
QDS06 Iperf 测网速

发布于: 18 小时前

QDS (Quick Deployment Series)快速的部署一个软件。这次我们来部署 Iperf 。

Iperf 是一个网络性能测试工具。Iperf 可以测试最大 TCP 和 UDP 带宽性能,具有多种参数和 UDP 特性,可以根据需要调整,可以报告带宽、延迟抖动和数据包丢失。


yum 安装

如果可以正常使用 yum ,那么可以使用 yum 来安装 Iperf ,该软件包在 epel 源中,需要先安装 epel 。

yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y iperf

这样就安装好了 Iperf ,版本默认是 2.x 。


如果所在机器无法正常使用 yum ,或者想要使用最新版本的 Iperf ,那么请选择编译安装,在编译前请确保该机器相关编译器已经正确安装且可以使用。

Iperf 开源在 Github,所以我们可以在 Github 上找到最新的源代码。

Github 仓库地址:https://github.com/esnet/iperf

Github 发布地址:https://github.com/esnet/iperf/releases

仓库里有最早的 2.0 (2007 年 8 月发布)到现在最新的 3.7 版本都有,我们以最新的 3.7 版本为例进行编译安装。


wget https://github.com/esnet/iperf/archive/3.7.tar.gztar -zxf 3.7.tar.gz -C iperf


cd iperf./configure make

到这里可以暂停一下,如果你只是一次性使用,那么就不需要继续了,你只要进入到 iperf/src 目录下,该目录下有一个 iperf3 的可执行文件,直接执行该文件,就可以运行 Iperf 并且进行测试。

如果你希望以后使用更方便,那么你需要接着上边的步骤把编译好的 Iperf 安装到系统中。

make install 

这样你就可以在系统的任意位置运行 Iperf ,因为已经安装到了系统中。


因为网络测试是两个点之间的网络,所以需要在两台机器上都部署 Iperf 。


node01 : 用作 Servernode02 : 用作 Client

在 Server 端启动 Server 服务

./iperf3 -s

在 Client 端启动 Client ,并且指定 Server 的 IP 地址。

./iperf3 -c


[root@node01 src]# ./iperf3 -s-----------------------------------------------------------Server listening on 5201-----------------------------------------------------------Accepted connection from, port 36406[  5] local port 5201 connected to port 36410[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate[  5]   0.00-1.00   sec  36.2 MBytes   304 Mbits/sec[  5]   1.00-2.00   sec  47.6 MBytes   399 Mbits/sec[  5]   2.00-3.00   sec  50.7 MBytes   425 Mbits/sec[  5]   3.00-4.00   sec  47.4 MBytes   397 Mbits/sec[  5]   4.00-5.00   sec  53.0 MBytes   444 Mbits/sec[  5]   5.00-6.00   sec  45.8 MBytes   384 Mbits/sec[  5]   6.00-7.00   sec  50.9 MBytes   427 Mbits/sec[  5]   7.00-8.00   sec  53.4 MBytes   448 Mbits/sec[  5]   8.00-9.00   sec  56.5 MBytes   474 Mbits/sec[  5]   9.00-10.00  sec  47.8 MBytes   401 Mbits/sec[  5]  10.00-10.29  sec  4.03 MBytes   118 Mbits/sec- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate[  5]   0.00-10.29  sec   493 MBytes   402 Mbits/sec        receiver-----------------------------------------------------------Server listening on 5201-----------------------------------------------------------

可以看到最后测试的结果是 402 Mbits/sec ,结果看 Bitrate 字段。

[root@node02 src]# ./iperf3 -c to host, port 5201[  5] local port 36410 connected to port 5201[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr  Cwnd[  5]   0.00-1.00   sec  40.7 MBytes   341 Mbits/sec  2239   4.47 MBytes[  5]   1.00-2.00   sec  48.8 MBytes   409 Mbits/sec  1925   4.73 MBytes[  5]   2.00-3.00   sec  48.8 MBytes   409 Mbits/sec  1683   4.47 MBytes[  5]   3.00-4.00   sec  47.5 MBytes   398 Mbits/sec  2364   2.44 MBytes[  5]   4.00-5.00   sec  53.8 MBytes   451 Mbits/sec  1492   5.02 MBytes[  5]   5.00-6.00   sec  45.0 MBytes   377 Mbits/sec  2556   4.46 MBytes[  5]   6.00-7.00   sec  51.2 MBytes   430 Mbits/sec  1766   4.75 MBytes[  5]   7.00-8.00   sec  52.5 MBytes   440 Mbits/sec  2159   2.28 MBytes[  5]   8.00-9.00   sec  57.5 MBytes   482 Mbits/sec  1424   5.00 MBytes[  5]   9.00-10.00  sec  47.5 MBytes   398 Mbits/sec  2358   4.36 MBytes- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr[  5]   0.00-10.00  sec   493 MBytes   414 Mbits/sec  19966     sender[  5]   0.00-10.29  sec   493 MBytes   402 Mbits/sec           receiver
iperf Done.[root@node02 src]#

从客户端来看,测试结果约是 400 Mbits/sec ,结果看 Bitrate 的值。

可以使用 -P 参数指定多个进程来压测带宽,使得达到该线路的极限。


^@Accepted connection from, port 36434[  5] local port 5201 connected to port 36436[  8] local port 5201 connected to port 36438[ 10] local port 5201 connected to port 36440[ 12] local port 5201 connected to port 36442[ 14] local port 5201 connected to port 36444[ 16] local port 5201 connected to port 36446[ 18] local port 5201 connected to port 36448[ 20] local port 5201 connected to port 36450[ 22] local port 5201 connected to port 36452[ 24] local port 5201 connected to port 36454[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate[  5]   0.00-1.00   sec  8.06 MBytes  67.6 Mbits/sec[  8]   0.00-1.00   sec  7.84 MBytes  65.7 Mbits/sec[ 10]   0.00-1.00   sec  9.01 MBytes  75.6 Mbits/sec[ 12]   0.00-1.00   sec  8.68 MBytes  72.8 Mbits/sec[ 14]   0.00-1.00   sec  8.65 MBytes  72.6 Mbits/sec[ 16]   0.00-1.00   sec  8.14 MBytes  68.2 Mbits/sec[ 18]   0.00-1.00   sec  8.04 MBytes  67.5 Mbits/sec[ 20]   0.00-1.00   sec  8.76 MBytes  73.5 Mbits/sec[ 22]   0.00-1.00   sec  8.44 MBytes  70.8 Mbits/sec[ 24]   0.00-1.00   sec  8.64 MBytes  72.5 Mbits/sec[SUM]   0.00-1.00   sec  84.3 MBytes   707 Mbits/sec- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -省略部分测试过程。- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[  5]  10.00-10.26  sec  2.71 MBytes  86.5 Mbits/sec[  8]  10.00-10.26  sec  2.76 MBytes  88.2 Mbits/sec[ 10]  10.00-10.26  sec  2.63 MBytes  84.1 Mbits/sec[ 12]  10.00-10.26  sec  3.56 MBytes   113 Mbits/sec[ 14]  10.00-10.26  sec  1.43 MBytes  45.7 Mbits/sec[ 16]  10.00-10.26  sec  1.50 MBytes  47.8 Mbits/sec[ 18]  10.00-10.26  sec  3.54 MBytes   113 Mbits/sec[ 20]  10.00-10.26  sec  3.79 MBytes   121 Mbits/sec[ 22]  10.00-10.26  sec   645 KBytes  20.1 Mbits/sec[ 24]  10.00-10.26  sec  2.92 MBytes  93.2 Mbits/sec[SUM]  10.00-10.26  sec  25.5 MBytes   813 Mbits/sec- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate[  5]   0.00-10.26  sec   107 MBytes  87.3 Mbits/sec        receiver[  8]   0.00-10.26  sec   107 MBytes  87.6 Mbits/sec        receiver[ 10]   0.00-10.26  sec   107 MBytes  87.8 Mbits/sec        receiver[ 12]   0.00-10.26  sec   113 MBytes  92.2 Mbits/sec        receiver[ 14]   0.00-10.26  sec   108 MBytes  88.6 Mbits/sec        receiver[ 16]   0.00-10.26  sec   106 MBytes  86.6 Mbits/sec        receiver[ 18]   0.00-10.26  sec   110 MBytes  90.0 Mbits/sec        receiver[ 20]   0.00-10.26  sec   111 MBytes  91.0 Mbits/sec        receiver[ 22]   0.00-10.26  sec   107 MBytes  87.1 Mbits/sec        receiver[ 24]   0.00-10.26  sec   112 MBytes  91.2 Mbits/sec        receiver[SUM]   0.00-10.26  sec  1.06 GBytes   889 Mbits/sec        receiver-----------------------------------------------------------Server listening on 5201-----------------------------------------------------------^Ciperf3: interrupt - the server has terminated

在服务端可以看到在使用 10 个进程压测以后,总带宽是 889 Mbits/sec ,已经比较接近千兆网线的物理极限了。测试结果看最后的 SUM 行,Bitrate 的值。


[root@node02 src]# ./iperf3 -c -P 10Connecting to host, port 5201[  5] local port 36436 connected to port 5201[  7] local port 36438 connected to port 5201[  9] local port 36440 connected to port 5201[ 11] local port 36442 connected to port 5201[ 13] local port 36444 connected to port 5201[ 15] local port 36446 connected to port 5201[ 17] local port 36448 connected to port 5201[ 19] local port 36450 connected to port 5201[ 21] local port 36452 connected to port 5201[ 23] local port 36454 connected to port 5201[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr  Cwnd[  5]   0.00-1.00   sec  11.6 MBytes  97.7 Mbits/sec  308    718 KBytes[  7]   0.00-1.00   sec  10.4 MBytes  86.9 Mbits/sec  260    696 KBytes[  9]   0.00-1.00   sec  11.6 MBytes  97.3 Mbits/sec  313    749 KBytes[ 11]   0.00-1.00   sec  11.6 MBytes  97.3 Mbits/sec  304    673 KBytes[ 13]   0.00-1.00   sec  12.4 MBytes   104 Mbits/sec  308    662 KBytes[ 15]   0.00-1.00   sec  11.5 MBytes  96.6 Mbits/sec  309    650 KBytes[ 17]   0.00-1.00   sec  11.3 MBytes  94.9 Mbits/sec  307    634 KBytes[ 19]   0.00-1.00   sec  11.4 MBytes  95.4 Mbits/sec  352    650 KBytes[ 21]   0.00-1.00   sec  11.6 MBytes  97.3 Mbits/sec  289    724 KBytes[ 23]   0.00-1.00   sec  11.5 MBytes  96.7 Mbits/sec  410    650 KBytes[SUM]   0.00-1.00   sec   115 MBytes   964 Mbits/sec  3160- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  省略部分测试过程。- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[  5]   9.00-10.00  sec  10.0 MBytes  83.9 Mbits/sec  212    707 KBytes[  7]   9.00-10.00  sec  11.2 MBytes  94.4 Mbits/sec  248   1.04 MBytes[  9]   9.00-10.00  sec  10.0 MBytes  83.9 Mbits/sec  252   5.66 KBytes[ 11]   9.00-10.00  sec  12.5 MBytes   105 Mbits/sec  169   1.10 MBytes[ 13]   9.00-10.00  sec  10.0 MBytes  83.9 Mbits/sec  201   5.66 KBytes[ 15]   9.00-10.00  sec  11.2 MBytes  94.4 Mbits/sec  203   5.66 KBytes[ 17]   9.00-10.00  sec  12.5 MBytes   105 Mbits/sec  217   1.36 MBytes[ 19]   9.00-10.00  sec  12.5 MBytes   105 Mbits/sec  195   1.24 MBytes[ 21]   9.00-10.00  sec  11.2 MBytes  94.4 Mbits/sec  222   5.66 KBytes[ 23]   9.00-10.00  sec  11.2 MBytes  94.4 Mbits/sec  247   1.21 MBytes[SUM]   9.00-10.00  sec   112 MBytes   944 Mbits/sec  2166- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr[  5]   0.00-10.00  sec   108 MBytes  90.5 Mbits/sec  2700      sender[  5]   0.00-10.26  sec   107 MBytes  87.3 Mbits/sec           receiver[  7]   0.00-10.00  sec   108 MBytes  90.5 Mbits/sec  2914      sender[  7]   0.00-10.26  sec   107 MBytes  87.6 Mbits/sec           receiver[  9]   0.00-10.00  sec   108 MBytes  90.5 Mbits/sec  2697      sender[  9]   0.00-10.26  sec   107 MBytes  87.8 Mbits/sec           receiver[ 11]   0.00-10.00  sec   113 MBytes  94.7 Mbits/sec  2427      sender[ 11]   0.00-10.26  sec   113 MBytes  92.2 Mbits/sec           receiver[ 13]   0.00-10.00  sec   110 MBytes  92.2 Mbits/sec  2674      sender[ 13]   0.00-10.26  sec   108 MBytes  88.6 Mbits/sec           receiver[ 15]   0.00-10.00  sec   108 MBytes  90.4 Mbits/sec  2719      sender[ 15]   0.00-10.26  sec   106 MBytes  86.6 Mbits/sec           receiver[ 17]   0.00-10.00  sec   110 MBytes  92.3 Mbits/sec  2908      sender[ 17]   0.00-10.26  sec   110 MBytes  90.0 Mbits/sec           receiver[ 19]   0.00-10.00  sec   111 MBytes  93.4 Mbits/sec  2650      sender[ 19]   0.00-10.26  sec   111 MBytes  91.0 Mbits/sec           receiver[ 21]   0.00-10.00  sec   109 MBytes  91.5 Mbits/sec  2616      sender[ 21]   0.00-10.26  sec   107 MBytes  87.1 Mbits/sec           receiver[ 23]   0.00-10.00  sec   112 MBytes  93.6 Mbits/sec  3176      sender[ 23]   0.00-10.26  sec   112 MBytes  91.2 Mbits/sec           receiver[SUM]   0.00-10.00  sec  1.07 GBytes   920 Mbits/sec  27481     sender[SUM]   0.00-10.26  sec  1.06 GBytes   889 Mbits/sec           receiver
iperf Done.[root@node02 src]#

看最后的测试结果,可以发现,网络带宽在 900 Mbits/sec ,其中 sender 的带宽是 920 Mbits/sec ,receiver 带宽是 889 Mbits/sec 。测试结果看 SUM 行,Bitrate 的值。

说明:该测试只测试了 TCP 的网络带宽,更多详细的测试请关注本博客,后续会放出。通过 Server 端和 Client 的测试结果来看,两者的结果一致,只要关注 Client 的结果即可。

附录 -help 参数

[root@node01 src]$ ./iperf3 -hUsage: iperf3 [-s|-c host] [options]       iperf3 [-h|--help] [-v|--version]
Server or Client: -p, --port # server port to listen on/connect to -f, --format [kmgtKMGT] format to report: Kbits, Mbits, Gbits, Tbits -i, --interval # seconds between periodic throughput reports -F, --file name xmit/recv the specified file -A, --affinity n/n,m set CPU affinity -B, --bind <host> bind to the interface associated with the address <host> -V, --verbose more detailed output -J, --json output in JSON format --logfile f send output to a log file --forceflush force flushing output at every interval -d, --debug emit debugging output -v, --version show version information and quit -h, --help show this message and quitServer specific: -s, --server run in server mode -D, --daemon run the server as a daemon -I, --pidfile file write PID file -1, --one-off handle one client connection then exit --rsa-private-key-path path to the RSA private key used to decrypt authentication credentials --authorized-users-path path to the configuration file containing user credentialsClient specific: -c, --client <host> run in client mode, connecting to <host> -u, --udp use UDP rather than TCP --connect-timeout # timeout for control connection setup (ms) -b, --bitrate #[KMG][/#] target bitrate in bits/sec (0 for unlimited) (default 1 Mbit/sec for UDP, unlimited for TCP) (optional slash and packet count for burst mode) --pacing-timer #[KMG] set the timing for pacing, in microseconds (default 1000) --fq-rate #[KMG] enable fair-queuing based socket pacing in bits/sec (Linux only) -t, --time # time in seconds to transmit for (default 10 secs) -n, --bytes #[KMG] number of bytes to transmit (instead of -t) -k, --blockcount #[KMG] number of blocks (packets) to transmit (instead of -t or -n) -l, --length #[KMG] length of buffer to read or write (default 128 KB for TCP, dynamic or 1460 for UDP) --cport <port> bind to a specific client port (TCP and UDP, default: ephemeral port) -P, --parallel # number of parallel client streams to run -R, --reverse run in reverse mode (server sends, client receives) --bidir run in bidirectional mode. Client and server send and receive data. -w, --window #[KMG] set window size / socket buffer size -C, --congestion <algo> set TCP congestion control algorithm (Linux and FreeBSD only) -M, --set-mss # set TCP/SCTP maximum segment size (MTU - 40 bytes) -N, --no-delay set TCP/SCTP no delay, disabling Nagle's Algorithm -4, --version4 only use IPv4 -6, --version6 only use IPv6 -S, --tos N set the IP type of service, 0-255. The usual prefixes for octal and hex can be used, i.e. 52, 064 and 0x34 all specify the same value. --dscp N or --dscp val set the IP dscp value, either 0-63 or symbolic. Numeric values can be specified in decimal, octal and hex (see --tos above). -L, --flowlabel N set the IPv6 flow label (only supported on Linux) -Z, --zerocopy use a 'zero copy' method of sending data -O, --omit N omit the first n seconds -T, --title str prefix every output line with this string --extra-data str data string to include in client and server JSON --get-server-output get results from server --udp-counters-64bit use 64-bit counters in UDP test packets --repeating-payload use repeating pattern in payload, instead of randomized payload (like in iperf2) --username username for authentication --rsa-public-key-path path to the RSA public key used to encrypt authentication credentials
[KMG] indicates options that support a K/M/G suffix for kilo-, mega-, or giga-
iperf3 homepage at: https://software.es.net/iperf/Report bugs to: https://github.com/esnet/iperf[root@node01 src]$

发布于: 18 小时前阅读数: 4



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QDS06 Iperf 测网速