
TiUP 使用梳理 - 02

  • 2022 年 7 月 11 日
  • 本文字数:6272 字

    阅读完需:约 21 分钟

作者: CHXU0088 原文来源:https://tidb.net/blog/62b72aef

0. 问题

(1)非 root 用户 SSH 互信模式部署

# 1. 在中控机(tidb用户)生成公钥(id_rsa.pub),并配置互信:ssh-keygen -t rsa# 各个目标机:vim .ssh/authorized_keys 或 ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub <ip># 2. 配置sudo免密码visudo
tidb ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL# 3. 通过 id_rsa(私钥) 访问各个目标机(authorized_keys/id_rsa.pub,公钥认证)部署:tiup cluster deploy <clusterName> v4.0.0-rc ./topology.yaml -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa


附加个 SSH 互信的原理(https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000018330563?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tuicool)

(2)扩容 tidb-server 节点

# 测试环境,节点复用,改变端口tidb_servers:  - host:    port: 4010    status_port: 10090    deploy_dir: "/data/tidb_4.0/deploy/tidb-4010"    log_dir: "/data/tidb_4.0/deploy/tidb-4010/log"

# Scale Outtiup cluster scale-out <clusterName> ./scaleout-topology.yaml -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa

(3)在扩容 tidb-server 后监控未自动添加问题(cluster v0.4.8 版本)

# 问题处理:# 1. 升级 tiup cluster 版本tiup update --all  或 tiup update cluster
# 2. 查看组件版本tiup list
# 3. 重启 prometheustiup cluster restart bi-tidb -R prometheus

(4)TiDB dashboard 的“位置”问题:

a. 在实际环境中,只有一个 PD 节点提供 dashboard 服务,访问其他非服务节点会自动跳转;

# dashboard 非服务节点(PD) $ curl -I 307 Temporary Redirect
# dashboard 服务节点(PD)$ curl -I 200 OK

b. 目前还没有发现 ” 内置的 ” 查看 dashboard 服务节点的方式,还有其在 PD 集群中选择节点的规律也不太明了(在我的测试集群中 dashboard 服务节点,既不是 pd-leader,也不是 pd-1);

c. 对于一些有安全规范的公司,办公网和内网 / 生产环境是不直通的,所以这块如果需要通过 ng 访问访问内网服务(dashboard)的话,配置时需稍加注意;

1. TiUP 目录结构:

$ tree .tiup/.tiup/├── bin│   └── tiup├── components│   └── cluster│       ├── v0.4.8│       │   ├── cluster│       │   └── templates│       │       ├── config│       │       │   ├── alertmanager.yml│       │       │   ├── blackbox.yml│       │       │   ├── dashboard.yml.tpl│       │       │   ├── datasource.yml.tpl│       │       │   ├── drainer.toml│       │       │   ├── grafana.ini.tpl│       │       │   ├── prometheus.yml.tpl│       │       │   └── pump.toml│       │       ├── scripts│       │       │   ├── action.sh.tpl│       │       │   ├── run_alertmanager.sh.tpl│       │       │   ├── run_blackbox_exporter.sh.tpl│       │       │   ├── run_drainer.sh.tpl│       │       │   ├── run_grafana.sh.tpl│       │       │   ├── run_node_exporter.sh.tpl│       │       │   ├── run_pd_scale.sh.tpl│       │       │   ├── run_pd.sh.tpl│       │       │   ├── run_prometheus.sh.tpl│       │       │   ├── run_pump.sh.tpl│       │       │   ├── run_tidb.sh.tpl│       │       │   ├── run_tiflash.sh.tpl│       │       │   └── run_tikv.sh.tpl│       │       └── systemd│       │           └── system.service.tpl│       └── v0.4.9 (新升级)│           ├── cluster│           └── templates│               ├── config│               │   ├── alertmanager.yml│               │   ├── blackbox.yml│               │   ├── dashboard.yml.tpl│               │   ├── datasource.yml.tpl│               │   ├── drainer.toml│               │   ├── grafana.ini.tpl│               │   ├── prometheus.yml.tpl│               │   └── pump.toml│               ├── scripts│               │   ├── action.sh.tpl│               │   ├── run_alertmanager.sh.tpl│               │   ├── run_blackbox_exporter.sh.tpl│               │   ├── run_drainer.sh.tpl│               │   ├── run_grafana.sh.tpl│               │   ├── run_node_exporter.sh.tpl│               │   ├── run_pd_scale.sh.tpl│               │   ├── run_pd.sh.tpl│               │   ├── run_prometheus.sh.tpl│               │   ├── run_pump.sh.tpl│               │   ├── run_tidb.sh.tpl│               │   ├── run_tiflash.sh.tpl│               │   └── run_tikv.sh.tpl│               └── systemd│                   └── system.service.tpl├── data├── manifest│   ├── tiup-component-cluster.index│   └── tiup-manifest.index├── storage│   └── cluster│       ├── audit│       │   ├── 4BB8RW│       │   ├── ......│       │   └── 4ByzCp│       ├── clusters│       │   └── bi-tidb│       │       ├── config│       │       │   ├── alertmanager-│       │       │   ├── alertmanager_10.0.100.7.yml│       │       │   ├── blackbox_10.0.100.3.yaml│       │       │   ├── blackbox_10.0.101.4.yaml│       │       │   ├── blackbox_10.0.100.7.yaml│       │       │   ├── blackbox_10.0.100.1.yaml│       │       │   ├── blackbox_10.0.100.5.yaml│       │       │   ├── blackbox_10.0.101.6.yaml│       │       │   ├── blackbox_10.0.101.2.yaml│       │       │   ├── blackbox_exporter-9116.service│       │       │   ├── dashboard_10.0.100.7.yml│       │       │   ├── datasource_10.0.100.7.yml│       │       │   ├── grafana-│       │       │   ├── grafana_10.0.100.7.ini│       │       │   ├── node_exporter-9101.service│       │       │   ├── pd-│       │       │   ├── pd-│       │       │   ├── pd-│       │       │   ├── pd-│       │       │   ├── pd-│       │       │   ├── pd-│       │       │   ├── prometheus-│       │       │   ├── run_alertmanager_10.0.100.7_9093.sh│       │       │   ├── run_blackbox_exporter_10.0.100.3.sh│       │       │   ├── run_blackbox_exporter_10.0.101.4.sh│       │       │   ├── run_blackbox_exporter_10.0.100.7.sh│       │       │   ├── run_blackbox_exporter_10.0.100.1.sh│       │       │   ├── run_blackbox_exporter_10.0.100.5.sh│       │       │   ├── run_blackbox_exporter_10.0.101.6.sh│       │       │   ├── run_blackbox_exporter_10.0.101.2.sh│       │       │   ├── run_grafana_10.0.100.7_3000.sh│       │       │   ├── run_node_exporter_10.0.100.3.sh│       │       │   ├── run_node_exporter_10.0.101.4.sh│       │       │   ├── run_node_exporter_10.0.100.7.sh│       │       │   ├── run_node_exporter_10.0.100.1.sh│       │       │   ├── run_node_exporter_10.0.100.5.sh│       │       │   ├── run_node_exporter_10.0.101.6.sh│       │       │   ├── run_node_exporter_10.0.101.2.sh│       │       │   ├── run_pd_10.0.100.3.sh│       │       │   ├── run_pd_10.0.100.1.sh│       │       │   ├── run_pd_10.0.101.2.sh│       │       │   ├── run_prometheus_10.0.100.7_9090.sh│       │       │   ├── run_tidb_10.0.100.3_4010.sh│       │       │   ├── run_tidb_10.0.100.1_4000.sh│       │       │   ├── run_tidb_10.0.101.2_4000.sh│       │       │   ├── run_tiflash_10.0.100.7_9000.sh│       │       │   ├── run_tikv_10.0.101.4_20160.sh│       │       │   ├── run_tikv_10.0.100.5_20160.sh│       │       │   ├── run_tikv_10.0.101.6_20160.sh│       │       │   ├── tidb-│       │       │   ├── tidb-│       │       │   ├── tidb-│       │       │   ├── tidb-│       │       │   ├── tidb-│       │       │   ├── tidb-│       │       │   ├── tiflash-│       │       │   ├── tiflash-│       │       │   ├── tiflash-learner-│       │       │   ├── tikv-│       │       │   ├── tikv-│       │       │   ├── tikv_10.0.100.7.yml│       │       │   ├── tikv-│       │       │   ├── tikv-│       │       │   ├── tikv-│       │       │   └── tikv-│       │       ├── meta.yaml│       │       └── ssh│       │           ├── id_rsa│       │           └── id_rsa.pub│       └── packages│           ├── alertmanager-v0.17.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz│           ├── blackbox_exporter-v0.12.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz│           ├── grafana-v4.0.0-rc-linux-amd64.tar.gz│           ├── node_exporter-v0.17.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz│           ├── pd-v4.0.0-rc-linux-amd64.tar.gz│           ├── prometheus-v4.0.0-rc-linux-amd64.tar.gz│           ├── tidb-v4.0.0-rc-linux-amd64.tar.gz│           ├── tiflash-v4.0.0-rc-linux-amd64.tar.gz│           └── tikv-v4.0.0-rc-linux-amd64.tar.gz├── tiup-cluster-debug-2020-04-13-21-47-54.log├── ......├── tiup-cluster-debug-2020-04-17-10-36-39.log├── topology.yaml└── scaleout-topology.yaml

2. TiUP 管理的组件(ctl 类工具安装):

$ tiup listAvailable components (Last Modified: 2020-02-27T15:20:35+08:00):Name               Installed           Platforms                 Description----               ---------           ---------                 -----------tidb                                   darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  TiDB is an open source distributed HTAP database compatible with the MySQL protocoltikv                                   darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  Distributed transactional key-value database, originally created to complement TiDBpd                 YES(v4.0.0-rc)      darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  PD is the abbreviation for Placement Driver. It is used to manage and schedule the TiKV clusterplayground                             darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  Bootstrap a local TiDB clusterclient                                 darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  A simple mysql client to connect TiDBprometheus                             darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.package                                darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  A toolbox to package tiup componentgrafana                                darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  Grafana is the open source analytics & monitoring solution for every databasealertmanager                           darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  Prometheus alertmanagerblackbox_exporter                      darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  Blackbox prober exporternode_exporter                          darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  Exporter for machine metricspushgateway                            darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  Push acceptor for ephemeral and batch jobsdrainer                                darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  The drainer componet of TiDB binlog servicepump                                   darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  The pump componet of TiDB binlog servicecluster            YES(v0.4.8,v0.4.9)  darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  Deploy a TiDB cluster for productionmirrors                                darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  Build a local mirrors and download all selected componentsbench                                  darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  Benchmark database with different workloadsbook                                   darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  A book about the TiDB ecosystemdoc                                    darwin/amd64,linux/amd64  Online document for TiDBtidb-ctl                               darwin/amd64,linux/amd64tikv-ctl                               darwin/amd64,linux/amd64pd-ctl                                 darwin/amd64,linux/amd64binlog-ctl                             darwin/amd64,linux/amd64ctl                                    darwin/amd64,linux/amd64
$ tiup install pd-ctldownload https://tiup-mirrors.pingcap.com/pd-ctl-v4.0.0-rc-linux-amd64.tar.gz:13466555 / 13466555 [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 9751385 p/s
$ find / -name "pd-ctl"/home/tidb/.tiup/components/pd-ctl/home/tidb/.tiup/components/pd-ctl/v4.0.0-rc/pd-ctl
$ ./pd-ctl store -u

发布于: 刚刚阅读数: 3

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