
dapp 丨 defi 丨 nft 丨 lp 单双币流动性挖矿系统开发详细说明及源码

  • 2022 年 7 月 07 日
  • 本文字数:1605 字

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Mobile mining,NFT 质押流动性挖矿 dapp 系统开发(hkkf5566,可加薇)Liquidity mining refers to the practice of pledging or lending cryptocurrency assets to generate high returns or returns in the form of additional cryptocurrencies.Due to various innovations,the application of decentralized finance has become very popular.Liquidity mining is a major growth driver of the current defi industry.

 In short,liquidity mining encourages liquidity providers(LPS)to hold or lock their encrypted assets in a liquidity pool based on smart contracts.

 When liquidity mining participants receive token rewards as additional compensation,liquidity mining will occur and become prominent after compound releases its comp governance tokens to its platform users.




 什么是去中心化金融(DeFi)。DeFi 产品基于公链和


 而基于 Defi 领域的流动性挖矿所提供的新型挖矿模式,不但可以吸引用户投入资金,也能够提升该协议的流动性。





 流动性代币(LPtoken),流动资金池为市场提供动力并产生手续费用,再按照 LPtoken 份额占比支付奖励给流动性提供者,如此反复进行。

 但在实际操作中,流动性挖矿还有许多需要改进的地方,例如当某个大户持有份额超过 50%时,那么他就很容易控制这个流动池去做套利游戏。因此,流动性挖矿的机制设计和流动性非常重要,一般情况下如果流动池深度够高、流动性提供者够分散,更容易提供好的交易体验服务。




 What is DAPP?Welcome to the Department of DAPP system development if you want to know more about it

 DAPP(decentralized application)refers to distributed application or decentralized application.DAPP is smart contract+app.

 A real DAPP application needs to meet the following conditions at the same time:

 1.The application must be completely open source and autonomous,and no entity controls more than 51%of the-token of the application.The application must be able to respond to user feedback and technical requirements

 Upgrade,and the application upgrade can only be carried out after most users reach a consensus;

 2.The application data must be encrypted and stored on the public blockchain;

 3.Applications must have a token mechanism,and miners or application maintenance nodes need to get token rewards;

 4.The generation of application tokens must be based on the standard encryption algorithm,and valuable nodes can obtain the token rewards of the application according to the algorithm.


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