Opus 从入门到精通 (二): 编解码器使用

Opus Encoder
Opus Decoder
Opus Multistream API
Opus library information functions
Opus Custom 编解码示例文件:https://github.com/xiph/opus/blob/master/src/opus_demo.c 文档地址:https://www.opus-codec.org/docs/opus_api-1.1.3/index.html
typedef struct OpusEncoder OpusEncoder //Opus encoder 状态.
本节描述了用于编码 Opus 的过程和函数。既然 Opus 是一个有状态的编解码器,编码过程始于创建一个编码器状态,用以下方法做到:
从这一点上, enc 可以用于编码音频流。一个编码器状态在同一时间不得用于多于一个音频流。同样,编码器状态不能对于每帧重新初始化。当 opus_encoder_create()为状态分配内存时,它也可以初始化预分配的内存:
opus_encoder_get_size()返回编码器状态要求的大小。注意,这段代码的未来版本可能改变大小,所以没有 assuptions 应该对它做出。编码器状态在内存中总是连续,复制它只要一个浅拷贝就足够了。使用 opus_encoder_ctl()接口可以改变一些编码器的参数设置。所有这些参数都已有缺省值,所以只在必要的情况下改变它们。最常见的参数设置修改是:
complexity(复杂性)是一个值从 1 到 10,1 最低,10 最高,值越大越复杂
signal_type(信号的类型)包括 OPUS_AUTO (缺省), OPUS_SIGNAL_VOICE, or OPUS_SIGNAL_MUSIC。
看 Encoder related CTLs 和 Generic CTLs 可以获得可设置和查询的参数详细清单。在一个音频流处理过程中,大多数参数可以设置或修改。为了对一个帧进行编码,必须正确地用音频数据的帧(2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40 或 60 毫秒)来调用 opus_encode() 或 opus_encode_float()函数。
audio_frame(音频帧)是 opus_int16(或用于 opus_encode_float()的浮点)格式的音频数据
max_packet 是可以写入包的字节数的最大值推荐(4000 字节)。不要使用 max_packet 控制 VBR 的目标比特率,而应该用 OPUS_SET_BITRATE CTL。opus_encode() 和 opus_encode_float()返回实际写入包的字节数。返回值可以是负数,这表明一个错误已经发生。如果返回值是 1 个字节,那么包不需要传播(DTX)。一旦一个编码器状态已不再需要,可以用以下方式解构:
如果编码器是用 opus_encoder_init() 创建的,而不是使用 opus_encoder_create()函数,那么不需要采取行动,要求从潜在的释放为它手动分配的内存(上述例子是调用 free(enc))中分离。
这包含了一个 Opus 编码器的完整状态。它是位置独立的,并且可以自由复制。
对一个 Opus 帧进行编码。
根据浮点输入对一个 Opus 帧进行编码.
OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP:在给定比特率条件下为声音信号提供最高质量,它通过高通滤波和强调共振峰和谐波增强了输入信号。它包括带内前向错误检查以预防包丢失。典型的 VOIP 应用程序使用这种模式。由于进行了增强,即使是高比特率的情况下,输出的声音与输入相比,听起来可能不一样。
OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO:对大多数非语音信号,如音乐,在给定比特率条件下提供了最高的质量。使用这种模式的场合包括音乐、混音(音乐/声音),广播,和需要不到 15 毫秒的信号延迟的其他应用。
向一个 Opus 编码器执行一个 CTL 函数.一般其请求和后续的参数是由一个提供便利的宏来产生的。
Frees an OpusEncoder allocated by opus_encoder_create().释放一个根据 opus_encoder_create()已分配的 OpusEncoder 对象。
获得 OpusEncoder 结构的大小。
初始化一个以前分配的编码器状态。状态所指向的内存必须至少是 opus_encoder_get_size()返回的大小.在这里,应用程序不要用系统自动分配内存,而要准备用自己的分配器。参见: opus_encoder_create(),opus_encoder_get_size()。为重设一个以前初始化的状态,使用 OPUS_RESET_STATE CTL.
返回值: 成功,OPUS_OK ,失败,错误代码。
解码器 Opus Decoder
Fs 是采样率,必须是 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, 或 48000
channels 是通道数 (1 或 2)
error 将保存出错情况下的错误代码(或成功状态下的 OPUS_OK )
当 opus_decoder_create() 为状态分配内存时, 它也可以初始化预分配的内存:
opus_decoder_get_size()返回解码器状态要求的大小. 注意,这段代码的未来版本可能改变大小,所以没有 assuptions 应该对它做出。 解码器状态在内存中总是连续,复制它只要一个浅拷贝就足够了。
为解码一个帧, opus_decode() 或 opus_decode_float()必须用压缩音频数据的包来调用:frame_size = opus_decode(dec, packet, len, decoded, max_size, 0);在这里
packet 是包含压缩数据的字节数组
len 是包内字节的精确数量
decoded 是 opus_int16 (或由 opus_decode_float()定义的浮点型)格式的解码后的音频数据。
max_size 是可以放入解码帧的每个通道各样本中帧的最大值 opus_decode() 和 opus_decode_float() 返回从包解码后的每通道样本的数量。如果这个值是负的,表示有错误发生。如果包损坏或音频缓冲太小不足以容纳解码后的音频,错误就会发生。
Opus 是包含重叠块的有状态的编解码器,其结果是 Opus 包并不是彼此独立编码。包必须按正确的次序,连续地进入解码器进行正确的解码。丢失的包可以用遗失隐藏来替换,遗失隐藏用一个空的指针和 0 长度的包来调用解码器。 一个单独的编解码器状态在一个时间只能由一个单独的线程来访问,调用者执行任何需要的锁定。各分开的音频数据流可以用各自分开的解码器状态平行地进行解码,除非 API 库在编译时用了 NONTHREADSAFE_PSEUDOSTACK 定义。
这包含了一个 Opus 解码器的完整状态。它是位置独立的,并且可以自由复制。参见: opus_decoder_create,opus_decoder_init
对一个 Opus 包进行解码。
用浮点输出格式解码一个 Opus 包。
返回: 解码样本的数量,或错误代码。
向一个 Opus 解码器执行一个 CTL 函数.一般其请求和后续的参数是由一个提供便利的宏来产生的。
释放一个根据 opus_decoder_create()已分配的 OpusDecoder 对象.
获得一个 Opus 包的样本数
获得 OpusDecoder 结构的大小。
状态必须至少是 opus_decoder_get_size()返回的大小.
在这里,应用程序不要用系统自动分配内存,而要准备用自己的分配器。参见: opus_decoder_create,opus_decoder_get_size,为重设一个以前初始化的状态,使用 OPUS_RESET_STATE CTL
获得一个 Opus 包的带宽。
获得 Opus 包的通道数。
返回: 通道数量返回值: OPUS_INVALID_PACKET 通过的被压缩数据已损坏或其格式不被支持
获得 Opus 包所有帧的数量.
返回: 帧的数量返回值: OPUS_INVALID_PACKET 通过的被压缩数据已损坏或其格式不被支持
获得 Opus 包的样本数。
返回: 样本的数量返回值: OPUS_INVALID_PACKET 通过的被压缩数据已损坏或其格式不被支持
获得 Opus 包每帧的样本数。
返回: 每帧样本的数量.
将一个 opus 包解析成 1 个或多个帧.Opus_decode 在内部执行这个操作,所以大多数应用程序不需要用到这个函数。这个函数不复制各帧,返回的指针是输入包内部的指针。
返回: 帧的数量
Repacketizer 可将多个包 Opus 合并成一个包,或将以前合并的包分离成多个 Opus 包。
Repacketizer 可将多个包 Opus 合并成一个包,或将以前合并的包分离成多个 Opus 包。分离有效的包可以保证成功,然而,只有在所有的帧都有相同的编码模式、带宽、帧大小,并且合并后的包总的时长不超过 120 毫秒,合并有效的包才能成功。对多流包的操作不会成功,除了这些包由来自同一音频流的数据组成的退化情况。重构包的过程开始于创建一个 repacketizer 状态,创建既可以通过调用 opus_repacketizer_create()函数也可以通过自己分配内存的方式来进行,例如
之后应用程序应通过 opus_repacketizer_cat()来提交包,用 opus_repacketizer_out()或 opus_repacketizer_out_range()提取新的包,然后通过 opus_repacketizer_init()为下一套输入包重设状态。下面的例子中,将一个系列的包分离成各单独的帧:
可选择将一个系列的帧合并到各个包中,每个包包含最多 TARGET_DURATION_MS 毫秒的数据:
合并包的一个可替代方案是仅仅无条件地调用 opus_repacketizer_cat()直到失败。这样,可以用 opus_repacketizer_out()来获得合并后的包,opus_repacketizer_cat()输入的包需要重新添加到一个新的重新初始化的 repacketizer 状态.
添加一个包到当前 repacketizer 状态。 这个包必须符合自从最后一次调用 opus_repacketizer_init()后,已经提交给 repacketizer 状态的任何包的配置。这意味着它必须有相同的编码模式、带宽、帧大小和通道数。可以提前进行检查,方法是通过监测包第一个字节的前 6 位,检查它们是否与其他任何已提交的包的第一个字节的前 6 位项匹配。添加这个包以后,单个包的总时长,以及在 repacketizer 状态的音频总时长都不能超过 120 毫秒。 This packet must match the configuration of any packets already submitted for repacketization since the last call to opus_repacketizer_init(). This means that it must have the same coding mode, audio bandwidth, frame size, and channel count. This can be checked in advance by examining the top 6 bits of the first byte of the packet, and ensuring they match the top 6 bits of the first byte of any previously submitted packet. The total duration of audio in the repacketizer state also must not exceed 120 ms, the maximum duration of a single packet, after adding this packet. 用 opus_repacketizer_out() 或 opus_repacketizer_out_range(),当前 repacketizer 状态的内容可以被提取到新的包。 The contents of the current repacketizer state can be extracted into new packets using opus_repacketizer_out() or opus_repacketizer_out_range(). 如果想添加不同配置的包,或加更多的超过 120 毫秒的音频数据,就必须调用 opus_repacketizer_init()来清除 repacketizer 状态。如果一个包太大不能整体添加到当前 repacketizer 状态,它的任何一部分也不能添加,即使这个包包含多个帧,其中部分也许适合添加。如果你想添加这样的包的部分内容,你应当首先使用另一个 repacketizer 来将这些包分离成适合添加的小片,再一个个地将这些小片加入目标 repacketizer 状态。 In order to add a packet with a different configuration or to add more audio beyond 120 ms, you must clear the repacketizer state by calling opus_repacketizer_init(). If a packet is too large to add to the current repacketizer state, no part of it is added, even if it contains multiple frames, some of which might fit. If you wish to be able to add parts of such packets, you should first use another repacketizer to split the packet into pieces and add them individually.
参见: opus_repacketizer_out_range opus_repacketizer_out opus_repacketizer_init 参数:
[in] rp OpusRepacketizer*:将要添加包的 repacketizer 状态。 The repacketizer state to which to add the packet.
[in] data const unsigned char*: 包数据。应用程序必须确保这个指针合法有效直到对 opus_repacketizer_init() 或 opus_repacketizer_destroy()的下一次调用。The packet data. The application must ensure this pointer remains valid until the next call to opus_repacketizer_init() or opus_repacketizer_destroy().
[in] len opus_int32: 包数据中的字节数。The number of bytes in the packet data.返回:表示操作成功与否的错误代码。An error code indicating whether or not the operation succeeded.返回值:OPUS_OK 包的内容已被添加到 repacketizer 状态。The packet's contents have been added to the repacketizer 状态.OPUS_INVALID_PACKET 包的 TOC 系列无效,该系列不能与以前提交的包相匹配(编码模式、音频带宽、帧大小或通道数不吻合),或添加这个包将导致存储在 repacketizer 状态的声音时长超过 120 毫秒。The packet did not have a valid TOC sequence, the packet's TOC sequence was not compatible with previously submitted packets (because the coding mode, audio bandwidth, frame size, or channel count did not match), or adding this packet would increase the total amount of audio stored in the repacketizer 状态 to more than 120 ms.
为用 opus_repacketizer_init()产生的新 repacketizer 分配内存和初始化。Allocates memory and initializes the new repacketizer with opus_repacketizer_init().
释放通过 opus_repacketizer_create()分配过的 OpusRepacketizer。Frees an OpusRepacketizer allocated by opus_repacketizer_create().参数:[in] rp OpusRepacketizer*:将被释放的 repacketizer 状态。 State to be freed.
返回最后一次调用 opus_repacketizer_init() 或 opus_repacketizer_create()后,到当前为止通过 opus_repacketizer_cat()提交的包数据所包含的帧的总数。Return the total number of frames contained in packet data submitted to the repacketizer 状态 so far via opus_repacketizer_cat() since the last call to opus_repacketizer_init() or opus_repacketizer_create().这里定义了能被 opus_repacketizer_out_range() 或 opus_repacketizer_out()提取的有效包的范围。This defines the valid range of packets that can be extracted with opus_repacketizer_out_range() or opus_repacketizer_out().参数:rp OpusRepacketizer*: 包含各帧的 repacketizer 状态。The repacketizer 状态 containing the frames.返回:提交给 repacketizer 状态的包所包含的帧的总数。The total number of frames contained in the packet data submitted to the repacketizer 状态.
获得 OpusRepacketizer 结构的大小 Gets the size of an OpusRepacketizer structure.返回:结构体字节的大小 The size in bytes.
(重新)初始化以前分配过的 repacketizer 状态(Re)initializes a previously allocated repacketizer 状态.Repacketizer 状态必须至少有 opus_repacketizer_get_size()返回的大小。这适用于不使用 malloc(),而是用自己的分配器的应用程序。它也要被调用来重设正在等待重构的那些包的队列,如果最大包时长达到 120ms 或你希望用不同的 Opus 配置(编码模式、音频带宽、帧大小或通道数)来提交包的时候,这么做就有必要了。这么做如果失败了,系统将阻止用 opus_repacketizer_cat()添加新的包。The state must be at least the size returned by opus_repacketizer_get_size(). This can be used for applications which use their own allocator instead of malloc(). It must also be called to reset the queue of packets waiting to be repacketized, which is necessary if the maximum packet duration of 120 ms is reached or if you wish to submit packets with a different Opus configuration (coding mode, audio bandwidth, frame size, or channel count). Failure to do so will prevent a new packet from being added with opus_repacketizer_cat().参见:opus_repacketizer_createopus_repacketizer_get_sizeopus_repacketizer_cat 参数:rp OpusRepacketizer*:需要 (重新)初始化的 repacketizer 状态返回:输入的同一个 repacketizer 状态的指针。A pointer to the same repacketizer 状态 that was passed in.
通过 opus_repacketizer_cat()从以前提交给 repacketizer 状态的数据构建一个新的包。Construct a new packet from data previously submitted to the repacketizer 状态 via opus_repacketizer_cat().返回迄今提交进单一个包的所有数据可以提供便利,这么做等同于调用 opus_repacketizer_out_range(rp, 0, opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames(rp),data, maxlen)This is a convenience routine that returns all the data submitted so far in a single packet. It is equivalent to callingopus_repacketizer_out_range(rp, 0, opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames(rp),data, maxlen)参数:rp OpusRepacketizer*: 准备构建新包的 repacketizer 状态。The repacketizer 状态 from which to construct the new packet.[out] data const unsigned char*: 将要存储输出包的缓冲区。The buffer in which to store the output packet.maxlen opus_int32: 将要存入输出缓冲区的字节最大数。为保证成功,这个值应该至少为 1277opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames(rp)。然而,1opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames(rp)加上自从上次调用 opus_repacketizer_init() 或 opus_repacketizer_create()以来所有提交包数据的大小,也是足够的,也可能小得多(此话似有矛盾)。 The maximum number of bytes to store in the output buffer. In order to guarantee success, this should be at least 1277opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames(rp). However, 1opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames(rp) plus the size of all packet data submitted to the repacketizer since the last call to opus_repacketizer_init() or opus_repacketizer_create() is also sufficient, and possibly much smaller.返回:成功,输出包总的大小,失败,错误代码。The total size of the output packet on success, or an error code on failure.返回值:OPUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 最大容量 maxlen 不足以包含整个输出包。maxlen was insufficient to contain the complete output packet.
通过 opus_repacketizer_cat()从以前提交给 repacketizer 状态的数据构建一个新的包。Construct a new packet from data previously submitted to the repacketizer 状态 via opus_repacketizer_cat().参数:rp OpusRepacketizer*:准备构建新包的 repacketizer 状态。The repacketizer state from which to construct the new packet.begin int: 准备输出的当前 repacketizer 状态第一帧的索引。The index of the first frame in the current repacketizer state to include in the output.end int: 准备输出的当前 repacketizer 状态最后一帧的索引再加 1.One past the index of the last frame in the current repacketizer state to include in the output.[out] data const unsigned char*: 准备存储输出包的缓冲区。The buffer in which to store the output packet.maxlen opus_int32: 将要存入输出缓冲区的字节最大数。为保证成功,这个值应该至少为 1277opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames(rp)。然而,1opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames(rp)加上自从上次调用 opus_repacketizer_init() 或 opus_repacketizer_create()以来所有提交包数据的大小,也是足够的,也可能小得多(此话似有矛盾)。 The maximum number of bytes to store in the output buffer. In order to guarantee success, this should be at least 1276 for a single frame, or for multiple frames, 1277*(end-begin). However, 1*(end-begin) plus the size of all packet data submitted to the repacketizer since the last call to opus_repacketizer_init() or opus_repacketizer_create() is also sufficient, and possibly much smaller.返回:成功,输出包总的大小,失败,错误代码。The total size of the output packet on success, or an error code on failure.返回值:OPUS_BAD_ARG (begin,end)是帧无效的位置(begin < 0, begin >= end, or end > opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames()). [begin,end) was an invalid range of frames (begin < 0, begin >= end, or end > opus_repacketizer_get_nb_frames()).OPUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 最大容量 maxlen 不足以包含整个输出包。maxlen was insufficient to contain the complete output packet.
Opus Multistream API
Multistream API 允许将多个 Opus 数据流组合成一个包,能够支持多达 255 通道。The multistream API allows individual Opus streams to be combined into a single packet, enabling support for up to 255 channels.
Opus 多流编码器状态.
Opus 多留解码器状态.
多流 API 允许将多个 Opus 数据流组合成一个包,能够支持多达 255 通道。The multistream API allows individual Opus streams to be combined into a single packet, enabling support for up to 255 channels.不象一个基本的 Opus 流,在解码器能成功解释编码器生成的包内的数据前,编码器和解码器必须就通道配置协商一致。一些基本的信息,比如包时长,可以不需要特别的协商就可以计算获得。Unlike an elementary Opus stream, the encoder and decoder must negotiate the channel configuration before the decoder can successfully interpret the data in the packets produced by the encoder. Some basic information, such as packet duration, can be computed without any special negotiation.多流 Opus 包的格式是定义在 Ogg 封装的规格,也是基于 RFC 6716 附录 B 所阐述的自限定 Opus 框架。标准的 Opus 包正好是多流 Opus 包的退化版本,可以用对流 API 进行编码和解码,只要在初始化编码器和解码器时将流数量设置为 1.The format for multistream Opus packets is defined in the Ogg encapsulation specification and is based on the self-delimited Opus framing described in Appendix B of RFC 6716. Normal Opus packets are just a degenerate case of multistream Opus packets, and can be encoded or decoded with the multistream API by setting streams to 1 when initializing the encoder or decoder.多流 Opus 数据流能包含最多 255 个基本的 Opus 流,这些既可以是“组队的”也可以是“非组队的”,表明解码器被配置来分别用 1 或 2 个通道来解码它们。这些流是有序的,以便所有组队的流起初就能出现(似乎不够恰当)。Multistream Opus streams can contain up to 255 elementary Opus streams. These may be either "uncoupled" or "coupled", indicating that the decoder is configured to decode them to either 1 or 2 channels, respectively. The streams are ordered so that all coupled streams appear at the beginning.一张映射表用来定义哪个解码通道 i 应被用于哪个输入/输出(I/O)通道 j。这张表典型地作为一个无符号字符型阵列。让 i = mapping[j] 也就是 I/O 通道 j 的索引。如果 i< 2coupled_streams,那么 i 若为偶数,I/O 通道 j 被按照数据流的左声道进行编码;若 i 为奇数,I/O 通道 j 被按照数据流的右声道进行编码。其他情况下,I/O 通道 j 被按照数据流的单声道编码(i - coupled_streams),除非它有特殊的值 255,在这种情况下它将被从编码中彻底删掉(解码器将其作为静音重建)。i 的每个值不是特殊值 255 就是小于 streams + coupled_streams。A mapping table defines which decoded channel i should be used for each input/output (I/O) channel j. This table is typically provided as an unsigned char array. Let i = mapping[j] be the index for I/O channel j. If i < 2coupled_streams, then I/O channel j is encoded as the left channel of stream (i/2) if i is even, or as the right channel of stream (i/2) if i is odd. Otherwise, I/O channel j is encoded as mono in stream (i - coupled_streams), unless it has the special value 255, in which case it is omitted from the encoding entirely (the decoder will reproduce it as silence). Each value i must either be the special value 255 or be less than streams + coupled_streams.必须说明,编码器的输出通道应使用 Vorbis(免费音乐格式)的通道规则。解码器可能希望应用一个附加的排列以映射用于实现不同输出通道规则的编码器(例如用于 WAV 规则的输出)。The output channels specified by the encoder should use the Vorbis channel ordering. A decoder may wish to apply an additional permutation to the mapping the encoder used to achieve a different output channel order (e.g. for outputing in WAV order).多流包包含对应每个流的各 Opus 包,在单一多流包内的所有 Opus 包必须有相同的时长。因此,一个多流包的时长可以从位于包开始位置的第一个流的 TOC 序列提取,就象一个基本的 Opus 流:Each multistream packet contains an Opus psacket for each stream, and all of the Opus packets in a single multistream packet must have the same duration. Therefore the duration of a multistream packet can be extracted from the TOC sequence of the first stream, which is located at the beginning of the packet, just like an elementary Opus stream:
一般的编码和解码过程执行完全相同的标准 Opus Encoder 和 Opus Decoder API。如何使用相应的多流函数可以查阅它们的说明文档。The general encoding and decoding process proceeds exactly the same as in the normal Opus Encoder and Opus Decoder APIs. See their documentation for an overview of how to use the corresponding multistream functions.
Opus 多流解码器状态。Opus multistream decoder state.这包含了一个 Opus 多流解码器的完整状态。它是位置独立的,并且可以自由复制。This contains the complete state of a multistream Opus decoder. It is position independent and can be freely copied.参见:opus_multistream_decoder_createopus_multistream_decoder_init
Opus 多流编码器状态。Opus multistream encoder state.这包含了一个 Opus 多流编码器的完整状态。它是位置独立的,并且可以自由复制。This contains the complete state of a multistream Opus encoder. It is position independent and can be freely copied.参见:opus_multistream_encoder_createopus_multistream_encoder_init
解码一个多流 Opus 包。Decode a multistream Opus packet.参数:
st OpusMSDecoder*: Opus 多流解码器状态。Multistream decoder state.
[in] data const unsigned char*:输入负载.对包丢失使用一个空指针来表示。 Input payload. Use a NULL pointer to indicate packet loss.
len opus_int32: 在输入负载中的字节数。Number of bytes in payload.
[out] pcm opus_int16*:使用交叉样本的输出信号。必须有容纳 frame_sizechannels 样本数的空间。Output signal, with interleaved samples. This must contain room for frame_sizechannels samples.
frame_size int: 在 PCM 可用空间中每通道的样本数。如果小于最大包的时长(120 毫秒,4848kHz5760 个),这个函数将不能解码一些包。如果是 PLC (data==NULL) 或 FEC (decode_fec=1)的情况,那么 frame_size 必须正好是丢失音频的时长,否则解码器无法在解码下一个包时进入优化状态。对于 PLC 和 FEC 的情况,frame_size 必须是 2.5 毫秒的倍数。The number of samples per channel of available space in pcm. If this is less than the maximum packet duration (120 ms; 5760 for 48kHz), this function will not be capable of decoding some packets. In the case of PLC (data==NULL) or FEC (decode_fec=1), then frame_size needs to be exactly the duration of audio that is missing, otherwise the decoder will not be in the optimal state to decode the next incoming packet. For the PLC and FEC cases, frame_size must be a multiple of 2.5 ms.
decode_fec int: 对于请求任何带内前向错误纠正数据进行解码的状态标志 (0 or 1) 。如果没有这样的数据可用,帧在解码时被认为已经丢失。 Flag (0 or 1) to request that any in-band forward error correction data be decoded. If no such data is available, the frame is decoded as if it were lost.返回:成功,解码样本的数量,失败,负的错误代码。Number of samples decoded on success or a negative error code (see Error codes) on failure.
用浮点输出格式解码一个多流 Opus 包。Decode a multistream Opus packet with floating point output.参数:
st OpusMSDecoder*: Opus 多流解码器状态。Multistream decoder state.
[in] data const unsigned char*::输入负载.对包丢失使用一个空指针来表示。 Input payload. Use a NULL pointer to indicate packet loss.
len opus_int32: 在输入负载中的字节数。 Number of bytes in payload.
[out] pcm opus_int16*:使用交叉样本的输出信号。必须有容纳 frame_sizechannels 样本数的空间。Output signal, with interleaved samples. This must contain room for frame_sizechannels samples.
frame_size int: 在 PCM 可用空间中每通道的样本数。如果小于最大包的时长(120 毫秒,4848kHz5760 个),这个函数将不能解码一些包。如果是 PLC (data==NULL) 或 FEC (decode_fec=1)的情况,那么 frame_size 必须正好是丢失音频的时长,否则解码器无法在解码下一个包时进入优化状态。对于 PLC 和 FEC 的情况,frame_size 必须是 2.5 毫秒的倍数。The number of samples per channel of available space in pcm. If this is less than the maximum packet duration (120 ms; 5760 for 48kHz), this function will not be capable of decoding some packets. In the case of PLC (data==NULL) or FEC (decode_fec=1), then frame_size needs to be exactly the duration of audio that is missing, otherwise the decoder will not be in the optimal state to decode the next incoming packet. For the PLC and FEC cases, frame_size must be a multiple of 2.5 ms.
decode_fec int: 对于请求任何带内前向错误纠正数据进行解码的状态标志 (0 or 1) 。如果没有这样的数据可用,帧在解码时被认为已经丢失。 Flag (0 or 1) to request that any in-band forward error correction data be decoded. If no such data is available, the frame is decoded as if it were lost.返回:成功,解码样本的数量,失败,负的错误代码。Number of samples decoded on success or a negative error code (see Error codes) on failure.
分配和初始化多流解码器状态。Allocates and initializes a multistream decoder state.当结束时要调用 opus_multistream_decoder_destroy()来释放这个对象。Call opus_multistream_decoder_destroy() to release this object when finished.参数:
Fs opus_int32: 解码的采样率 (Hz). 必须是 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, 或 48000.Sampling rate to decode at (in Hz). This must be one of 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, or 48000.
channels int: 用于解码的通道数,这个数最大是 255,可能与编码通道(streams + coupled_streams)的数量不同。Number of channels to output. This must be at most 255. It may be different from the number of coded channels (streams + coupled_streams).
streams int:编码进输入的数据流的总数,必须不能超过 255. The total number of streams coded in the input. This must be no more than 255.
coupled_streams int: 要解码为组对流(2 通道)的数据流的数量。必须不大于数据流的总数。另外,编码通道(streams + coupled_streams)的数量必须不大于 255.Number of streams to decode as coupled (2 channel) streams. This must be no larger than the total number of streams. Additionally, The total number of coded channels (streams + coupled_streams) must be no more than 255.
[in] mapping const unsigned char[channels]:被编码通道与输出通道的映射关系表。Mapping from coded channels to output channels, as described in Opus Multistream API.
[out] error int *:成功,返回 OPUS_OK,失败,返回错误代码。 Returns OPUS_OK on success, or an error code (see Error codes) on failure.
向一个 Opus 多流解码器执行一个 CTL 函数.Perform a CTL function on a multistream Opus decoder.一般其请求和后续的参数是由一个提供便利的宏来产生的。Generally the request and subsequent arguments are generated by a convenience macro.参数:
st OpusMSDecoder*: 多流解码器状态。Multistream decoder state.
Request : 这个及所有其他剩余参数应被 1 个在 Generic CTLs,Decoder 相关的 CTLs, 或 Multistream 具体的编码器和解码器 CTLs 所提供便利的宏来替代。This and all remaining parameters should be replaced by one of the convenience macros in Generic CTLs, Decoder related CTLs, or Multistream specific encoder and decoder CTLs.参见:Generic CTLsDecoder related CTLsMultistream specific encoder and decoder CTLs
释放一个根据 opus_ multistream_decoder_create()已分配的 OpusMSDecoder 对象.Frees an OpusMSDecoder allocated by opus_multistream_decoder_create().参数:
st OpusMSDecoder: 用于释放的多流解码器状态。Multistream decoder state to be freed.
获得 OpusMSDecoder 结构的大小。Gets the size of an OpusMSDecoder structure.参数:
streams int: 编码进输入的数据流的总数,必须不能超过 255. The total number of streams coded in the input. This must be no more than 255.
coupled_streams int: 要解码为组对流(2 通道)的数据流的数量。必须不大于数据流的总数。另外,编码通道(streams + coupled_streams)的数量必须不大于 255.Number streams to decode as coupled (2 channel) streams. This must be no larger than the total number of streams. Additionally, The total number of coded channels (streams + coupled_streams) must be no more than 255.返回:成功,字节数,失败,负的错误代码。The size in bytes on success, or a negative error code (see Error codes) on error.
初始化一个以前分配过的解码器状对象。Intialize a previously allocated decoder state object.st 所指向的内存必须至少是 opus_multistream_decoder_get_size()返回的大小,是给不用系统自动分配内存,而要准备用自己的分配器的应用程序用的。为重设以前初始化的状态,使用 OPUS_RESET_STATE CTL。The memory pointed to by st must be at least the size returned by opus_multistream_decoder_get_size(). This is intended for applications which use their own allocator instead of malloc. To reset a previously initialized state, use the OPUS_RESET_STATE CTL.参见:opus_multistream_decoder_createopus_multistream_deocder_get_size 参数:
st OpusMSEncoder*:准备初始化的多流解码器状态。Multistream encoder state to initialize.
Fs opus_int32: 解码的采样率 (Hz). 必须是 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, 或 48000.Sampling rate to decode at (in Hz). This must be one of 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, or 48000.
channels int: 用于输出的通道数,这个数最大是 255,可能与编码通道(streams + coupled_streams)的数量不同。Number of channels to output. This must be at most 255. It may be different from the number of coded channels (streams + coupled_streams).
streams int: 编码进输入的数据流的总数,必须不能超过 255.The total number of streams coded in the input. This must be no more than 255.
coupled_streams int: 要解码为组对流(2 通道)的数据流的数量。必须不大于数据流的总数。另外,编码通道(streams + coupled_streams)的数量必须不大于 255.Number of streams to decode as coupled (2 channel) streams. This must be no larger than the total number of streams. Additionally, The total number of coded channels (streams + coupled_streams) must be no more than 255.
[in] mapping const unsigned char[channels]: 被编码通道与输出通道的映射关系表。Mapping from coded channels to output channels, as described in Opus Multistream API.
返回:成功,返回 OPUS_OK,失败,返回错误代码。OPUS_OK on success, or an error code (see Error codes) on failure.
对一个多流 Opus 帧进行编码。Encodes a multistream Opus frame.参数:
st OpusMSEncoder*:多流编码器状态。Multistream encoder state.
[in] pcm const opus_int16*:使用交叉样本的输入信号。必须有容纳 frame_sizechannels 样本数的空间。The input signal as interleaved samples. This must contain frame_sizechannels samples.
frame_size int: 输入信号的每通道使用交叉样本的输出信号。必须有容纳 frame_size*channels 样本数的空间。数. 这必须是编码器采样率的 Opus 帧大小。比如,48 kHz 下允许值有 120, 240, 480, 960, 1920, 和 2880。少于 10 毫秒的采样(48 kHz 有 480 个样本),将阻止编码器使用 LPC 或混合模式。Number of samples per channel in the input signal. This must be an Opus frame size for the encoder's sampling rate. For example, at 48 kHz the permitted values are 120, 240, 480, 960, 1920, and 2880. Passing in a duration of less than 10 ms (480 samples at 48 kHz) will prevent the encoder from using the LPC or hybrid modes.
[out] data unsigned char*:输出负载。必须包含至少 max_data_bytes 的容量。 Output payload. This must contain storage for at least max_data_bytes.
[in] max_data_bytes opus_int32: 为输出负载所分配的内存大小。可以用于限制固定比特率的最大上限,但不能用作唯一的比特率限制,可以用 OPUS_SET_BITRATE 来控制比特率。Size of the allocated memory for the output payload. This may be used to impose an upper limit on the instant bitrate, but should not be used as the only bitrate control. Use OPUS_SET_BITRATE to control the bitrate.返回:成功,是被编码包的长度(字节数),失败,一个负的错误代码。The length of the encoded packet (in bytes) on success or a negative error code (see Error codes) on failure.
根据浮点输入对一个 Opus 帧进行编码.Encodes a multistream Opus frame from floating point input.参数:
st OpusMSEncoder*:多流编码器状态。Multistream encoder state.
[in] pcm const float*:交叉样本的输入信号,正常范围在+/-1.0 之间. 超过该范围的采样也是支持的,但它将被解码器用整型 API 截取,并且只能在知道远端支持扩展的动态范围的情况下使用。必须有容纳 frame_sizechannels 样本数的空间。The input signal as interleaved samples with a normal range of +/-1.0. Samples with a range beyond +/-1.0 are supported but will be clipped by decoders using the integer API and should only be used if it is known that the far end supports extended dynamic range. This must contain frame_sizechannels samples.
frame_size int: 输入信号的每通道使用交叉样本的输出信号。必须有容纳 frame_size*channels 样本数的空间。数. 这必须是编码器采样率的 Opus 帧大小。比如,48 kHz 下允许值有 120, 240, 480, 960, 1920, 和 2880。少于 10 毫秒的采样(48 kHz 有 480 个样本),将阻止编码器使用 LPC 或混合模式。Number of samples per channel in the input signal. This must be an Opus frame size for the encoder's sampling rate. For example, at 48 kHz the permitted values are 120, 240, 480, 960, 1920, and 2880. Passing in a duration of less than 10 ms (480 samples at 48 kHz) will prevent the encoder from using the LPC or hybrid modes.
[out] data unsigned char*:输出负载。必须包含至少 max_data_bytes 的容量。Output payload. This must contain storage for at least max_data_bytes.
[in] max_data_bytes opus_int32: 为输出负载所分配的内存大小。可以用于限制固定比特率的最大上限,但不能用作唯一的比特率限制,可以用 OPUS_SET_BITRATE 来控制比特率。Size of the allocated memory for the output payload. This may be used to impose an upper limit on the instant bitrate, but should not be used as the only bitrate control. Use OPUS_SET_BITRATE to control the bitrate.
返回:成功,是被编码包的长度(字节数),失败,一个负的错误代码。The length of the encoded packet (in bytes) on success or a negative error code (see Error codes) on failure.
分配和初始化多流编码器状态。Allocates and initializes a multistream encoder state.当结束时要调用 opus_multistream_encoder_destroy()来释放这个对象。Call opus_multistream_encoder_destroy() to release this object when finished.参数:
Fs opus_int32: 解码的采样率 (Hz). 必须是 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, 或 48000.Sampling rate of the input signal (in Hz). This must be one of 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, or 48000.
channels int: 输入信号中的通道数,这个数最大是 255,可能比编码通道(streams + coupled_streams)的数量更大。Number of channels in the input signal. This must be at most 255. It may be greater than the number of coded channels (streams + coupled_streams).
streams int 从:输入要编码的数据流的总数,必须不能超过通道数. The total number of streams to encode from the input. This must be no more than the number of channels.
coupled_streams int: 要编码的组对(2 通道)数据流的总数,必须不大于数据流的总数。另外,编码通道(streams + coupled_streams)的总数必须不超过输入通道的数量.Number of coupled (2 channel) streams to encode. This must be no larger than the total number of streams. Additionally, The total number of encoded channels (streams + coupled_streams) must be no more than the number of input channels.
[in] mapping const unsigned char[channels]: 被编码通道与输入通道的映射关系表。作为一个额外的限制,多流编码器不允许对一个通道不可用的组对数据流进行编码,因为这个想法太烂了。Mapping from encoded channels to input channels, as described in Opus Multistream API. As an extra constraint, the multistream encoder does not allow encoding coupled streams for which one channel is unused since this is never a good idea.
application int: 目标编码器应用程序,必须是以下之一:The target encoder application. This must be one of the following:
OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP 改进语音清晰度的处理信号。Process signal for improved speech intelligibility.
OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO 偏好与原始输入的正确性。Favor faithfulness to the original input.
OPUS_APPLICATION_RESTRICTED_LOWDELAY 通过使特定操作模式失效以使编码延迟尽可能小。Configure the minimum possible coding delay by disabling certain modes of operation.
[out] error int *:成功,返回 OPUS_OK,失败,返回错误代码。Returns OPUS_OK on success, or an error code (see Error codes) on failure.
向一个 Opus 多流编码器执行一个 CTL 函数.Perform a CTL function on a multistream Opus encoder.一般其请求和后续的参数是由一个提供便利的宏来产生的。Generally the request and subsequent arguments are generated by a convenience macro.参数:st OpusMSEncoder*: 多流编码器状态。Multistream encoder state.request :这个及所有其他剩余参数应被 1 个在 Generic CTLs,Encoder 相关的 CTLs, 或 Multistream 具体的编码器和解码器 CTLs 所提供便利的宏来替代。This and all remaining parameters should be replaced by one of the convenience macros in Generic CTLs, Encoder related CTLs, or Multistream specific encoder and decoder CTLs.参见:Generic CTLsEncoder related CTLsMultistream specific encoder and decoder CTLs
void opus_multistream_encoder_destroy ( OpusMSEncoder * st ) 释放一个根据 opus_ multistream_encoder_create()已分配的 OpusMSEncoder 对象.Frees an OpusMSEncoder allocated by opus_multistream_encoder_create().参数:
st OpusMSEncoder*:用于释放的多流编码器状态。 Multistream encoder state to be freed.
获得 OpusMSEncoder 结构的大小。Gets the size of an OpusMSEncoder structure.参数:
streams int: 从输入用于编码的数据流的总数,必须不能超过 255. The total number of streams to encode from the input. This must be no more than 255.
coupled_streams int: 要编码的组对流(2 通道)的数量。必须不大于数据流的总数。另外,编码通道(streams + coupled_streams)的数量必须不大于 255.Number of coupled (2 channel) streams to encode. This must be no larger than the total number of streams. Additionally, The total number of encoded channels (streams + coupled_streams) must be no more than 255.返回:成功,字节数,失败,负的错误代码。The size in bytes on success, or a negative error code (see Error codes) on error.
初始化一个以前分配过的编码器状对象。Initialize a previously allocated multistream encoder state.st 所指向的内存必须至少是 opus_multistream_encoder_get_size()返回的大小,是给不用系统自动分配内存,而要准备用自己的分配器的应用程序用的。为重设以前初始化的状态,使用 OPUS_RESET_STATE CTL。The memory pointed to by st must be at least the size returned by opus_multistream_encoder_get_size(). This is intended for applications which use their own allocator instead of malloc. To reset a previously initialized state, use the OPUS_RESET_STATE CTL.参见:opus_multistream_encoder_createopus_multistream_encoder_get_size 参数:
st OpusMSEncoder*:准备初始化的多流编码器状态。Multistream encoder state to initialize.
Fs opus_int32: 输入信号的采样率 (Hz). 必须是 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, 或 48000.Sampling rate of the input signal (in Hz). This must be one of 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, or 48000.
channels int: 输入信号中的通道数,这个数最大是 255,可能大于编码通道(streams + coupled_streams)的数量。Number of channels in the input signal. This must be at most 255. It may be greater than the number of coded channels (streams + coupled_streams).
streams int: 从输入要编码的数据流的总数,必须不大于通道的数量. The total number of streams to encode from the input. This must be no more than the number of channels.
coupled_streams int: 要编码的组对(2 通道)数据流的总数,必须不大于数据流的总数。另外,编码通道(streams + coupled_streams)的总数必须不超过输入通道的数量.Number of coupled (2 channel) streams to encode. This must be no larger than the total number of streams. Additionally, The total number of encoded channels (streams + coupled_streams) must be no more than the number of input channels.
[in] mapping const unsigned char[channels]: 被编码通道与输入通道的映射关系表。作为一个额外的限制,多流编码器不允许对一个通道不可用的组对数据流进行编码,因为这个想法太烂了。Mapping from encoded channels to input channels, as described in Opus Multistream API. As an extra constraint, the multistream encoder does not allow encoding coupled streams for which one channel is unused since this is never a good idea.
application int: 目标编码器应用程序,必须是以下之一:The target encoder application. This must be one of the following:- OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP 改进语音清晰度的处理信号。Process signal for improved speech intelligibility.- OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO 偏好与原始输入的正确性。Favor faithfulness to the original input.- OPUS_APPLICATION_RESTRICTED_LOWDELAY 通过使特定操作模式失效以使编码延迟尽可能小。Configure the minimum possible coding delay by disabling certain modes of operation.返回:成功,返回 OPUS_OK,失败,返回错误代码。OPUS_OK on success, or an error code (see Error codes) on failure.
Opus library information functions
本节描述了 Opus 库信息函数
Converts an opus error code into a human readable string.
Gets the libopus version string.
获得 libopus 的版本信息,用字符串表示。Gets the libopus version string.返回:版本字符串。Version string
将 Opus 错误代码转换为人可读的字符串。Converts an opus error code into a human readable string.参数:
[in] error int: 错误号。Error number 返回:错误字符串。Error string
Opus Custom
Opus Custom 是 Opus 规范和参考实现的可选部分,可用于使用与正常 API 不同的独特 API,并且支持非正常的帧大小。Opus Custom 只用于一些非常特别的应用程序,这些应用程序需要处理与 2.5、 5、10 或 20 ms 不同的帧规格(由于复杂度或其他潜在原因),互操作性就不那么重要了。Opus Custom is an optional part of the Opus specification and reference implementation which uses a distinct API from the regular API and supports frame sizes that are not normally supported. Use of Opus Custom is discouraged for all but very special applications for which a frame size different from 2.5, 5, 10, or 20 ms is needed (for either complexity or latency reasons) and where interoperability is less important.
编码器状态 Contains the state of an encoder.
解码器状态 State of the decoder.
包含用于创建编码器的所有必要信息的模式 The mode contains all the information necessary to create an encoder.
创建新的模式结构。Creates a new mode struct.
解构一个模式结构。Destroys a mode struct.
获得 OpusCustomEncoder 结构的大小。Gets the size of an OpusCustomEncoder structure.
创建新的编码器状态。Creates a new encoder state.
初始化一个以前分配过的编码器状态,st 所指向的内存必须是 opus_custom_encoder_get_size 返回的大小。Initializes a previously allocated encoder state The memory pointed to by st must be the size returned by opus_custom_encoder_get_size.
解构一个编码器状态。Destroys a an encoder state.
给一个音频帧进行编码。Encodes a frame of audio.
给一个音频帧进行编码。Encodes a frame of audio.
为一个 Opus 定制编码器执行一个 CTL 函数。Perform a CTL function on an Opus custom encoder.
获得一个 OpusCustomDecoder 结构的大小。Gets the size of an OpusCustomDecoder structure.
创建新的解码器状态。Creates a new decoder state.
初始化一个以前分配过的解码器状态,st 所指向的内存必须是 opus_custom_decoder_get_size 返回的大小。Initializes a previously allocated decoder state The memory pointed to by st must be the size returned by opus_custom_decoder_get_size.
解构一个解码器状态。Destroys a an decoder state.
使用浮点输出解码一个 Opus 定制帧。Decode an opus custom frame with floating point output.
解码一个 Opus 定制帧。Decode an opus custom frame.
为一个 Opus 定制解码器执行一个 CTL 函数。Perform a CTL function on an Opus custom decoder.
Opus Custom 是 Opus 规范和参考实现的可选部分,可用于使用与正常 API 不同的独特 API,并且支持非正常的帧大小。Opus Custom 只用于一些非常特别的应用程序,这些应用程序需要处理与 2.5、 5、10 或 20 ms 不同的帧规格(由于复杂度或其他潜在原因),互操作性就不那么重要了。Opus Custom is an optional part of the Opus specification and reference implementation which uses a distinct API from the regular API and supports frame sizes that are not normally supported. Use of Opus Custom is discouraged for all but very special applications for which a frame size different from 2.5, 5, 10, or 20 ms is needed (for either complexity or latency reasons) and where interoperability is less important.除了互操作性的限制外,Opus 定制的使用还会导致大部分的编解码器功能不能使用,并且通常会在一个给定的比特率上降低可达到的质量。正常情况下当应用程序需要从编解码器获得一个不同的帧大小,它应当建立缓冲区以容纳帧所需空间,但这会增加一小点延迟,而这一小点延迟对一些非常低延迟应用程序来说是重要的。一些传输协议(特别是恒定流量的 RF 传输协议)可能也可以对特殊时长帧的处理达到最佳。In addition to the interoperiability limitations the use of Opus custom disables a substantial chunk of the codec and generally lowers the quality available at a given bitrate. Normally when an application needs a different frame size from the codec it should buffer to match the sizes but this adds a small amount of delay which may be important in some very low latency applications. Some transports (especially constant rate RF transports) may also work best with frames of particular durations.如果在编译期激活,libopus 仅支持定制模式。Libopus only supports custom modes if they are enabled at compile time.Opus 定制 API 与普通 API 相似,但 opus_encoder_create 和 opus_decoder_create 的调用一个附加的模式参数,这个模式参数是通过调用 opus_custom_mode_create 产生的结构。编码器和解码器必须达成一个模式,使用相同的采样率(fs)和帧规格(frame size),这些参数必须或者被示意在波段外,或固定在一个特别的实现过程中。The Opus Custom API is similar to the regular API but the opus_encoder_create and opus_decoder_create calls take an additional mode parameter which is a structure produced by a call to opus_custom_mode_create. Both the encoder and decoder must create a mode using the same sample rate (fs) and frame size (frame size) so these parameters must either be signaled out of band or fixed in a particular implementation.与普通的类似,Opus 定制模式支持飞行帧大小转换,不过这些可用的大小取决于使用中的特殊帧大小。对于单一数据流的一些开头的帧的大小,飞行帧大小是可用的。Similar to regular Opus the custom modes support on the fly frame size switching, but the sizes available depend on the particular frame size in use. For some initial frame sizes on a single on the fly size is available.
解码器状态。State of the decoder.对于每个数据流,需要一个解码器状态。解码器状态在数据流的开头一次性初始化。对于每个帧不要创新初始化。One decoder state is needed for each stream. It is initialized once at the beginning of the stream. Do not re-initialize the state for every frame. Decoder state
编码器状态。Contains the state of an encoder.对于每个数据流,需要一个编码器状态。编码器状态在数据流的开头一次性初始化。对于每个帧不要创新初始化。One encoder state is needed for each stream. It is initialized once at the beginning of the stream. Do not re-initialize the state for every frame. Encoder state
包含用于创建编码器的所有必要信息的模式 The mode contains all the information necessary to create an encoder.编码器和解码器需要用完全相同的模式来初始化,否则输出将会被破坏。Both the encoder and decoder need to be initialized with exactly the same mode, otherwise the output will be corrupted. Mode configuration
解码一个 Opus 定制帧。Decode an opus custom frame.参数:
[in] st OpusCustomDecoder*:解码器状态 Decoder state
[in] data char*:输入负载.对包丢失使用一个空指针来表示。 Input payload. Use a NULL pointer to indicate packet loss
[in] len int: 在输入负载中的字节数 Number of bytes in payload
[out] pcm opus_int16*:输出信号(如果是 2 通道有交叉)。长度等于 frame_sizechannelssizeof(opus_int16)。Output signal (interleaved if 2 channels). length is frame_sizechannelssizeof(opus_int16)
[in] frame_size: 在*pcm 的可用空间每通道的样本数。Number of samples per channel of available space in *pcm.返回:解码样本的数量,或错误代码。Number of decoded samples or Error codes
用浮点输出解码一个 Opus 定制帧。Decode an opus custom frame with floating point output.参数:
[in] st OpusCustomDecoder*:解码器状态。 Decoder state
[in] data char*:输入负载.对包丢失使用一个空指针来表示。 Input payload. Use a NULL pointer to indicate packet loss
[in] len int: 在输入负载中的字节数 Number of bytes in payload
[out] pcm float*:输出信号(如果是 2 通道有交叉)。长度等于 frame_sizechannelssizeof(float)。Output signal (interleaved if 2 channels). length is frame_sizechannelssizeof(float)
[in] frame_size: 在*pcm 的可用空间每通道的样本数。Number of samples per channel of available space in *pcm.返回:解码样本的数量,或错误代码。Number of decoded samples or Error codes
创建新的解码器状态。Creates a new decoder state.每个数据流需要有它自己的解码器状态(不能与同时发生的数据流共享)。Each stream needs its own decoder state (can't be shared across simultaneous streams).参数:
[in] mode OpusCustomMode: 包含关于数据流的特征的所有信息(必须与用于编码器的相同)。Contains all the information about the characteristics of the stream (must be the same characteristics as used for the encoder)
[in] channels int: 通道数。Number of channels
[out] error int*: 返回错误代码。Returns an error code 返回:新创建的解码器状态。Newly created decoder state.
为 Opus 定制解码器执行一个 CTL 函数。Perform a CTL function on an Opus custom decoder.一般其请求和后续的参数是由一个提供便利的宏来产生的。Generally the request and subsequent arguments are generated by a convenience macro.参见:Generic CTLs
[in] st OpusCustomDecoder*:将要释放的状态。 State to be freed.
获得 OpusCustomDecoder 结构的大小。Gets the size of an OpusCustomDecoder structure.参数:
[in] mode OpusCustomMode *: 模式配置。Mode configuration
[in] channels int: 通道数。Number of channels 返回:大小。size
初始化一个以前分配过的解码器状态.st 所指向的内存 必须是 opus_ custom_ decoder_get_size()返回的大小.在这里,应用程序不要用系统自动分配内存,而要准备用自己的分配器。Initializes a previously allocated decoder state The memory pointed to by st must be the size retured by opus_custom_decoder_get_size.This is intended for applications which use their own allocator instead of malloc.参见:opus_custom_decoder_create(),opus_custom_decoder_get_size(),为重设一个以前初始化的状态,使用 OPUS_RESET_STATE CTL.To reset a previously initialized state use the OPUS_RESET_STATE CTL.参数:
[in] st OpusCustomDecoder*:解码器状态.Decoder state
[in] mode OpusCustomMode *:包含关于数据流的特征的所有信息(必须与用于编码器的相同)。Contains all the information about the characteristics of the stream (must be the same characteristics as used for the encoder)
[in] channels int: 通道数。Number of channels 返回:成功,OPUS_OK ,失败,错误代码。OPUS_OK Success or Error codes
编码一个音频帧。Encodes a frame of audio.参数:
[in] st OpusCustomEncoder*:编码器状态 Encoder state
[in] pcm opus_int16*: 16 位格式信号的 PCM 音频(原本的字节存储次序)。每通道必须恰好有 frame_size 个样本。PCM audio in signed 16-bit format (native endian). There must be exactly frame_size samples per channel.
[in] frame_size int: 输入信号每帧的样本数。Number of samples per frame of input signal
[out] compressed char *: 压缩数据被写入到这。可能不是 PCM 格式,必须具有 maxCompressedBytes 的长度。The compressed data is written here. This may not alias pcm and must be at least maxCompressedBytes long.
[in] maxCompressedBytes int: 用于压缩帧的字节最大数(从一帧到另一帧时可以改变)。Maximum number of bytes to use for compressing the frame (can change from one frame to another)返回:写入到“压缩区”的字节数。如果是负的,表示是一个错误(见错误代码)。将该长度以某种方式传递给解码器很重要,如没有这么做,无法进行解码。Number of bytes written to "compressed". If negative, an error has occurred (see error codes). It is IMPORTANT that the length returned be somehow transmitted to the decoder. Otherwise, no decoding is possible.
编码一个音频帧。Encodes a frame of audio.参数:
[in] st OpusCustomEncoder*: 编码器状态 Encoder state
[in] pcm float*: 浮点格式的 PCM 音频数据,正常范围在+/-1.0 之间. 超过该范围的采样也是支持的,但它将被解码器用整型 API 截取,并且只能在知道远端支持扩展的动态范围的情况下使用。每通道必须有准确的 frame_size 样本。PCM audio in float format, with a normal range of +/-1.0. Samples with a range beyond +/-1.0 are supported but will be clipped by decoders using the integer API and should only be used if it is known that the far end supports extended dynamic range. There must be exactly frame_size samples per channel.
[in] frame_size int: 输入信号每帧的样本数。Number of samples per frame of input signal
[out] compressed char *:压缩数据被写入到这。可能不是 PCM 格式,必须具有 maxCompressedBytes 的长度。 The compressed data is written here. This may not alias pcm and must be at least maxCompressedBytes long.
[in] maxCompressedBytes int: 用于压缩帧的字节最大数(从一帧到另一帧时可以改变)。 Maximum number of bytes to use for compressing the frame (can change from one frame to another)返回:写入到“压缩区”的字节数。如果是负的,表示是一个错误(见错误代码)。将该长度以某种方式传递给解码器很重要,如没有这么做,无法进行解码。Number of bytes written to "compressed". If negative, an error has occurred (see error codes). It is IMPORTANT that the length returned be somehow transmitted to the decoder. Otherwise, no decoding is possible.
创建新的编码器状态。Creates a new encoder state.每个数据流需要有它自己的编码器状态(不能与同时发生的数据流共享)。Each stream needs its own encoder state (can't be shared across simultaneous streams).参数:
[in] mode OpusCustomMode*:包含关于数据流的特征的所有信息(必须与用于解码器的相同)。 Contains all the information about the characteristics of the stream (must be the same characteristics as used for the decoder)
[in] channels int: 通道数。Number of channels
[out] error int*:返回错误代码。Returns an error code 返回:新创建的编码器状态。Newly created encoder state.
为 Opus 定制编码器执行一个 CTL 函数。Perform a CTL function on an Opus custom encoder.一般其请求和后续的参数是由一个提供便利的宏来产生的。Generally the request and subsequent arguments are generated by a convenience macro.
参见:Encoder related CTLs
[in] st OpusCustomEncoder*:需要释放的状态。State to be freed.
获得 OpusCustomEncoder 结构的大小。Gets the size of an OpusCustomEncoder structure.参数:
[in] mode OpusCustomMode *:模式配置。Mode configuration
[in] channels int: 通道数。 Number of channels 返回:大小。size
初始化一个以前分配过的编码器状态.st 所指向的内存 必须是 opus_ custom_encoder_get_size()返回的大小.在这里,应用程序不要用系统自动分配内存,而要准备用自己的分配器。Initializes a previously allocated encoder state The memory pointed to by st must be the size returned by opus_custom_encoder_get_size.This is intended for applications which use their own allocator instead of malloc.参见:opus_custom_encoder_create(),opus_custom_encoder_get_size(),为重设一个以前初始化的状态,使用 OPUS_RESET_STATE CTL. To reset a previously initialized state use the OPUS_RESET_STATE CTL.参数:
[in] st OpusCustomEncoder*: 编码器状态.Encoder state
[in] mode OpusCustomMode *:包含关于数据流的特征的所有信息(必须与用于解码器的相同)。Contains all the information about the characteristics of the stream (must be the same characteristics as used for the decoder)
[in] channels int: 通道数。Number of channels 返回:成功,OPUS_OK ,失败,错误代码。OPUS_OK Success or Error codes
创建新的模式结构。Creates a new mode struct.这个模式结构将传递给编码器和解码器使用。在使用它的编码器和解码器被解构前,该模式结构必须不能被解构。This will be passed to an encoder or decoder. The mode MUST NOT BE DESTROYED until the encoders and decoders that use it are destroyed as well.参数:
[in] Fs int: 采用率(8000 至 96000Hz)Sampling rate (8000 to 96000 Hz)
[in] frame_size int: 编码给每个包(每通道)的采样数(64-1024,因子分解必须包括 0 或 2、3、5,不能是其他素数)。Number of samples (per channel) to encode in each packet (64 - 1024, prime factorization must contain zero or more 2s, 3s, or 5s and no other primes)
[out] error int*: 返回的错误代码(如为 Null,表示没有错误)。Returned error code (if NULL, no error will be returned)返回:一个新创建的模式对象。A newly created mode
解构一个模式结构。Destroys a mode struct.注意,须在所有使用这个模式对象的编码器和解码器解构后才能调用这个函数。Only call this after all encoders and decoders using this mode are destroyed as well.参数:
[in] mode OpusCustomMode*: 将要释放的模式结构。Mode to be freed.
版权声明: 本文为 InfoQ 作者【轻口味】的原创文章。