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苹果 app 怎么上架
1、苹果要求版本更新必须使用iOS版本更新内置更新机制。 Design: Preamble Design Preamble Your app includes a responsive version button or alerts the user to update the app. To avoid user confusion, app version updates must utilize the iOS bui
安卓 app 上架流程
证书我们这边可以借助辅助工具appuploader Appuploader可以辅助在Windows、linux或mac系统直接申请iOS证书p12,及上传ipa到App Store,最方便在Windows开发上架没有苹果Mac电脑的开发者!配合本教程使用,可以快速掌握如何真机测试及上架!

跨平台应用开发进阶 (二十五) :uni-app 实现 IOS 云打包解决 IOS 提交审核相册等隐私描述语导致审核失败问题
Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access the camera, but doesn’t sufficiently explain the use of the camera in the purpose string. To help users make i