
如何通过 Serverless 轻松识别验证码?

发布于: 2021 年 01 月 04 日

作者 | 江昱

来源 | Serverless 公众号


Serverless 概念自被提出就倍受关注,尤其是近些年来 Serverless 焕发出了前所未有的活力,各领域的工程师都在试图将 Serverless 架构与自身工作相结合,以获取到 Serverless 架构所带来的“技术红利”。

验证码(CAPTCHA)是“Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”(全自动区分计算机和人类的图灵测试)的缩写,是一种区分用户是计算机还是人的公共全自动程序。可以防止恶意破解密码、刷票、论坛灌水,有效防止某个黑客对某一个特定注册用户用特定程序暴力破解方式进行不断地登陆尝试。实际上验证码是现在很多网站通行的方式,我们利用比较简易的方式实现了这个功能。CAPTCHA 的问题由计算机生成并评判,但是这个问题只有人类才能解答,计算机是无法解答的,所以回答出问题的用户就可以被认为是人类。说白了,验证码就是用来验证的码,验证是人访问的还是机器访问的“码”。

那么人工智能领域中的验证码识别与 Serverless 架构会碰撞出哪些火花呢?本文将通过 Serverless 架构和卷积神经网络(CNN)算法,实现验证码识别功能。



Bilibili 的登录验证码就包括了多种模式,例如滑动滑块进行验证:


而百度贴吧、知乎、以及 Google 等相关网站的验证码又各不相同,例如选择正着写的文字、选择包括指定物体的图片以及按顺序点击图片中的字符等。




1. 简单验证码识别





但是随着时间的发展,在这种简单验证码逐渐无法满足判断“是人还是机器”的问题时,验证码进行了一次小升级,即验证码上面增加了一些干扰线,或者验证码进行了严重的扭曲,增加了强色块干扰,例如 Dynadot 网站的验证码:


2. 基于 CNN 的验证码识别

卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,简称 CNN),是一种前馈神经网络,人工神经元可以响应周围单元,进行大型图像处理。卷积神经网络包括卷积层和池化层。

如图所示,左图是传统的神经网络,其基本结构是:输入层、隐含层、输出层。右图则是卷积神经网络,其结构由输入层、输出层、卷积层、池化层、全连接层构成。卷积神经网络其实是神经网络的一种拓展,而事实上从结构上来说,朴素的 CNN 和朴素的 NN 没有任何区别(当然,引入了特殊结构的、复杂的 CNN 会和 NN 有着比较大的区别)。相对于传统神经网络,CNN 在实际效果中让我们的网络参数数量大大地减少,这样我们可以用较少的参数,训练出更加好的模型,典型的事半功倍,而且可以有效地避免过拟合。同样,由于 filter 的参数共享,即使图片进行了一定的平移操作,我们照样可以识别出特征,这叫做 “平移不变性”。因此,模型就更加稳健了。



# coding:utf-8import randomimport numpy as npfrom PIL import Imagefrom captcha.image import ImageCaptchaCAPTCHA_LIST = [eve for eve in "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrsruvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ"]CAPTCHA_LEN = 4  # 验证码长度CAPTCHA_HEIGHT = 60  # 验证码高度CAPTCHA_WIDTH = 160  # 验证码宽度randomCaptchaText = lambda char=CAPTCHA_LIST, size=CAPTCHA_LEN: "".join([random.choice(char) for _ in range(size)])def genCaptchaTextImage(width=CAPTCHA_WIDTH, height=CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, save=None):    image = ImageCaptcha(width=width, height=height)    captchaText = randomCaptchaText()    if save:        image.write(captchaText, './img/%s.jpg' % captchaText)    return captchaText, np.array(Image.open(image.generate(captchaText)))print(genCaptchaTextImage(save=True))




util.py 文件,主要是一些提取出来的公有方法:

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import numpy as npfrom captcha_gen import genCaptchaTextImagefrom captcha_gen import CAPTCHA_LIST, CAPTCHA_LEN, CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, CAPTCHA_WIDTH# 图片转为黑白,3维转1维convert2Gray = lambda img: np.mean(img, -1) if len(img.shape) > 2 else img# 验证码向量转为文本vec2Text = lambda vec, captcha_list=CAPTCHA_LIST: ''.join([captcha_list[int(v)] for v in vec])def text2Vec(text, captchaLen=CAPTCHA_LEN, captchaList=CAPTCHA_LIST):    """    验证码文本转为向量    """    vector = np.zeros(captchaLen * len(captchaList))    for i in range(len(text)):        vector[captchaList.index(text[i]) + i * len(captchaList)] = 1    return vectordef getNextBatch(batchCount=60, width=CAPTCHA_WIDTH, height=CAPTCHA_HEIGHT):    """    获取训练图片组    """    batchX = np.zeros([batchCount, width * height])    batchY = np.zeros([batchCount, CAPTCHA_LEN * len(CAPTCHA_LIST)])    for i in range(batchCount):        text, image = genCaptchaTextImage()        image = convert2Gray(image)        # 将图片数组一维化 同时将文本也对应在两个二维组的同一行        batchX[i, :] = image.flatten() / 255        batchY[i, :] = text2Vec(text)    return batchX, batchY# print(getNextBatch(batch_count=1))

model_train.py 文件,主要是进行模型训练。在该文件中,定义了模型的基本信息,例如该模型是三层卷积神经网络,原始图像大小是 60160,在第一次卷积后变为 60160, 第一池化后变为 3080;第二次卷积后变为 3080 ,第二次池化后变为 1540;第三次卷积后变为  1540 ,第三次池化后变为 720。经过三次卷积和池化后,原始图片数据变为 720 的平面数据,同时项目在进行训练的时候,每隔 100 次进行一次数据测试,计算一次准确度:

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tffrom datetime import datetimefrom util import getNextBatchfrom captcha_gen import CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, CAPTCHA_WIDTH, CAPTCHA_LEN, CAPTCHA_LISTtf.compat.v1.disable_eager_execution()variable = lambda shape, alpha=0.01: tf.Variable(alpha * tf.random_normal(shape))conv2d = lambda x, w: tf.nn.conv2d(x, w, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')maxPool2x2 = lambda x: tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')optimizeGraph = lambda y, y_conv: tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-3).minimize(    tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y, logits=y_conv)))hDrop = lambda image, weight, bias, keepProb: tf.nn.dropout(    maxPool2x2(tf.nn.relu(conv2d(image, variable(weight, 0.01)) + variable(bias, 0.1))), keepProb)def cnnGraph(x, keepProb, size, captchaList=CAPTCHA_LIST, captchaLen=CAPTCHA_LEN):    """    三层卷积神经网络    """    imageHeight, imageWidth = size    xImage = tf.reshape(x, shape=[-1, imageHeight, imageWidth, 1])    hDrop1 = hDrop(xImage, [3, 3, 1, 32], [32], keepProb)    hDrop2 = hDrop(hDrop1, [3, 3, 32, 64], [64], keepProb)    hDrop3 = hDrop(hDrop2, [3, 3, 64, 64], [64], keepProb)    # 全连接层    imageHeight = int(hDrop3.shape[1])    imageWidth = int(hDrop3.shape[2])    wFc = variable([imageHeight * imageWidth * 64, 1024], 0.01)  # 上一层有64个神经元 全连接层有1024个神经元    bFc = variable([1024], 0.1)    hDrop3Re = tf.reshape(hDrop3, [-1, imageHeight * imageWidth * 64])    hFc = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(hDrop3Re, wFc) + bFc)    hDropFc = tf.nn.dropout(hFc, keepProb)    # 输出层    wOut = variable([1024, len(captchaList) * captchaLen], 0.01)    bOut = variable([len(captchaList) * captchaLen], 0.1)    yConv = tf.matmul(hDropFc, wOut) + bOut    return yConvdef accuracyGraph(y, yConv, width=len(CAPTCHA_LIST), height=CAPTCHA_LEN):    """    偏差计算图,正确值和预测值,计算准确度    """    maxPredictIdx = tf.argmax(tf.reshape(yConv, [-1, height, width]), 2)    maxLabelIdx = tf.argmax(tf.reshape(y, [-1, height, width]), 2)    correct = tf.equal(maxPredictIdx, maxLabelIdx)  # 判断是否相等    return tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, tf.float32))def train(height=CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, width=CAPTCHA_WIDTH, ySize=len(CAPTCHA_LIST) * CAPTCHA_LEN):    """    cnn训练    """    accRate = 0.95    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, height * width])    y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, ySize])    keepProb = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)    yConv = cnnGraph(x, keepProb, (height, width))    optimizer = optimizeGraph(y, yConv)    accuracy = accuracyGraph(y, yConv)    saver = tf.train.Saver()    with tf.Session() as sess:        sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())  # 初始化        step = 0  # 步数        while True:            batchX, batchY = getNextBatch(64)            sess.run(optimizer, feed_dict={x: batchX, y: batchY, keepProb: 0.75})            # 每训练一百次测试一次            if step % 100 == 0:                batchXTest, batchYTest = getNextBatch(100)                acc = sess.run(accuracy, feed_dict={x: batchXTest, y: batchYTest, keepProb: 1.0})                print(datetime.now().strftime('%c'), ' step:', step, ' accuracy:', acc)                # 准确率满足要求,保存模型                if acc > accRate:                    modelPath = "./model/captcha.model"                    saver.save(sess, modelPath, global_step=step)                    accRate += 0.01                    if accRate > 0.90:                        break            step = step + 1train()

当完成了这部分之后,我们可以通过本地机器对模型进行训练,为了提升训练速度,我将代码中的 accRate 部分设置为:

if accRate > 0.90:    break

也就是说,当准确率超过 90% 之后,系统就会自动停止,并且保存模型。


训练时间可能会比较长,训练完成之后,可以根据结果绘图,查看随着 Step 的增加,准确率的变化曲线:

横轴表示训练的 Step,纵轴表示准确率

3. 基于 Serverless 架构的验证码识别


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# 核心后端服务import base64import jsonimport uuidimport tensorflow as tfimport randomimport numpy as npfrom PIL import Imagefrom captcha.image import ImageCaptcha# Responseclass Response:    def __init__(self, start_response, response, errorCode=None):        self.start = start_response        responseBody = {            'Error': {"Code": errorCode, "Message": response},        } if errorCode else {            'Response': response        }        # 默认增加uuid,便于后期定位        responseBody['ResponseId'] = str(uuid.uuid1())        print("Response: ", json.dumps(responseBody))        self.response = json.dumps(responseBody)    def __iter__(self):        status = '200'        response_headers = [('Content-type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8')]        self.start(status, response_headers)        yield self.response.encode("utf-8")CAPTCHA_LIST = [eve for eve in "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrsruvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ"]CAPTCHA_LEN = 4  # 验证码长度CAPTCHA_HEIGHT = 60  # 验证码高度CAPTCHA_WIDTH = 160  # 验证码宽度# 随机字符串randomStr = lambda num=5: "".join(random.sample('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', num))randomCaptchaText = lambda char=CAPTCHA_LIST, size=CAPTCHA_LEN: "".join([random.choice(char) for _ in range(size)])# 图片转为黑白,3维转1维convert2Gray = lambda img: np.mean(img, -1) if len(img.shape) > 2 else img# 验证码向量转为文本vec2Text = lambda vec, captcha_list=CAPTCHA_LIST: ''.join([captcha_list[int(v)] for v in vec])variable = lambda shape, alpha=0.01: tf.Variable(alpha * tf.random_normal(shape))conv2d = lambda x, w: tf.nn.conv2d(x, w, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')maxPool2x2 = lambda x: tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')optimizeGraph = lambda y, y_conv: tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-3).minimize(    tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y, logits=y_conv)))hDrop = lambda image, weight, bias, keepProb: tf.nn.dropout(    maxPool2x2(tf.nn.relu(conv2d(image, variable(weight, 0.01)) + variable(bias, 0.1))), keepProb)def genCaptchaTextImage(width=CAPTCHA_WIDTH, height=CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, save=None):    image = ImageCaptcha(width=width, height=height)    captchaText = randomCaptchaText()    if save:        image.write(captchaText, save)    return captchaText, np.array(Image.open(image.generate(captchaText)))def text2Vec(text, captcha_len=CAPTCHA_LEN, captcha_list=CAPTCHA_LIST):    """    验证码文本转为向量    """    vector = np.zeros(captcha_len * len(captcha_list))    for i in range(len(text)):        vector[captcha_list.index(text[i]) + i * len(captcha_list)] = 1    return vectordef getNextBatch(batch_count=60, width=CAPTCHA_WIDTH, height=CAPTCHA_HEIGHT):    """    获取训练图片组    """    batch_x = np.zeros([batch_count, width * height])    batch_y = np.zeros([batch_count, CAPTCHA_LEN * len(CAPTCHA_LIST)])    for i in range(batch_count):        text, image = genCaptchaTextImage()        image = convert2Gray(image)        # 将图片数组一维化 同时将文本也对应在两个二维组的同一行        batch_x[i, :] = image.flatten() / 255        batch_y[i, :] = text2Vec(text)    return batch_x, batch_ydef cnnGraph(x, keepProb, size, captchaList=CAPTCHA_LIST, captchaLen=CAPTCHA_LEN):    """    三层卷积神经网络    """    imageHeight, imageWidth = size    xImage = tf.reshape(x, shape=[-1, imageHeight, imageWidth, 1])    hDrop1 = hDrop(xImage, [3, 3, 1, 32], [32], keepProb)    hDrop2 = hDrop(hDrop1, [3, 3, 32, 64], [64], keepProb)    hDrop3 = hDrop(hDrop2, [3, 3, 64, 64], [64], keepProb)    # 全连接层    imageHeight = int(hDrop3.shape[1])    imageWidth = int(hDrop3.shape[2])    wFc = variable([imageHeight * imageWidth * 64, 1024], 0.01)  # 上一层有64个神经元 全连接层有1024个神经元    bFc = variable([1024], 0.1)    hDrop3Re = tf.reshape(hDrop3, [-1, imageHeight * imageWidth * 64])    hFc = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(hDrop3Re, wFc) + bFc)    hDropFc = tf.nn.dropout(hFc, keepProb)    # 输出层    wOut = variable([1024, len(captchaList) * captchaLen], 0.01)    bOut = variable([len(captchaList) * captchaLen], 0.1)    yConv = tf.matmul(hDropFc, wOut) + bOut    return yConvdef captcha2Text(image_list):    """    验证码图片转化为文本    """    with tf.Session() as sess:        saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('model/'))        predict = tf.argmax(tf.reshape(yConv, [-1, CAPTCHA_LEN, len(CAPTCHA_LIST)]), 2)        vector_list = sess.run(predict, feed_dict={x: image_list, keepProb: 1})        vector_list = vector_list.tolist()        text_list = [vec2Text(vector) for vector in vector_list]        return text_listx = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, CAPTCHA_HEIGHT * CAPTCHA_WIDTH])keepProb = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)yConv = cnnGraph(x, keepProb, (CAPTCHA_HEIGHT, CAPTCHA_WIDTH))saver = tf.train.Saver()def handler(environ, start_response):    try:        request_body_size = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))    except (ValueError):        request_body_size = 0    requestBody = json.loads(environ['wsgi.input'].read(request_body_size).decode("utf-8"))    imageName = randomStr(10)    imagePath = "/tmp/" + imageName    print("requestBody: ", requestBody)    reqType = requestBody.get("type", None)    if reqType == "get_captcha":        genCaptchaTextImage(save=imagePath)        with open(imagePath, 'rb') as f:            data = base64.b64encode(f.read()).decode()        return Response(start_response, {'image': data})    if reqType == "get_text":        # 图片获取        print("Get pucture")        imageData = base64.b64decode(requestBody["image"])        with open(imagePath, 'wb') as f:            f.write(imageData)        # 开始预测        img = Image.open(imageName)        img = img.resize((160, 60), Image.ANTIALIAS)        img = img.convert("RGB")        img = np.asarray(img)        image = convert2Gray(img)        image = image.flatten() / 255        return Response(start_response, {'result': captcha2Text([image])})


  • 获取验证码:用户测试使用,生成验证码

  • 获取验证码识别结果:用户识别使用,识别验证码



另外,为了更加简单的来体验,提供测试页面,测试页面的后台服务使用 Python Web Bottle 框架:

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import osimport jsonfrom bottle import route, run, static_file, requestimport urllib.requesturl = "http://" + os.environ.get("url")@route('/')def index():    return static_file("index.html", root='html/')@route('/get_captcha')def getCaptcha():    data = json.dumps({"type": "get_captcha"}).encode("utf-8")    reqAttr = urllib.request.Request(data=data, url=url)    return urllib.request.urlopen(reqAttr).read().decode("utf-8")@route('/get_captcha_result', method='POST')def getCaptcha():    data = json.dumps({"type": "get_text", "image": json.loads(request.body.read().decode("utf-8"))["image"]}).encode(        "utf-8")    reqAttr = urllib.request.Request(data=data, url=url)    return urllib.request.urlopen(reqAttr).read().decode("utf-8")run(host='', debug=False, port=9000)




<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>    <meta charset="UTF-8">    <title>验证码识别测试系统</title>    <link href="https://www.bootcss.com/p/layoutit/css/bootstrap-combined.min.css" rel="stylesheet">    <script>        var image = undefined        function getCaptcha() {            const xmlhttp = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");            xmlhttp.open("GET", '/get_captcha', false);            xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {                if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {                    image = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText).Response.image                    document.getElementById("captcha").src = "data:image/png;base64," + image                    document.getElementById("getResult").style.visibility = 'visible'                }            }            xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");            xmlhttp.send();        }        function getCaptchaResult() {            const xmlhttp = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");            xmlhttp.open("POST", '/get_captcha_result', false);            xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {                if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {                    document.getElementById("result").innerText = "识别结果:" + JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText).Response.result                }            }            xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");            xmlhttp.send(JSON.stringify({"image": image}));        }    </script></head><body><div class="container-fluid" style="margin-top: 10px">    <div class="row-fluid">        <div class="span12">            <center>                <h3>                    验证码识别测试系统                </h3>            </center>        </div>    </div>    <div class="row-fluid">        <div class="span2">        </div>        <div class="span8">            <center>                <img src="" id="captcha"/>                <br><br>                <p id="result"></p>            </center>            <fieldset>                <legend>操作:</legend>                <button class="btn" onclick="getCaptcha()">获取验证码</button>                <button class="btn" onclick="getCaptchaResult()" id="getResult" style="visibility: hidden">识别验证码                </button>            </fieldset>        </div>        <div class="span2">        </div>    </div></div></body></html>


Global:  Service:      Name: ServerlessBook      Description: Serverless图书案例      Log: Auto      Nas: AutoServerlessBookCaptchaDemo:  Component: fc  Provider: alibaba  Access: release  Extends:    deploy:      - Hook: s install docker        Path: ./        Pre: true  Properties:    Region: cn-beijing    Service: ${Global.Service}    Function:      Name: serverless_captcha      Description: 验证码识别      CodeUri:        Src: ./src/backend        Excludes:          - src/backend/.fun          - src/backend/model      Handler: index.handler      Environment:        - Key: PYTHONUSERBASE          Value: /mnt/auto/.fun/python      MemorySize: 3072      Runtime: python3      Timeout: 60      Triggers:        - Name: ImageAI          Type: HTTP          Parameters:            AuthType: ANONYMOUS            Methods:              - GET              - POST              - PUT            Domains:              - Domain: AutoServerlessBookCaptchaWebsiteDemo:  Component: bottle  Provider: alibaba  Access: release  Extends:    deploy:      - Hook: pip3 install -r requirements.txt -t ./        Path: ./src/website        Pre: true  Properties:    Region: cn-beijing    CodeUri: ./src/website    App: index.py    Environment:      - Key: url        Value: ${ServerlessBookCaptchaDemo.Output.Triggers[0].Domains[0]}    Detail:      Service: ${Global.Service}      Function:        Name: serverless_captcha_website


| - src # 项目目录 |   | - backend # 项目后端,核心接口 |       | - index.py # 后端核心代码 |       | - requirements.txt # 后端核心代码依赖 |   | - website # 项目前端,便于测试使用 |       | - html # 项目前端页面 |           | - index.html # 项目前端页面 |       | - index.py # 项目前端的后台服务(bottle框架) |       | - requirements.txt # 项目前端的后台服务依赖


s deploy




由于模型在训练的时候,填写的目标准确率是 90%,所以可以认为在海量同类型验证码测试之后,整体的准确率在 90% 左右。


Serverless 发展迅速,通过 Serverless 做一个验证码识别工具,我觉得这是一个非常酷的事情。在未来的数据采集等工作中,有一个优美的验证码识别工具是非常必要的。当然验证码种类很多,针对不同类型的验证码识别,也是一项非常有挑战性的工作。

发布于: 2021 年 01 月 04 日阅读数: 82

阿里巴巴云原生 2019.05.21 加入



如何通过 Serverless 轻松识别验证码?