defi 流动性挖矿系统开发(案例版)丨 defi 流动性挖矿源码现成版

defi 流动性挖矿系统开发介绍案例咨询【付小姐 135-7098-0718 薇電】、defi 流动性系统软件开发功能介绍、defi 流动性挖矿模式系统开发源码
he liquidity mining in defi mainly refers to the mechanism that users provide token assets to support the liquidity of defi project,so as to obtain income.
For example,for liquidity mining on compound,it is mainly for users to deposit or lend tokens on it,so as to make the liquidity of the fund pool better and get the reward of comp governance token.
Another example is uniswap or balance.If they adopt the automatic market maker mode,users can provide liquidity for the token pool of their transactions.For example,if they deposit the BAL and weth tokens in a certain proportion,they can obtain the BAL governance token and related transaction costs.The governance token can be used to vote to determine the development direction of the project,and its value depends on the business value of the project.
In essence,liquidity mining is a token distribution mechanism,which is conducive to making the application of defi easier to use and promoting users to participate in the defi business.This mechanism is an important innovation of defi,which will enable the field of defi to start quickly and gain more growth space in the future.
什么是 DeFi 流动性挖矿?
DeFi 的流动性挖矿,主要是运行在以太坊区块链上的 DAPP,它通过为以太坊上 DeFi 产品提供流动性获得收益。简单来说,存入某些代币资产即可进行挖矿,之所以称为挖矿,也是沿用了比特币挖矿的行业说法。软件搭建找 gong1003my。
目前,提供流动性挖矿的 DeFi 项目有:Compound、Uniswap、Balancer、Curve、Yearn、mStable、Synthetix 等等。
下面,我们以 Compound 为例,手把手教你如何参与流动性挖矿。
Compound 是基于以太坊区块链的一个去中心化借贷平台,也是第一个推出“流动性挖矿”激励机制的 DeFi 产品。在 Compound 上,所有的借贷都通过智能合约完成,借贷利率由算法自动调节,Compound 则收取利息中的 15%作为手续费。
Compound 的治理代币为 COMP,持有 COMP 可以对 Compound 协议提出变更提案,或对提案进行投票,决定 Compound 协议的未来发展方向,等等。
目前,很多钱包(比如 imToken、比特派钱包、麦子钱包)都支持接入 Compound 协议。下面,小编就以 imToken 钱包为例,手把手演示如何参与 Compound 的流动性挖矿。
1、打开 imToken 钱包,在底部的「市场」一栏里,可以看到「Compound」,点击进入。如果是第一次使用,会跳出同意访问的确认界面,点击「确认」即可。
2、进入 Compound 页面后,可以为借贷市场供应加密资产来参与流动性挖矿,也可以选择借贷的方式参与。在这次的演示中,小编通过供应 ETH 的方式参与流动性挖矿,所以选择「供应市场」中的「Ether」,点击进入后,填写供应的 ETH 数量 0.01,确认无误后,点击底部的「供应」进行提交。
3、提交后,会跳出支付页面,核对无误后,点击「下一步」,输入密码,点击「确认」。以太坊区块链完成广播后,我们就可以在 Compound 页面上看到自己供应的加密资产及其数量了。
4、完成后,钱包会收到 Compound 发的 cToken,持有这些 cToken 就可以赚取利息收益了。小编存入的是 ETH,所以收到的是 cETH,如果存入的是稳定币 DAI,那收到的就是 cDAI,以此类推。
The smart contract code is immutable and operates in the specified way.However,it is also for this reason that if there are human or non-human loopholes in a smart contract,it can be exploited without recourse.Although such things are not common,they do happen,and they happen all the time.