
LP 单双币质押流动性挖矿系统开发

  • 2022 年 7 月 13 日
  • 本文字数:1123 字

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DeFi 挖矿即流动性挖矿,流动性挖矿系统开发 hkkf5566,可加薇,更通俗一点就是提供/质押代币,获得其他代币奖励的操作方式。比如你手上有以太坊,质押到矿池(资金池),可获得其他代币,或者以太坊和其他代币组合 LP 再添加到流动性里面,进行质押获得奖励。


 Brief introduction of mobile mining

 ·Liquidity providers deposit funds into liquidity pools.

 ·The deposited funds are usually stable currencies linked to the US dollar,such as Dai,usdt,usdc,etc.


 ·Another motivation to add funds to the fund pool may be to accumulate a token that is not on the open market or has low trading volume by providing liquidity to the fund pool that rewards it.


 ·Your return is based on the amount of your investment and the rules on which the agreement is based.


 ·You can create a complex investment chain by reinvesting your reward tokens into other liquidity pools,which in turn provide different reward tokens.


 用 lp 挖矿对 pimoon 和 FA 都有非常大的好处

 1.用 pimoon 的 lp 进行的流动性挖矿,lp 和 fa 之间的池子也会有利润差价。

 2.如果用户想要套利这些利润的差价就要买入 pimoon,然后和 qu 组建成 lp 才能够进行套利。

 3.当用户组建 lp 的时候就会买入 pimoon,就会有手续费,大家的分红也会增多,社区基金也会有资金的来源,当用户实现了套利后准备将 lp 销毁就需要撤出 pimoon 的 lp 才能够实现一个流程的套利。

 4.有时候价格差价不够用户实现套利后发现撤出 lp 会亏损,那么用户也会选择不撤出先放着继续获利,对池子的深度也会有非常的好处。




 流动性挖矿参与者获得代币奖励作为额外补偿时,流动性挖掘就会发生,并且在 Compound 向其平台用户发布其 COMP 治理代币后变得突出。


 大多数流动性挖矿协议现在用治理代币奖励流动性提供者,这种代币通常可以在币安这样的中心化交易所和 Uniswap 这样的去中心化交易所进行交易。




 What is liquidity mining?Liquidity mining mainly obtains income by providing token assets.Simply put,deposit some token assets to mining them.Deposit some token assets to mine them.The reason why it is called mining is that it retains the industry saying of btcming.Liquidity mining is a way to facilitate decentralized token circulation.LP(liquidity provider)provides liquidity/injects capital into the liquidity capital pool,


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