updateErrs []error err := wait.ExponentialBackoff(updateBackoff, func() (bool, error) { if err := nim.tryUpdateNode(updateFuncs...); err != nil { updateErrs = append(updateErrs, err) return false, nil } return true, nil }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error updating node: %v; caused by: %v", err, utilerrors.NewAggregate(updateErrs)) } return nil}

(1)nim.uninstallDriverFromCSINode():更新 CSINode 对象,从中去除取消注册的 plugin 的相关信息。

// pkg/volume/csi/nodeinfomanager/nodeinfomanager.gofunc (nim *nodeInfoManager) uninstallDriverFromCSINode(  csiDriverName string) error {
csiKubeClient := nim.volumeHost.GetKubeClient() if csiKubeClient == nil { return fmt.Errorf("error getting CSI client") }
var updateErrs []error err := wait.ExponentialBackoff(updateBackoff, func() (bool, error) { if err := nim.tryUninstallDriverFromCSINode(csiKubeClient, csiDriverName); err != nil { updateErrs = append(updateErrs, err) return false, nil } return true, nil }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error updating CSINode: %v; caused by: %v", err, utilerrors.NewAggregate(updateErrs)) } return nil}
func (nim *nodeInfoManager) tryUninstallDriverFromCSINode( csiKubeClient clientset.Interface, csiDriverName string) error {
nodeInfoClient := csiKubeClient.StorageV1().CSINodes() nodeInfo, err := nodeInfoClient.Get(string(nim.nodeName), metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil && errors.IsNotFound(err) { return nil } else if err != nil { return err }
hasModified := false // Uninstall CSINodeDriver with name csiDriverName drivers := nodeInfo.Spec.Drivers[:0] for _, driver := range nodeInfo.Spec.Drivers { if driver.Name != csiDriverName { drivers = append(drivers, driver) } else { // Found a driver with name csiDriverName // Set hasModified to true because it will be removed hasModified = true } }
if !hasModified { // No changes, don't update return nil } nodeInfo.Spec.Drivers = drivers
_, err = nodeInfoClient.Update(nodeInfo)
return err // do not wrap error

(2)removeMaxAttachLimit():更新 node 对象,从 node.Status.Capacity 及 node.Status.Allocatable 中去除取消注册的 plugin 的相关信息。

// pkg/volume/csi/nodeinfomanager/nodeinfomanager.gofunc removeMaxAttachLimit(driverName string) nodeUpdateFunc {  return func(node *v1.Node) (*v1.Node, bool, error) {    limitKey := v1.ResourceName(util.GetCSIAttachLimitKey(driverName))
capacityExists := false if node.Status.Capacity != nil { _, capacityExists = node.Status.Capacity[limitKey] }
allocatableExists := false if node.Status.Allocatable != nil { _, allocatableExists = node.Status.Allocatable[limitKey] }
if !capacityExists && !allocatableExists { return node, false, nil }
delete(node.Status.Capacity, limitKey) if len(node.Status.Capacity) == 0 { node.Status.Capacity = nil }
delete(node.Status.Allocatable, limitKey) if len(node.Status.Allocatable) == 0 { node.Status.Allocatable = nil }
return node, true, nil }}

(3)removeNodeIDFromNode():更新 node 对象,从 node 对象的 annotation 中 key 为csi.volume.kubernetes.io/nodeid的值中去除取消注册的 plugin 信息。

// pkg/volume/csi/nodeinfomanager/nodeinfomanager.go// removeNodeIDFromNode returns a function that removes node ID information matching the given// driver name from a Node object.func removeNodeIDFromNode(csiDriverName string) nodeUpdateFunc {  return func(node *v1.Node) (*v1.Node, bool, error) {    var previousAnnotationValue string    if node.ObjectMeta.Annotations != nil {      previousAnnotationValue =        node.ObjectMeta.Annotations[annotationKeyNodeID]    }
if previousAnnotationValue == "" { return node, false, nil }
// Parse previousAnnotationValue as JSON existingDriverMap := map[string]string{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(previousAnnotationValue), &existingDriverMap); err != nil { return nil, false, fmt.Errorf( "failed to parse node's %q annotation value (%q) err=%v", annotationKeyNodeID, previousAnnotationValue, err) }
if _, ok := existingDriverMap[csiDriverName]; !ok { // Value is already missing in node annotation, nothing more to do return node, false, nil }
// Delete annotation value delete(existingDriverMap, csiDriverName) if len(existingDriverMap) == 0 { delete(node.ObjectMeta.Annotations, annotationKeyNodeID) } else { jsonObj, err := json.Marshal(existingDriverMap) if err != nil { return nil, false, fmt.Errorf( "failed while trying to remove key %q from node %q annotation. Existing data: %v", csiDriverName, annotationKeyNodeID, previousAnnotationValue) }
node.ObjectMeta.Annotations[annotationKeyNodeID] = string(jsonObj) }
return node, true, nil }}

3.2.2 rc.operationExecutor.RegisterPlugin()

rc.operationExecutor.RegisterPlugin()主要逻辑:做 plugin 注册操作。

那 plugin 注册操作具体做了什么呢?继续往下分析。

plugin 取消注册操作方法调用链

kl.pluginManager.Run --> pm.desiredStateOfWorldPopulator.Start() --> pm.reconciler.Run() --> rc.reconcile() --> rc.operationExecutor.RegisterPlugin() --> oe.operationGenerator.GenerateRegisterPluginFunc() --> handler.RegisterPlugin() --> nim.InstallCSIDriver() --> nim.updateNode()

下面来对 plugin 注册操作的部分关键方法进行分析。


下面来分析下 GenerateRegisterPluginFunc 的逻辑,主要是定义并实现一个 plugin 取消注册的方法,然后返回。plugin 取消注册方法主要逻辑如下:

(1)检测 Node Driver Registrar 组件 socket 的连通性;

(2)通过 Node Driver Registrar 组件 socket 获取 plugin 信息(包括 plugin 的 socket 地址、plugin 名称等);

(3)调用 handler.ValidatePlugin(),检查已注册的 plugin 中是否有比该需要注册的 plugin 同名的的更高的版本,如有,则返回注册失败,并通知 plugin 注册失败;

(4)向 actualStateOfWorld 中增加该 Node Driver Registrar 组件的 socket 信息;

(5)调用 handler.RegisterPlugin()做进一步的 plugin 注册操作;

(6)调用 og.notifyPlugin,通知 plugin,已经向 kubelet 注册成功/注册失败。

所以接下来会对 handler.RegisterPlugin()方法进行分析。

// pkg/kubelet/pluginmanager/operationexecutor/operation_executor.gofunc (oe *operationExecutor) RegisterPlugin(  socketPath string,  timestamp time.Time,  pluginHandlers map[string]cache.PluginHandler,  actualStateOfWorld ActualStateOfWorldUpdater) error {  generatedOperation :=    oe.operationGenerator.GenerateRegisterPluginFunc(socketPath, timestamp, pluginHandlers, actualStateOfWorld)
return oe.pendingOperations.Run( socketPath, generatedOperation)}

// pkg/kubelet/pluginmanager/operationexecutor/operation_generator.gofunc (og *operationGenerator) GenerateRegisterPluginFunc(  socketPath string,  timestamp time.Time,  pluginHandlers map[string]cache.PluginHandler,  actualStateOfWorldUpdater ActualStateOfWorldUpdater) func() error {
registerPluginFunc := func() error { client, conn, err := dial(socketPath, dialTimeoutDuration) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("RegisterPlugin error -- dial failed at socket %s, err: %v", socketPath, err) } defer conn.Close()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second) defer cancel()
infoResp, err := client.GetInfo(ctx, &registerapi.InfoRequest{}) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("RegisterPlugin error -- failed to get plugin info using RPC GetInfo at socket %s, err: %v", socketPath, err) }
handler, ok := pluginHandlers[infoResp.Type] if !ok { if err := og.notifyPlugin(client, false, fmt.Sprintf("RegisterPlugin error -- no handler registered for plugin type: %s at socket %s", infoResp.Type, socketPath)); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("RegisterPlugin error -- failed to send error at socket %s, err: %v", socketPath, err) } return fmt.Errorf("RegisterPlugin error -- no handler registered for plugin type: %s at socket %s", infoResp.Type, socketPath) }
if infoResp.Endpoint == "" { infoResp.Endpoint = socketPath } if err := handler.ValidatePlugin(infoResp.Name, infoResp.Endpoint, infoResp.SupportedVersions); err != nil { if err = og.notifyPlugin(client, false, fmt.Sprintf("RegisterPlugin error -- plugin validation failed with err: %v", err)); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("RegisterPlugin error -- failed to send error at socket %s, err: %v", socketPath, err) } return fmt.Errorf("RegisterPlugin error -- pluginHandler.ValidatePluginFunc failed") } // We add the plugin to the actual state of world cache before calling a plugin consumer's Register handle // so that if we receive a delete event during Register Plugin, we can process it as a DeRegister call. err = actualStateOfWorldUpdater.AddPlugin(cache.PluginInfo{ SocketPath: socketPath, Timestamp: timestamp, }) if err != nil { klog.Errorf("RegisterPlugin error -- failed to add plugin at socket %s, err: %v", socketPath, err) } if err := handler.RegisterPlugin(infoResp.Name, infoResp.Endpoint, infoResp.SupportedVersions); err != nil { return og.notifyPlugin(client, false, fmt.Sprintf("RegisterPlugin error -- plugin registration failed with err: %v", err)) }
// Notify is called after register to guarantee that even if notify throws an error Register will always be called after validate if err := og.notifyPlugin(client, true, ""); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("RegisterPlugin error -- failed to send registration status at socket %s, err: %v", socketPath, err) } return nil } return registerPluginFunc}



(1)存储该 plugin 信息(主要是 plugin 名称与 plugin 的 socket 地址)到 csiDrivers 变量中(后续 kubelet 调用 csi plugin 进行存储的挂载/解除挂载操作,将通过 plugin 名称从此变量中拿到 socket 地址并进行通信);

(2)检测 Node Driver Registrar 组件 socket 的连通性;

(3)通过 plugin 的 socket 获取 plugin 信息(包括 plugin 的 NodeId、最大挂载数量限制、拓扑信息等);

(4)调用 nim.InstallCSIDriver,做进一步的 plugin 注册操作。

// pkg/volume/csi/csi_plugin.go
// TODO (verult) consider using a struct instead of global variables// csiDrivers map keep track of all registered CSI drivers on the node and their// corresponding socketsvar csiDrivers = &DriversStore{}
// RegisterPlugin is called when a plugin can be registeredfunc (h *RegistrationHandler) RegisterPlugin(pluginName string, endpoint string, versions []string) error { klog.Infof(log("Register new plugin with name: %s at endpoint: %s", pluginName, endpoint))
highestSupportedVersion, err := h.validateVersions("RegisterPlugin", pluginName, endpoint, versions) if err != nil { return err }
// Storing endpoint of newly registered CSI driver into the map, where CSI driver name will be the key // all other CSI components will be able to get the actual socket of CSI drivers by its name. csiDrivers.Set(pluginName, Driver{ endpoint: endpoint, highestSupportedVersion: highestSupportedVersion, })
// Get node info from the driver. csi, err := newCsiDriverClient(csiDriverName(pluginName)) if err != nil { return err }
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), csiTimeout) defer cancel()
driverNodeID, maxVolumePerNode, accessibleTopology, err := csi.NodeGetInfo(ctx) if err != nil { if unregErr := unregisterDriver(pluginName); unregErr != nil { klog.Error(log("registrationHandler.RegisterPlugin failed to unregister plugin due to previous error: %v", unregErr)) } return err }
err = nim.InstallCSIDriver(pluginName, driverNodeID, maxVolumePerNode, accessibleTopology) if err != nil { if unregErr := unregisterDriver(pluginName); unregErr != nil { klog.Error(log("registrationHandler.RegisterPlugin failed to unregister plugin due to previous error: %v", unregErr)) } return err }
return nil}


nim.InstallCSIDriver()中主要看到 updateNodeIDInNode()与 nim.updateCSINode()两个方法,主要逻辑都在其中:

(1)updateNodeIDInNode():更新 node 对象,向 node 对象的 annotation 中 key 为csi.volume.kubernetes.io/nodeid的值中去增加注册的 plugin 信息。

(2)nim.updateCSINode():创建或更新 CSINode 对象。

// pkg/volume/csi/nodeinfomanager/nodeinfomanager.go// InstallCSIDriver updates the node ID annotation in the Node object and CSIDrivers field in the// CSINode object. If the CSINode object doesn't yet exist, it will be created.// If multiple calls to InstallCSIDriver() are made in parallel, some calls might receive Node or// CSINode update conflicts, which causes the function to retry the corresponding update.func (nim *nodeInfoManager) InstallCSIDriver(driverName string, driverNodeID string, maxAttachLimit int64, topology map[string]string) error {  if driverNodeID == "" {    return fmt.Errorf("error adding CSI driver node info: driverNodeID must not be empty")  }
nodeUpdateFuncs := []nodeUpdateFunc{ updateNodeIDInNode(driverName, driverNodeID), }
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.CSINodeInfo) { nodeUpdateFuncs = append(nodeUpdateFuncs, updateTopologyLabels(topology)) }
err := nim.updateNode(nodeUpdateFuncs...) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error updating Node object with CSI driver node info: %v", err) }
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.CSINodeInfo) { err = nim.updateCSINode(driverName, driverNodeID, maxAttachLimit, topology) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error updating CSINode object with CSI driver node info: %v", err) } } return nil}

// pkg/volume/csi/nodeinfomanager/nodeinfomanager.go// updateNodeIDInNode returns a function that updates a Node object with the given// Node ID information.func updateNodeIDInNode(  csiDriverName string,  csiDriverNodeID string) nodeUpdateFunc {  return func(node *v1.Node) (*v1.Node, bool, error) {    existingDriverMap, err := buildNodeIDMapFromAnnotation(node)    if err != nil {      return nil, false, err    }
if val, ok := existingDriverMap[csiDriverName]; ok { if val == csiDriverNodeID { // Value already exists in node annotation, nothing more to do return node, false, nil } }
// Add/update annotation value existingDriverMap[csiDriverName] = csiDriverNodeID jsonObj, err := json.Marshal(existingDriverMap) if err != nil { return nil, false, fmt.Errorf( "error while marshalling node ID map updated with driverName=%q, nodeID=%q: %v", csiDriverName, csiDriverNodeID, err) }
if node.ObjectMeta.Annotations == nil { node.ObjectMeta.Annotations = make(map[string]string) } node.ObjectMeta.Annotations[annotationKeyNodeID] = string(jsonObj)
return node, true, nil }}

// pkg/volume/csi/nodeinfomanager/nodeinfomanager.gofunc (nim *nodeInfoManager) updateCSINode(  driverName string,  driverNodeID string,  maxAttachLimit int64,  topology map[string]string) error {
csiKubeClient := nim.volumeHost.GetKubeClient() if csiKubeClient == nil { return fmt.Errorf("error getting CSI client") }
var updateErrs []error err := wait.ExponentialBackoff(updateBackoff, func() (bool, error) { if err := nim.tryUpdateCSINode(csiKubeClient, driverName, driverNodeID, maxAttachLimit, topology); err != nil { updateErrs = append(updateErrs, err) return false, nil } return true, nil }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error updating CSINode: %v; caused by: %v", err, utilerrors.NewAggregate(updateErrs)) } return nil}


本节主要讲解了 kubelet 注册 csi driver 的原理,以及其代码的分析,也顺带简单回忆了一下 Node Driver Registrar 组件,下面来做个总结。

Node Driver Registrar

Node Driver Registrar 在前面的文章中介绍过,它是一个 sidecar 容器,通过 Kubelet 的插件注册机制将 CSI plugin(csi driver,两个名词意义一样)注册到 Kubelet,让 kubelet 做 volume 的 mount/umount 操作时知道怎么调用相应的 csi plugin。

kubelet 注册 csi driver 的原理

kubelet 的 pluginManager 会监听某个特定目录,而负责向 kubelet 注册 csi driver 的组件 Node Driver Registrar 会创建暴露服务的 socket 在该目录下(每个 plugin 会对应一个 Node Driver Registrar 组件,也就是说,一个 Node Driver Registrar 只负责一个 plugin 的注册工作),pluginManager 通过 Node Driver Registrar 组件暴露的 socket 获取 plugin 信息(包括 plugin 的 socket 地址、plugin 名称等),从而最终做到根据该目录下 socket 文件的新增/删除来做相应的 plugin 注册/取消注册操作。

plugin 注册完成后,后续 kubelet 将通过 plugin 暴露的 socket 与 plugin 进行通信,做存储挂载/解除挂载等操作。

下面再来总结一下在 kubelet 的 pluginManager 中,plugin 的注册/取消注册操作分别做了什么动作。

plugin 注册操作

(1)存储该 plugin 信息(主要是 plugin 名称与 plugin 的 socket 地址)到 csiDrivers 变量中(后续 kubelet 调用 csi plugin 进行存储的挂载/解除挂载操作,将通过 plugin 名称从此变量中拿到 socket 地址并进行通信;csiDriver 变量代码位置-pkg/volume/csi/csi_plugin.go);

(2)更新 node 对象,向 node 对象的 annotation 中 key 为csi.volume.kubernetes.io/nodeid的值中去增加注册的 plugin 信息。

(3)创建或更新 CSINode 对象。

plugin 取消注册操作

(1)从 csiDrivers 变量中删除该 plugin 信息(后续 kubelet 调用 csi plugin 进行存储的挂载/解除挂载操作,将通过 plugin 名称从 csiDrivers 变量(csiDriver 变量代码位置-pkg/volume/csi/csi_plugin.go)中拿到 socket 地址并进行通信,所以取消注册 plugin 时,需要从 csiDrivers 变量中把该 plugin 信息去除);

(2)更新 CSINode 对象,从中去除取消注册的 plugin 的相关信息。

(3)更新 node 对象,从 node.Status.Capacity 及 node.Status.Allocatable 中去除取消注册的 plugin 的相关信息。

(4)更新 node 对象,从 node 对象的 annotation 中 key 为csi.volume.kubernetes.io/nodeid的值中去除取消注册的 plugin 信息。

发布于: 2 小时前阅读数: 5



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kubelet之csi driver注册分析