
云原生(三十) | Kubernetes 篇之应用商店 -Helm 介绍

  • 2022 年 8 月 30 日
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云原生(三十) | Kubernetes 篇之应用商店 -Helm 介绍





每个 Helm 版本都提供了各种操作系统的二进制版本,这些版本可以手动下载和安装。

  1. 下载 需要的版本

  2. 解压(tar -zxvf helm-v3.0.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz)

  3. 在解压目中找到helm程序,移动到需要的目录中(mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm)

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright The Helm Authors.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License.
# The install script is based off of the MIT-licensed script from glide,# the package manager for Go: https://github.com/Masterminds/glide.sh/blob/master/get
: ${BINARY_NAME:="helm"}: ${USE_SUDO:="true"}: ${DEBUG:="false"}: ${VERIFY_CHECKSUM:="true"}: ${VERIFY_SIGNATURES:="false"}: ${HELM_INSTALL_DIR:="/usr/local/bin"}: ${GPG_PUBRING:="pubring.kbx"}
HAS_CURL="$(type "curl" &> /dev/null && echo true || echo false)"HAS_WGET="$(type "wget" &> /dev/null && echo true || echo false)"HAS_OPENSSL="$(type "openssl" &> /dev/null && echo true || echo false)"HAS_GPG="$(type "gpg" &> /dev/null && echo true || echo false)"
# initArch discovers the architecture for this system.initArch() { ARCH=$(uname -m) case $ARCH in armv5*) ARCH="armv5";; armv6*) ARCH="armv6";; armv7*) ARCH="arm";; aarch64) ARCH="arm64";; x86) ARCH="386";; x86_64) ARCH="amd64";; i686) ARCH="386";; i386) ARCH="386";; esac}
# initOS discovers the operating system for this system.initOS() { OS=$(echo `uname`|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
case "$OS" in # Minimalist GNU for Windows mingw*) OS='windows';; esac}
# runs the given command as root (detects if we are root already)runAsRoot() { if [ $EUID -ne 0 -a "$USE_SUDO" = "true" ]; then sudo "${@}" else "${@}" fi}
# verifySupported checks that the os/arch combination is supported for# binary builds, as well whether or not necessary tools are present.verifySupported() { local supported="darwin-amd64\ndarwin-arm64\nlinux-386\nlinux-amd64\nlinux-arm\nlinux-arm64\nlinux-ppc64le\nlinux-s390x\nwindows-amd64" if ! echo "${supported}" | grep -q "${OS}-${ARCH}"; then echo "No prebuilt binary for ${OS}-${ARCH}." echo "To build from source, go to https://github.com/helm/helm" exit 1 fi
if [ "${HAS_CURL}" != "true" ] && [ "${HAS_WGET}" != "true" ]; then echo "Either curl or wget is required" exit 1 fi
if [ "${VERIFY_CHECKSUM}" == "true" ] && [ "${HAS_OPENSSL}" != "true" ]; then echo "In order to verify checksum, openssl must first be installed." echo "Please install openssl or set VERIFY_CHECKSUM=false in your environment." exit 1 fi
if [ "${VERIFY_SIGNATURES}" == "true" ]; then if [ "${HAS_GPG}" != "true" ]; then echo "In order to verify signatures, gpg must first be installed." echo "Please install gpg or set VERIFY_SIGNATURES=false in your environment." exit 1 fi if [ "${OS}" != "linux" ]; then echo "Signature verification is currently only supported on Linux." echo "Please set VERIFY_SIGNATURES=false or verify the signatures manually." exit 1 fi fi}
# checkDesiredVersion checks if the desired version is available.checkDesiredVersion() { if [ "x$DESIRED_VERSION" == "x" ]; then # Get tag from release URL local latest_release_url="https://github.com/helm/helm/releases" if [ "${HAS_CURL}" == "true" ]; then TAG=$(curl -Ls $latest_release_url | grep 'href="/helm/helm/releases/tag/v3.[0-9]*.[0-9]*\"' | grep -v no-underline | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 2 | awk '{n=split($NF,a,"/");print a[n]}' | awk 'a !~ $0{print}; {a=$0}') elif [ "${HAS_WGET}" == "true" ]; then TAG=$(wget $latest_release_url -O - 2>&1 | grep 'href="/helm/helm/releases/tag/v3.[0-9]*.[0-9]*\"' | grep -v no-underline | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 2 | awk '{n=split($NF,a,"/");print a[n]}' | awk 'a !~ $0{print}; {a=$0}') fi else TAG=$DESIRED_VERSION fi}
# checkHelmInstalledVersion checks which version of helm is installed and# if it needs to be changed.checkHelmInstalledVersion() { if [[ -f "${HELM_INSTALL_DIR}/${BINARY_NAME}" ]]; then local version=$("${HELM_INSTALL_DIR}/${BINARY_NAME}" version --template="{{ .Version }}") if [[ "$version" == "$TAG" ]]; then echo "Helm ${version} is already ${DESIRED_VERSION:-latest}" return 0 else echo "Helm ${TAG} is available. Changing from version ${version}." return 1 fi else return 1 fi}
# downloadFile downloads the latest binary package and also the checksum# for that binary.downloadFile() { HELM_DIST="helm-$TAG-$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz" DOWNLOAD_URL="https://get.helm.sh/$HELM_DIST" CHECKSUM_URL="$DOWNLOAD_URL.sha256" HELM_TMP_ROOT="$(mktemp -dt helm-installer-XXXXXX)" HELM_TMP_FILE="$HELM_TMP_ROOT/$HELM_DIST" HELM_SUM_FILE="$HELM_TMP_ROOT/$HELM_DIST.sha256" echo "Downloading $DOWNLOAD_URL" if [ "${HAS_CURL}" == "true" ]; then curl -SsL "$CHECKSUM_URL" -o "$HELM_SUM_FILE" curl -SsL "$DOWNLOAD_URL" -o "$HELM_TMP_FILE" elif [ "${HAS_WGET}" == "true" ]; then wget -q -O "$HELM_SUM_FILE" "$CHECKSUM_URL" wget -q -O "$HELM_TMP_FILE" "$DOWNLOAD_URL" fi}
# verifyFile verifies the SHA256 checksum of the binary package# and the GPG signatures for both the package and checksum file# (depending on settings in environment).verifyFile() { if [ "${VERIFY_CHECKSUM}" == "true" ]; then verifyChecksum fi if [ "${VERIFY_SIGNATURES}" == "true" ]; then verifySignatures fi}
# installFile installs the Helm binary.installFile() { HELM_TMP="$HELM_TMP_ROOT/$BINARY_NAME" mkdir -p "$HELM_TMP" tar xf "$HELM_TMP_FILE" -C "$HELM_TMP" HELM_TMP_BIN="$HELM_TMP/$OS-$ARCH/helm" echo "Preparing to install $BINARY_NAME into ${HELM_INSTALL_DIR}" runAsRoot cp "$HELM_TMP_BIN" "$HELM_INSTALL_DIR/$BINARY_NAME" echo "$BINARY_NAME installed into $HELM_INSTALL_DIR/$BINARY_NAME"}
# verifyChecksum verifies the SHA256 checksum of the binary package.verifyChecksum() { printf "Verifying checksum... " local sum=$(openssl sha1 -sha256 ${HELM_TMP_FILE} | awk '{print $2}') local expected_sum=$(cat ${HELM_SUM_FILE}) if [ "$sum" != "$expected_sum" ]; then echo "SHA sum of ${HELM_TMP_FILE} does not match. Aborting." exit 1 fi echo "Done."}
# verifySignatures obtains the latest KEYS file from GitHub main branch# as well as the signature .asc files from the specific GitHub release,# then verifies that the release artifacts were signed by a maintainer's key.verifySignatures() { printf "Verifying signatures... " local keys_filename="KEYS" local github_keys_url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/${keys_filename}" if [ "${HAS_CURL}" == "true" ]; then curl -SsL "${github_keys_url}" -o "${HELM_TMP_ROOT}/${keys_filename}" elif [ "${HAS_WGET}" == "true" ]; then wget -q -O "${HELM_TMP_ROOT}/${keys_filename}" "${github_keys_url}" fi local gpg_keyring="${HELM_TMP_ROOT}/keyring.gpg" local gpg_homedir="${HELM_TMP_ROOT}/gnupg" mkdir -p -m 0700 "${gpg_homedir}" local gpg_stderr_device="/dev/null" if [ "${DEBUG}" == "true" ]; then gpg_stderr_device="/dev/stderr" fi gpg --batch --quiet --homedir="${gpg_homedir}" --import "${HELM_TMP_ROOT}/${keys_filename}" 2> "${gpg_stderr_device}" gpg --batch --no-default-keyring --keyring "${gpg_homedir}/${GPG_PUBRING}" --export > "${gpg_keyring}" local github_release_url="https://github.com/helm/helm/releases/download/${TAG}" if [ "${HAS_CURL}" == "true" ]; then curl -SsL "${github_release_url}/helm-${TAG}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz.sha256.asc" -o "${HELM_TMP_ROOT}/helm-${TAG}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz.sha256.asc" curl -SsL "${github_release_url}/helm-${TAG}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz.asc" -o "${HELM_TMP_ROOT}/helm-${TAG}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz.asc" elif [ "${HAS_WGET}" == "true" ]; then wget -q -O "${HELM_TMP_ROOT}/helm-${TAG}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz.sha256.asc" "${github_release_url}/helm-${TAG}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz.sha256.asc" wget -q -O "${HELM_TMP_ROOT}/helm-${TAG}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz.asc" "${github_release_url}/helm-${TAG}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz.asc" fi local error_text="If you think this might be a potential security issue," error_text="${error_text}\nplease see here: https://github.com/helm/community/blob/master/SECURITY.md" local num_goodlines_sha=$(gpg --verify --keyring="${gpg_keyring}" --status-fd=1 "${HELM_TMP_ROOT}/helm-${TAG}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz.sha256.asc" 2> "${gpg_stderr_device}" | grep -c -E '^\[GNUPG:\] (GOODSIG|VALIDSIG)') if [[ ${num_goodlines_sha} -lt 2 ]]; then echo "Unable to verify the signature of helm-${TAG}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz.sha256!" echo -e "${error_text}" exit 1 fi local num_goodlines_tar=$(gpg --verify --keyring="${gpg_keyring}" --status-fd=1 "${HELM_TMP_ROOT}/helm-${TAG}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz.asc" 2> "${gpg_stderr_device}" | grep -c -E '^\[GNUPG:\] (GOODSIG|VALIDSIG)') if [[ ${num_goodlines_tar} -lt 2 ]]; then echo "Unable to verify the signature of helm-${TAG}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz!" echo -e "${error_text}" exit 1 fi echo "Done."}
# fail_trap is executed if an error occurs.fail_trap() { result=$? if [ "$result" != "0" ]; then if [[ -n "$INPUT_ARGUMENTS" ]]; then echo "Failed to install $BINARY_NAME with the arguments provided: $INPUT_ARGUMENTS" help else echo "Failed to install $BINARY_NAME" fi echo -e "\tFor support, go to https://github.com/helm/helm." fi cleanup exit $result}
# testVersion tests the installed client to make sure it is working.testVersion() { set +e HELM="$(command -v $BINARY_NAME)" if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then echo "$BINARY_NAME not found. Is $HELM_INSTALL_DIR on your "'$PATH?' exit 1 fi set -e}
# help provides possible cli installation argumentshelp () { echo "Accepted cli arguments are:" echo -e "\t[--help|-h ] ->> prints this help" echo -e "\t[--version|-v <desired_version>] . When not defined it fetches the latest release from GitHub" echo -e "\te.g. --version v3.0.0 or -v canary" echo -e "\t[--no-sudo] ->> install without sudo"}
# cleanup temporary files to avoid https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/2977cleanup() { if [[ -d "${HELM_TMP_ROOT:-}" ]]; then rm -rf "$HELM_TMP_ROOT" fi}
# Execution
#Stop execution on any errortrap "fail_trap" EXITset -e
# Set debug if desiredif [ "${DEBUG}" == "true" ]; then set -xfi
# Parsing input arguments (if any)export INPUT_ARGUMENTS="${@}"set -uwhile [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in '--version'|-v) shift if [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; then export DESIRED_VERSION="${1}" else echo -e "Please provide the desired version. e.g. --version v3.0.0 or -v canary" exit 0 fi ;; '--no-sudo') USE_SUDO="false" ;; '--help'|-h) help exit 0 ;; *) exit 1 ;; esac shiftdoneset +u
initArchinitOSverifySupportedcheckDesiredVersionif ! checkHelmInstalledVersion; then downloadFile verifyFile installFilefitestVersioncleanup



  • Chart 代表着 Helm 包。它包含在 Kubernetes 集群内部运行应用程序,工具或服务所需的所有资源定义。你可以把它看作是 Homebrew formula,Apt dpkg,或 Yum RPM 在 Kubernetes 中的等价物。

  • Repository(仓库) 是用来存放和共享 charts 的地方。它就像 Perl 的 CPAN 档案库网络或是 Fedora 的软件包仓库 ,只不过它是供 Kubernetes 包所使用的。

  • Release 是运行在 Kubernetes 集群中的 chart 的实例。一个 chart 通常可以在同一个集群中安装多次。每一次安装都会创建一个新的 release。以 MySQL chart 为例,如果你想在你的集群中运行两个数据库,你可以安装该 chart 两次。每一个数据库都会拥有它自己的 releaserelease name

在了解了上述这些概念以后,我们就可以这样来解释 Helm:

Helm 安装 charts 到 Kubernetes 集群中,每次安装都会创建一个新的 release。你可以在 Helm 的 chart repositories 中寻找新的 chart。

helm pull bitnami/mysqlhelm install -f values.yaml mysqlhaha ./

2、charts 结构




helm install xxhelm listhelm status xxhelm rollback xxx

6、推送 helm chart

helm registry login --insecure chart save /root/mariadb chart push registry logout

发布于: 刚刚阅读数: 8



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云原生(三十) | Kubernetes 篇之应用商店 -Helm 介绍_云原生_Lansonli_InfoQ写作社区