
幸运哈希 defi 游戏系统开发方案(防作弊)

  • 2022 年 5 月 27 日
  • 本文字数:1100 字

    阅读完需:约 4 分钟




简单来说对于哈希算法,哈希竞猜游戏开发对接薇/飞机 hkkf5566,它看到的输入就是一串由 0 和 1 组成的二进制数。

Hash, since the Hash ", also known as Hash ". Is essentially a computer program that can receive the confidence of arbitrary length input, and then through the hash algorithm, create a small digital fingerprint "way. The combination of Numbers and letters, for example, the output for the hash value ". In mathematical terms, is that the hash function, is arbitrary length data, mapping on the limited length of the domain. In general, the hash function is used to, the message or data compression, generate data summary, eventually make the data quantity is small, and have fixed format.


这个 HASH 算法不是大学里数据结构课里那个 HASH 表的算法,而是密码学的基础。

比较常用的有 MD5 和 SHA,最重要的两条性质,就是不可逆和无冲突。

所谓不可逆,就是当你知道 x 的 HASH 值,无法求出 x;

所谓无冲突,就是当你知道 x,无法求出一个 y, 使 x 与 y 的 HASH 值相同。


Block chain, is a chain composed of a block. Each block holds the certain information, according to the time order of each produce link them into a chain. The chain is saved in all servers, as long as there is a server can work in the whole system, whole block chain is safe. The servers in the block chain system is referred to as nodes, they provide storage space for the whole block chain system and calculate the force support.

If you want to modify the blocks in the chain of information, must obtain the consent of the half of the nodes and modify the information of all nodes, and these nodes are usually in the hands of the main body of different, so the tamper with the blocks in the chain of information is a very difficult thing to do.

Compared to the traditional network, block chain has two core features: one is data are difficult to tamper with, the other is decentralized. Based on the two characteristics of block chain the recorded information is more reliable, can help to solve the problem of people distrust.




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