

  • 2021 年 11 月 12 日
  • 本文字数:1896 字

    阅读完需:约 6 分钟

"while", "auto", "break", "case", "const",

"continue", "default", "do", "else", "enum",

"extern", "for", "goto", "if", "long",

"return", "short", "signed", "sizeof", "static",

"struct", "switch", "typedef", "union", "unsigned",

"volatile", "redister"


char delimilter[_DELIMILTER_NUM][5] = {

"+", "-", "*", "/", "<", ";", "<=", "==" // six plus two


void nu_print(int nu) {

int i, cindex, nindex, flag, hasPrint;

cindex = nindex = 0;

printf("\n======================== each line to see =========================\n");

for(i = 0; i < nu; i++) {

hasPrint = 0;

for( ; cindex <= charList_index || nindex <= numList_index; ) {

flag = 0;

if(charList_nu[cindex] == i+1) {

if(0 == hasPrint) {

printf("\nline %d\n", i+1);

hasPrint = 1;


printf(" %s ", charList[cindex]);


flag = 1;


if(numList_nu[nindex] == i+1) {

if(0 == hasPrint) {

printf("\nline %d\n", i+1);

hasPrint = 1;


printf(" %s ", numList[nindex]);


flag = 1;


if(0 == flag) break;




void _print(int nu) {

int i, j;

printf("\n============== char of list ================\n");

for(i = 0; i < charList_index; i++) {

printf("%s nu: %d\n", charList[i], charList_nu[i]);

fprintf(fp,"%s nu: %d\n", charList[i], charList_nu[i]);


printf("\n============== const number of list ================\n");

for(i = 0; i < numList_index; i++) {

printf("%s nu: %d\n", numList[i], numList_nu[i]);

fprintf(fp, "%s nu:%d\n", numList[i], numList_nu[i]);


printf("\ntotal nu: %d\n", nu);


bool isLetter(char a){

if((a <= 'Z' && a >= 'A') || (a <= 'z' && a >= 'a') || '_' == a) {

return true;


else return false;


bool isDigit(char a) {

if(a <= '9' && a >= '1') {

return true;


else return false;


void concatenation(char token[_TOKEN_SIZE], char str) {

int len = strlen(token);

token[len] = str;


int reserve(char token[_TOKEN_SIZE]) {

int i, j;

for(i = 0; i < _RESERV

浏览器打开:qq.cn.hn/FTf 免费领取

E_NUM; i++) {

if(!strcmp(&reserveList[i][0], token)) {

return 1;



for(i = 0; i < _DELIMILTER_NUM; i++) {

if(!strcmp(&delimilter[i][0], token)) {

return 2;



return 0;


int buildCharList(char token[_TOKEN_SIZE]) {

strcpy(&charList[charList_index][0], token);


return charList_index-1;


int buildNumList(char token[_TOKEN_SIZE]) {

strcpy(&numList[numList_index][0], token);


return numList_index-1;


int analysisCode(char str, int& nu) {

int num;

char token[_TOKEN_SIZE];

memset(token, 0, sizeof(token));

if('\n' == str) {


return '\n';


else if(isLetter(str)) {

while(isLetter(str) || isDigit(str)) {

concatenation(token, str);

str = getchar();


ungetc(str, stdin);

int type = reserve(token);

if(0 == type) {

num = buildCharList(token);

charList_nu[num] = nu;


memset(token, 0, sizeof(token));

return num;


else if(isDigit(str) || '+' == str || '-' == str) {

if(NUMERROR == lastRetval) {

return NUMERROR;


int dotFlag, eFlag, numFlag, fFlag;

int eNum, dotNum, fNum;

dotFlag = eFlag = 0;

numFlag = fFlag = 1;

eNum = dotNum = fNum = 0;

while(isDigit(str) || 'e' == str || '.' == str || '+' == str || '-' == str) {

if('e' == str) {

if(0 == eFlag || 1 == eNum) {

ungetc(str, stdin);

return NUMERROR;


dotFlag = 0;

eFlag = 0;

numFlag = 1;

fFlag = 1;


dotNum = 0;

fNum = 0;


else if('+' == str || '-' == str) {

if(0 == fFlag || 1 == fNum) {

ungetc(str, stdin);

return NUMERROR;


dotFlag = 0;

eFlag = 0;

numFlag = 1;

fFlag = 0;



else if('.' == str) {

if(0 == dotFlag || 1 == dotNum) {

ungetc(str, stdin);

return NUMERROR;


dotFlag = 0;

eFlag = 0;

numFlag = 1;

fFlag = 0;



else if(isDigit(str)) {

dotFlag = 1;

eFlag = 1;

numFlag = 1;

fFlag = 0;


concatenation(token, str);

str = getchar();


ungetc(str, stdin);

num = buildNumList(token);

numList_nu[num] = nu;

memset(token, 0, sizeof(token));

return num;


else if('"' == str) {

int flag = 0;

while(0 == flag) {

concatenation(token, str);

str = getchar();

if('"' == str) {

flag = 1;



