
Flutter 中 http 请求抓包解决方案,揭秘今年 Android 春招面试必问问题有哪些

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前阵子有同学反馈 Flutter 中的 http 请求无法通过 fiddler 抓包,作者喜欢使用 Charles 抓包工具,于是抽时间写了个小 demo 测试了一下,结论是在手机上设置代理,Charles 确实抓不到请求数据包。于是对该问题进行了分析:

  1. 确定使用的是 http 发起的 get 请求,理论上 http 协议应该可以被 Charles 抓到包的,如果没有抓到包,那可能是没有走代理,于是乎通过将笔记本连接的 wifi 断开测试了一下手机上 APP 发起 http 请求,发现请求成功,证实确实没有走代理;

  2. 为什么 http 请求没有通过 wifi 走代理呢,因为之前安卓原生使用的一些 http 框架都是正常走代理的啊,那是不是有可能代码中有 api 方法可以设置请求不走代理,于是乎就研读了一下 Flutter 中 http 相关的源码,最终找到了答案。

http 请求源码跟踪

http.dart 中的 HttpClient 是一个抽象类,成员方法的具体实现在 http_impl.dart 中,http 的 get 请求实现如下:

Future<HttpClientRequest> getUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("get", url);

Future<_HttpClientRequest> _openUrl(String method, Uri uri) {...// Check to see if a proxy server should be used for this connection.var proxyConf = const _ProxyConfiguration.direct();if (_findProxy != null) {// TODO(sgjesse): Keep a map of these as normally only a few// configuration strings will be used.try {proxyConf = new _ProxyConfiguration(_findProxy(uri));} catch (error, stackTrace) {return new Future.error(error, stackTrace);}}return _getConnection(uri.host, port, proxyConf, isSecure).then((_ConnectionInfo info) {...});}

首先,我们可以发现方法中有一行注释// Check to see if a proxy server should be used for this connection.,意思是“检查是否应该使用代理服务器进行此连接”;

然后,有一个proxyConf对象初始化和根据_findProxy来创建新的 proxyConf 对象的语句,然后通过_getConnection(uri.host, port, proxyConf, isSecure)来创建连接,_getConnection 的源码如下:

Future<_ConnectionInfo> _getConnection(String uriHost, i

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nt uriPort,_ProxyConfiguration proxyConf, bool isSecure) {Iterator<_Proxy> proxies = proxyConf.proxies.iterator;

Future<_ConnectionInfo> connect(error) {if (!proxies.moveNext()) return new Future.error(error);_Proxy proxy = proxies.current;String host = proxy.isDirect ? uriHost : proxy.host;int port = proxy.isDirect ? uriPort : proxy.port;return _getConnectionTarget(host, port, isSecure).connect(uriHost, uriPort, proxy, this)// On error, continue with next proxy..catchError(connect);}

return connect(new HttpException("No proxies given"));}

从代码中我们可以看到根据代理配置信息来将请求的 host 和 port 进行重置,然后创建真实的连接。

跟踪以上源码我们发现 dart 中 http 请求是否走代理是需要配置的,而_findProxy变量和配置的代理信息有关。

http__impl.dart 文件中的_HttpClient 类中定义了_findProxy的默认值

Function _findProxy = HttpClient.findProxyFromEnvironment;

HttpClient 类中findProxyFromEnvironment方法的实现

static String findProxyFromEnvironment(Uri url,{Map<String, String> environment}) {HttpOverrides overrides = HttpOverrides.current;if (overrides == null) {return _HttpClient._findProxyFromEnvironment(url, environment);}return overrides.findProxyFromEnvironment(url, environment);}

_HttpClient 类中_findProxyFromEnvironment方法的实现

static String _findProxyFromEnvironment(Uri url, Map<String, String> environment) {checkNoProxy(String option) {if (option == null) return null;Iterator<String> names = option.split(",").map((s) => s.trim()).iterator;while (names.moveNext()) {var name = names.current;if ((name.startsWith("[") &&name.endsWith("]") &&"[${url.host}]" == name) ||(name.isNotEmpty && url.host.endsWith(name))) {return "DIRECT";}}return null;}

checkProxy(String option) {if (option == null) return null;option = option.trim();if (option.isEmpty) return null;int pos = option.indexOf("://");if (pos >= 0) {option = option.substring(pos + 3);}pos = option.indexOf("/");if (pos >= 0) {option = option.substring(0, pos);}// Add default port if no port configured.if (option.indexOf("[") == 0) {var pos = option.lastIndexOf(":");if (option.indexOf("]") > pos) option = "option:1080";} else {if (option.indexOf(":") == -1) option = "option:1080";}return "PROXY $option";}

// Default to using the process current environment.if (environment == null) environment = _platformEnvironmentCache;

String proxyCfg;

String noProxy = environment["no_proxy"];if (noProxy == null) noProxy = environment["NO_PROXY"];if ((proxyCfg = checkNoProxy(noProxy)) != null) {return proxyCfg;}

if (url.scheme == "http") {String proxy = environment["http_proxy"];if (proxy == null) proxy = environment["HTTP_PROXY"];if ((proxyCfg = checkProxy(proxy)) != null) {return proxyCfg;}




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