
Python 多线程 VS 多进程(二)

发布于: 2021 年 05 月 20 日
Python 多线程 VS 多进程(二)
  • 共享变量

  • 共享变量:当多个线程同时访问同一个变量的时候,会产生共享变量的问题

  • 案例 11

      import threading        sum = 0    loopSum = 1000000        def myAdd():        global sum, loopSum        for i in range(1, loopSum):            sum += 1        def myMinu():        global sum, loopSum        for i in range(1, loopSum):            sum -= 1        if __name__ == '__main__':        print("Starting ....{0}".format(sum))            # 开始多线程的实现,看执行结果是否一样        t1 = threading.Thread(target=myAdd, args=())        t2 = threading.Thread(target=myMinu, args=())            t1.start()        t2.start()            t1.join()        t2.join()            print("Done ....{0}".format(sum))

      Starting ....0    Done ....157577- 解决变量:锁,信号灯- 锁(Lock):    - 是一个标志,表示一个线程在占用一些资源    - 使用方法        - 上锁        - 使用共享变量,放心的用        - 取消锁,释放锁    - 案例12

          import threading            sum = 0      loopSum = 1000000            lock = threading.Lock()            def myAdd():          global  sum, loopSum          for i in range(1, loopSum):              # 上锁,申请锁              lock.acquire()              sum += 1              # 释放锁              lock.release()            def myMinu():          global  sum, loopSum          for i in range(1, loopSum):              lock.acquire()              sum -= 1              lock.release()            if __name__ == '__main__':          print("Starting ....{0}".format(sum))                # 开始多线程的实现,看执行结果是否一样          t1 = threading.Thread(target=myAdd, args=())          t2 = threading.Thread(target=myMinu, args=())                t1.start()          t2.start()                t1.join()          t2.join()                print("Done ....{0}".format(sum))

          Starting ....0      Done ....0    - 锁谁:哪个资源需要多个线程共享,锁哪个    - 理解锁:锁其实不是锁住谁,而是一个令牌- 线程安全问题:    - 如果一个资源/变量,他对于多线程来讲,不用加锁也不会引起任何问题,则称为线程安全    - 线程不安全变量类型:list,set,dict    - 线程安全变量类型:queue(队列)- 生产者消费者问题    - 一个模型,可以用来搭建消息队列    - queue是一个用来存放变量的数据结构,特点是先进先出,内部元素排队,可以理解成一个特殊的list    - 案例13

          #encoding=utf-8      import threading      import time            # Python2      # from Queue import Queue            # Python3      import queue            class Producer(threading.Thread):          def run(self):              global queue              count = 0              while True:                  # qsize返回queue内容长度                  if queue.qsize() < 1000:                      for i in range(100):                          count = count +1                          msg = '生成产品'+str(count)                          # put是往queue中放入一个值                          queue.put(msg)                          print(msg)                  time.sleep(0.5)            class Consumer(threading.Thread):          def run(self):              global queue              while True:                  if queue.qsize() > 100:                      for i in range(3):                          # get是从queue中取出一个值                          msg = self.name + '消费了 '+queue.get()                          print(msg)                  time.sleep(1)            if __name__ == '__main__':          queue = queue.Queue()                for i in range(500):              queue.put('初始产品'+str(i))          for i in range(2):              p = Producer()              p.start()          for i in range(5):              c = Consumer()              c.start()

          生成产品1      生成产品2      生成产品3      生成产品4      生成产品5      生成产品6      生成产品7      生成产品8      生成产品9      生成产品10      生成产品11      生成产品12      生成产品13      生成产品14      生成产品15      生成产品16      生成产品17      生成产品18生成产品1      生成产品2      生成产品3      生成产品4      生成产品5      生成产品6      生成产品7      生成产品8      生成产品9      生成产品10      生成产品11      生成产品19      生成产品12      生成产品13      生成产品14      生成产品20      生成产品21      生成产品22      生成产品23      生成产品24      生成产品25      生成产品26            生成产品15      生成产品16      生成产品17      生成产品18      生成产品19      生成产品20Thread-3消费了 初始产品0      Thread-3消费了 初始产品1      Thread-3消费了 初始产品2      生成产品27            Thread-4消费了 初始产品3      Thread-4消费了 初始产品4      Thread-4消费了 初始产品5      生成产品21生成产品28      生成产品29      生成产品30      生成产品31      生成产品32      生成产品33      生成产品34      生成产品22      生成产品23      生成产品24      生成产品25      生成产品26      生成产品27Thread-5消费了 初始产品6      Thread-5消费了 初始产品7      Thread-5消费了 初始产品8      ...- 死锁问题,案例14

      import threading    import time        lock_1 = threading.Lock()    lock_2 = threading.Lock()        def func_1():       print("func_1 starting.........")       lock_1.acquire()       print("func_1 申请了 lock_1....")       time.sleep(2)       print("func_1 等待 lock_2.......")       lock_2.acquire()       print("func_1 申请了 lock_2.......")           lock_2.release()       print("func_1 释放了 lock_2")           lock_1.release()       print("func_1 释放了 lock_1")           print("func_1 done..........")        def func_2():       print("func_2 starting.........")       lock_2.acquire()       print("func_2 申请了 lock_2....")       time.sleep(4)       print("func_2 等待 lock_1.......")       lock_1.acquire()       print("func_2 申请了 lock_1.......")           lock_1.release()       print("func_2 释放了 lock_1")           lock_2.release()       print("func_2 释放了 lock_2")           print("func_2 done..........")        if __name__ == "__main__":           print("主程序启动..............")       t1 = threading.Thread(target=func_1, args=())       t2 = threading.Thread(target=func_2, args=())           t1.start()       t2.start()           t1.join()       t2.join()           print("主程序启动..............")

      主程序启动..............    func_1 starting.........    func_1 申请了 lock_1....    func_2 starting.........    func_2 申请了 lock_2....    func_1 等待 lock_2.......    func_2 等待 lock_1.......- 锁的等待时间问题,案例15

      import threading    import time        lock_1 = threading.Lock()    lock_2 = threading.Lock()        def func_1():        print("func_1 starting.........")        lock_1.acquire(timeout=4)        print("func_1 申请了 lock_1....")        time.sleep(2)        print("func_1 等待 lock_2.......")            rst = lock_2.acquire(timeout=2)        if rst:            print("func_1 已经得到锁 lock_2")            lock_2.release()            print("func_1 释放了锁 lock_2")        else:            print("func_1 注定没申请到lock_2.....")            lock_1.release()        print("func_1 释放了 lock_1")            print("func_1 done..........")        def func_2():        print("func_2 starting.........")        lock_2.acquire()        print("func_2 申请了 lock_2....")        time.sleep(4)        print("func_2 等待 lock_1.......")        lock_1.acquire()        print("func_2 申请了 lock_1.......")            lock_1.release()        print("func_2 释放了 lock_1")            lock_2.release()        print("func_2 释放了 lock_2")            print("func_2 done..........")        if __name__ == "__main__":            print("主程序启动..............")        t1 = threading.Thread(target=func_1, args=())        t2 = threading.Thread(target=func_2, args=())            t1.start()        t2.start()            t1.join()        t2.join()            print("主程序结束..............")

      主程序启动..............    func_1 starting.........    func_1 申请了 lock_1....    func_2 starting.........    func_2 申请了 lock_2....    func_1 等待 lock_2.......    func_1 注定没申请到lock_2.....    func_1 释放了 lock_1    func_2 等待 lock_1.......    func_1 done..........    func_2 申请了 lock_1.......    func_2 释放了 lock_1    func_2 释放了 lock_2    func_2 done..........    主程序结束..............- semphore    - 允许一个资源对多有几个多线程同时使用    - 案例16

          import threading      import time            # 参数定义最多几个线程同时使用资源      semaphore = threading.Semaphore(3)            def func():          if semaphore.acquire():              for i in range(5):                  print(threading.currentThread().getName() + 'get semaphore')              time.sleep(15)              semaphore.release()              print(threading.currentThread().getName() + 'release semaphore')            for i in range(8):          t1 = threading.Thread(target=func)          t1.start()

          Thread-1get semaphore      Thread-1get semaphore      Thread-1get semaphore      Thread-1get semaphore      Thread-1get semaphore      Thread-2get semaphore      Thread-2get semaphore      Thread-2get semaphore      Thread-2get semaphore      Thread-2get semaphore      Thread-3get semaphore      Thread-3get semaphore      Thread-3get semaphore      Thread-3get semaphore      Thread-3get semaphore      Thread-2release semaphoreThread-1release semaphore            Thread-5get semaphore      Thread-5get semaphore      Thread-5get semaphore      Thread-5get semaphore      Thread-5get semaphore      Thread-4get semaphore      Thread-4get semaphore      Thread-4get semaphore      Thread-4get semaphore      Thread-4get semaphore      Thread-3release semaphoreThread-6get semaphore      Thread-6get semaphore      Thread-6get semaphore      Thread-6get semaphore      Thread-6get semaphore      ...- threading.Timer    - 案例17

          import threading      import time            def func():          print("I am running.........")          time.sleep(4)          print("I am done...")            if __name__ == "__main__":          t = threading.Timer(6, func)          t.start()                i = 0          while True:              print("{0}*****************".format(i))              time.sleep(3)              i += 1

          0*****************      1*****************      I am running.........      2*****************      3*****************      I am done...      4*****************      5*****************      6*****************      7*****************      8*****************      ...    - Timer是利用多线程,在指定时间后启动一个功能- 可重入锁    - 一个锁,可以被一个线程多次申请    - 主要解决递归调用的时候,需要申请锁的情况    - 案例18

          import threading      import time            class MyThread(threading.Thread):          def run(self):              global num              time.sleep(1)                    if mutex.acquire(1):                  num = num+1                  msg = self.name+' set num to '+str(num)                  print(msg)                  mutex.acquire()                  mutex.release()                  mutex.release()            num = 0            mutex = threading.RLock()            def testTh():          for i in range(5):              t = MyThread()              t.start()            if __name__ == "__main__":          testTh()

          Thread-1 set num to 1      Thread-3 set num to 2      Thread-2 set num to 3      Thread-4 set num to 4      Thread-5 set num to 5


  • subprocess

  • 完全跳过线程,使用进程

  • 是派生进程的主要替代方案

  • python2.4 后引入

  • multiprocessiong

  • 使用 threading 接口派生,使用子进程

  • 允许为多核或者多 cpu 派生进程,接口跟 threading 非常相似

  • python2.6 后引入

  • concurrent.futures

  • 新的异步执行模块

  • 任务级别的操作

  • python3.2 后引入


  • 进程间通讯(InterprocessCommunication, IPC)

  • 进程之间无任何共享状态

  • 进程的创建

  • 直接生成 Process 实例对象,案例 19

      import multiprocessing    from time import sleep, ctime        def clock(interval):        while True:            print("The time is %s" % ctime())            sleep(interval)        if __name__ == '__main__':        p = multiprocessing.Process(target=clock, args=(5, ))        p.start()            while True:            print("sleeping......")            sleep(1)

      sleeping......    The time is Tue Aug 13 19:47:41 2019    sleeping......    sleeping......    sleeping......    sleeping......    sleeping......    The time is Tue Aug 13 19:47:46 2019    sleeping......    sleeping......    sleeping......    sleeping......    ...- 派生子类,案例20

      import multiprocessing    from time import sleep, ctime        class ClockProcess(multiprocessing.Process):        '''        两个函数比较重要        1. init构造函数        2. run        '''        def __init__(self, interval):            super(ClockProcess, self).__init__()            self.interval = interval        def run(self):            while True:                print("The time is %s" % ctime())                sleep(self.interval)        if __name__ == '__main__':        p = ClockProcess(3)        p.start()

      The time is Tue Aug 13 19:48:49 2019    The time is Tue Aug 13 19:48:52 2019    The time is Tue Aug 13 19:48:55 2019    The time is Tue Aug 13 19:48:58 2019    The time is Tue Aug 13 19:49:01 2019    The time is Tue Aug 13 19:49:04 2019    ...

  • 在 os 中查看 pid,ppid 以及他们的关系

  • 案例 21

      from multiprocessing import Process    import os        def info(title):        print(title)        print("module name:", __name__)        # 得到父亲进程的id        print("parent process:", os.getppid())        # 得到本身进程的id        print("process id:", os.getpid())        def f(name):        info('function f')        print('hello', name)        if __name__ == '__main__':        info('main line')        p = Process(target=f, args=('bob', ))        p.start()        p.join()

      main line    module name: __main__    parent process: 11900    process id: 18832    function f    module name: __mp_main__    parent process: 18832    process id: 20868    hello bob

  • 生产者消费者模型

  • JoinableQueue

  • 案例 22

      import multiprocessing    from time import ctime        def consumer(input_q):        print("Into consumer:", ctime)        while True:            # 处理项            item = input_q.get()            print('pull', item, 'out of q')            input_q.task_done()  # 发出信号通知任务完成        print("Out of consumer:", ctime()) ## 此句未执行,因为q.join()收集到四个task_done()信号后,主进程启动,未等到print此句完成,程序就结束了        def producer(sequence, output_q):        print("Into procuder:", ctime())        for item in sequence:            output_q.put(item)            print('put', item, 'into q')        print('Out of procuder', ctime())        # 建立进程    if __name__ == '__main__':        q = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()        # 进行消费者进程        cons_p = multiprocessing.Process(target=consumer, args=(q, ))        cons_p.daemon = True        cons_p.start()            # 生产多个项,sequence代表要发送给消费者的项序列        # 在实践中,这可能是生成器的输出或通过一些其他地方生产出来        sequence = [1, 2, 3, 4]        producer(sequence, q)        # 等待所有项被处理        q.join()

      Into procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:50:38 2019    put 1 into q    put 2 into q    put 3 into q    put 4 into q    Out of procuder Tue Aug 13 19:50:38 2019    Into consumer: <built-in function ctime>    pull 1 out of q    pull 2 out of q    pull 3 out of q    pull 4 out of q- 队列中哨兵的使用,案例23

      import multiprocessing    from time import ctime        # 设置哨兵问题    def consumer(input_q):        print("Into consumer:", ctime())        while True:            item = input_q.get()            if item is None:                break            print("pull", item, "out of q")        print ("Out of consumer:", ctime()) ## 此句执行完成,再转入主进程            def producer(sequence, output_q):        print ("Into procuder:", ctime())        for item in sequence:            output_q.put(item)            print ("put", item, "into q")        print ("Out of procuder:", ctime())        if __name__ == '__main__':        q = multiprocessing.Queue()        cons_p = multiprocessing.Process(target = consumer, args = (q,))        cons_p.start()            sequence = [1,2,3,4]        producer(sequence, q)            q.put(None)        cons_p.join()

      Into procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:51:23 2019    put 1 into q    put 2 into q    put 3 into q    put 4 into q    Out of procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:51:23 2019    Into consumer: Tue Aug 13 19:51:24 2019    pull 1 out of q    pull 2 out of q    pull 3 out of q    pull 4 out of q    Out of consumer: Tue Aug 13 19:51:24 2019- 哨兵的改进,案例24

      import multiprocessing    from time import ctime        def consumer(input_q):        print ("Into consumer:", ctime())        while True:            item = input_q.get()            if item is None:                break            print("pull", item, "out of q")        print ("Out of consumer:", ctime())        def producer(sequence, output_q):        for item in sequence:            print ("Into procuder:", ctime())            output_q.put(item)            print ("Out of procuder:", ctime())        if __name__ == '__main__':        q = multiprocessing.Queue()        cons_p1 = multiprocessing.Process (target = consumer, args = (q,))        cons_p1.start()            cons_p2 = multiprocessing.Process (target = consumer, args = (q,))        cons_p2.start()            sequence = [1,2,3,4]        producer(sequence, q)            q.put(None)        q.put(None)            cons_p1.join()        cons_p2.join()

      Into procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019    Out of procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019    Into procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019    Out of procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019    Into procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019    Out of procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019    Into procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019    Out of procuder: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019    Into consumer: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019    pull 1 out of q    pull 2 out of q    pull 3 out of q    pull 4 out of q    Out of consumer: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019    Into consumer: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019    Out of consumer: Tue Aug 13 19:52:08 2019

发布于: 2021 年 05 月 20 日阅读数: 8



还未添加个人签名 2021.01.11 加入



Python 多线程 VS 多进程(二)