一款基于 Java 语言开发的,开源商业应用的模块化开发框架和智能管理平台 -Axelor

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Axelor 是基于 Java 语言开发的,开源的,商业应用模块化开发框架和智能管理平台。
通过提供 Axelor,您将能够减少项目时间并满足您的客户需求。
此外,集成 BPM(业务流程管理)使您可以在必要时创建和修改任何业务流程,而无需编写代码。
Axelor 还有平台低码特点,可帮助您增加利润和节省时间。
由于易于定制解决方案,因此您可以将 Axelor 开发和实施到任何行业。
Axelor 解决了公司中许多不同的问题,例如内部沟通,组织,生产等。
Axelor is a modular development framework and intelligent management platform for open source commercial applications based on the Java language,
by offering Axelor you will be able to reduce the time of your project and to satisfy you customer,
also we have the BPM which allow you to create and modify any business process if necessary, without any code.
We also have the platform low code witch help you to increase you profit and gain time.
We also have an ergonomic that really increase the user experience.
You can develop and implement Axelor to any industry due to the ease of the customisation of the solution.
Axelor solve lot of different problem in company can be internal communication, organisational, production etc etc.

版权声明: 本文为 InfoQ 作者【CITEC赛伯尔】的原创文章。
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