NLP 双数组字典树 (double array trie) 基于 darts-java 改进,增加词性存储。
- 2023-02-28 河南
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在 NLP 世界中,中英文环境的很大一个差别就是中文不存在英文中的空格,所以在实际的应用中往往需要提前内置大量的字典(词),用这些已经被定义好的字典(词)来进行文本的快速分词,本文介绍的双数组字典树就是其中的一种解决方案。
双数组字典树(Double Array Trie)改进自 Trie,但是与 HaNLP 中的 AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie 又略有不足。
Trie 树是搜索树的一种,它在本质上是一个确定的有限状态自动机,每个结点代表一个状态,根据输入变量的不同,进行状态转移。
为了减少 Trie 树结构的空间浪费,同时保证 Trie[/size]树查询的效率,有研究者提出了用两个数组来表示 Trie 树,也就是双数组 Trie 树(Double-Array Trie)
darts-java 是对 Taku Kudo 的 C++ 版 Double Array Trie 的 Java 移植,只有一个 Java 文件。
darts-java 在进行查找的过程中,提供的方法是查询共同前缀的,如果想要在一个大文本中查询到所有的字典,时间复杂度较高(可以对比 AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie)。
HaNLP AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie
使用 Double Array Trie 实现了一个性能极高的 Aho Corasick 自动机。
在 HaNLP 中广泛使用,比如分词任务、词性标注。
基于 darts-java 的改进
在使用 darts-java 的过程中,发现它只存储了字典字符串,没有存储其他的比如词性的信息,期望在进行查找的过程中,不仅仅能够查找出来字典,还能够查询出来额外的数据。
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<ValueAttrDTO> valueAttrDTOs = new ArrayList<ValueAttrDTO>();
// 词性: 形容词 用 a 表示, a对应的ascii码是 97
valueAttrDTOs.add(new ValueAttrDTO("一举", 97));
// 词性: 成语 用 i 表示, i对应的ascii码是 105
valueAttrDTOs.add(new ValueAttrDTO("一举一动", 105));
valueAttrDTOs.add(new ValueAttrDTO("一举成名", 105));
valueAttrDTOs.add(new ValueAttrDTO("一举成名天下知", 105));
// 词性: 形容词 用 a 表示, a对应的ascii码是 97
valueAttrDTOs.add(new ValueAttrDTO("万能", 97));
// 词性: 名词 用 n 表示, n对应的ascii码是 110
valueAttrDTOs.add(new ValueAttrDTO("万能胶", 110));
DoubleArrayTrie doubleArrayTrie = new DoubleArrayTrie();;
// doubleArrayTrie.dump();
List<Double> doubles = doubleArrayTrie.commonPrefixSearch("一举成名天下知的是一个成语");
if(doubles != null && doubles.size() > 0) {
for(double _double : doubles) {
int intPart = (int)_double;
System.out.println("word : " + valueAttrDTOs.get(intPart).getValue() +
" ;pos : " + valueAttrDTOs.get(intPart).getPos());
// 返回值分别输出了前缀的词语word,并且包含所属词性pos对应的ASCII码。
word : 一举 ;pos : 97
word : 一举成名 ;pos : 105
word : 一举成名天下知 ;pos : 105
主要的改进点在于,按照 darts-java 的代码逻辑,如果 Base 数组对应的值是一个负数,则说明是一个结尾。这里将数组的类型由 int 改为 double,前面的 int 逻辑保持不变,后面增加的小数位包含所属的词性信息(本例使用小数点后四位小数存储词性信息)。如果还有额外的信息需要存储,同样可以按照这种方法进行处理。
public class DoubleArrayTrie {
private final static int BUF_SIZE = 16384;
private final static int UNIT_SIZE = 8; // size of int + int
private static class Node {
int code;
int depth;
int left;
int right;
int pos;
private double check[];
private double base[];
private boolean used[];
private int size;
private int allocSize;
private List<String> key;
private List<ValueAttrDTO> valueAttrDTOs;
private int keySize;
private int length[];
private int value[];
private int progress;
private int nextCheckPos;
// boolean no_delete_;
int error_;
// int (*progressfunc_) (size_t, size_t);
// inline _resize expanded
private int resize(int newSize) {
double[] base2 = new double[newSize];
double[] check2 = new double[newSize];
boolean used2[] = new boolean[newSize];
if (allocSize > 0) {
System.arraycopy(base, 0, base2, 0, allocSize);
System.arraycopy(check, 0, check2, 0, allocSize);
System.arraycopy(used2, 0, used2, 0, allocSize);
base = base2;
check = check2;
used = used2;
return allocSize = newSize;
private int fetch(Node parent, List<Node> siblings) {
if (error_ < 0)
return 0;
int prev = 0;
for (int i = parent.left; i < parent.right; i++) {
if ((length != null ? length[i] : key.get(i).length()) < parent.depth)
String tmp = key.get(i);
int cur = 0;
if ((length != null ? length[i] : tmp.length()) != parent.depth)
cur = (int) tmp.charAt(parent.depth) + 1;
if (prev > cur) {
error_ = -3;
return 0;
if (cur != prev || siblings.size() == 0) {
Node tmp_node = new Node();
tmp_node.depth = parent.depth + 1;
tmp_node.code = cur;
tmp_node.left = i;
if (siblings.size() != 0)
siblings.get(siblings.size() - 1).right = i;
tmp_node.pos = valueAttrDTOs.get(i).pos;
prev = cur;
if (siblings.size() != 0)
siblings.get(siblings.size() - 1).right = parent.right;
return siblings.size();
private int insert(List<Node> siblings) {
if (error_ < 0)
return 0;
int begin = 0;
int pos = ((siblings.get(0).code + 1 > nextCheckPos) ? siblings.get(0).code + 1
: nextCheckPos) - 1;
int nonzero_num = 0;
int first = 0;
if (allocSize <= pos)
resize(pos + 1);
outer: while (true) {
if (allocSize <= pos)
resize(pos + 1);
if (check[pos] != 0) {
} else if (first == 0) {
nextCheckPos = pos;
first = 1;
begin = pos - siblings.get(0).code;
if (allocSize <= (begin + siblings.get(siblings.size() - 1).code)) {
// progress can be zero
double l = (1.05 > 1.0 * keySize / (progress + 1)) ? 1.05 : 1.0
* keySize / (progress + 1);
resize((int) (allocSize * l));
if (used[begin])
for (int i = 1; i < siblings.size(); i++)
if (check[begin + siblings.get(i).code] != 0)
continue outer;
// -- Simple heuristics --
// if the percentage of non-empty contents in check between the
// index
// 'next_check_pos' and 'check' is greater than some constant value
// (e.g. 0.9),
// new 'next_check_pos' index is written by 'check'.
if (1.0 * nonzero_num / (pos - nextCheckPos + 1) >= 0.95)
nextCheckPos = pos;
used[begin] = true;
size = (size > begin + siblings.get(siblings.size() - 1).code + 1) ? size
: begin + siblings.get(siblings.size() - 1).code + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < siblings.size(); i++)
check[begin + siblings.get(i).code] = begin;
for (int i = 0; i < siblings.size(); i++) {
List<Node> new_siblings = new ArrayList<Node>();
if (fetch(siblings.get(i), new_siblings) == 0) {
base[begin + siblings.get(i).code] = (value != null) ? (-value[siblings
.get(i).left] - 1) : (-siblings.get(i).left - 1) + (-0.0001 * siblings.get(i).pos);
if (value != null && (-value[siblings.get(i).left] - 1) >= 0) {
error_ = -2;
return 0;
// if (progress_func_) (*progress_func_) (progress,
// keySize);
} else {
int h = insert(new_siblings);
base[begin + siblings.get(i).code] = h;
return begin;
public DoubleArrayTrie() {
check = null;
base = null;
used = null;
size = 0;
allocSize = 0;
// no_delete_ = false;
error_ = 0;
// no deconstructor
// set_result omitted
// the search methods returns (the list of) the value(s) instead
// of (the list of) the pair(s) of value(s) and length(s)
// set_array omitted
// array omitted
void clear() {
// if (! no_delete_)
check = null;
base = null;
used = null;
allocSize = 0;
size = 0;
// no_delete_ = false;
public int getUnitSize() {
return UNIT_SIZE;
public int getSize() {
return size;
public int getTotalSize() {
return size * UNIT_SIZE;
public int getNonzeroSize() {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (check[i] != 0)
return result;
public int build(List<ValueAttrDTO> _valueAttrDTOS) {
return build(, null, null, _valueAttrDTOS.size(), _valueAttrDTOS);
public int build(List<String> _key, int _length[], int _value[],
int _keySize, List<ValueAttrDTO> _valueAttrDTOS) {
if (_keySize > _key.size() || _key == null)
return 0;
// progress_func_ = progress_func;
key = _key;
length = _length;
keySize = _keySize;
value = _value;
valueAttrDTOs = _valueAttrDTOS;
progress = 0;
resize(65536 * 32);
base[0] = 1;
nextCheckPos = 0;
Node root_node = new Node();
root_node.left = 0;
root_node.right = keySize;
root_node.depth = 0;
List<Node> siblings = new ArrayList<Node>();
fetch(root_node, siblings);
// size += (1 << 8 * 2) + 1; // ???
// if (size >= allocSize) resize (size);
used = null;
key = null;
return error_;
public void open(String fileName) throws IOException {
File file = new File(fileName);
size = (int) file.length() / UNIT_SIZE;
check = new double[size];
base = new double[size];
DataInputStream is = null;
try {
is = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream(file), BUF_SIZE));
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
base[i] = is.readInt();
check[i] = is.readInt();
} finally {
if (is != null)
public void save(String fileName) throws IOException {
DataOutputStream out = null;
try {
out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(fileName)));
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
} finally {
if (out != null)
public double exactMatchSearch(String key) {
return exactMatchSearch(key, 0, 0, 0);
public double exactMatchSearch(String key, int pos, int len, int nodePos) {
if (len <= 0)
len = key.length();
if (nodePos <= 0)
nodePos = 0;
double result = -1;
char[] keyChars = key.toCharArray();
double b = base[nodePos];
double p;
for (int i = pos; i < len; i++) {
p = b + (double) (keyChars[i]) + 1;
if (b == check[(int)p])
b = base[(int)p];
return result;
p = b;
double n = base[(int)p];
if (b == check[(int)p] && n < 0) {
result = -n - 1;
return result;
public List<Double> commonPrefixSearch(String key) {
return commonPrefixSearch(key, 0, 0, 0);
public List<Double> commonPrefixSearch(String key, int pos, int len,
int nodePos) {
if (len <= 0)
len = key.length();
if (nodePos <= 0)
nodePos = 0;
List<Double> result = new ArrayList<Double>();
char[] keyChars = key.toCharArray();
double b = base[nodePos];
double n;
double p;
for (int i = pos; i < len; i++) {
p = b;
n = base[(int)p];
if (b == check[(int)p] && n < 0) {
result.add(-n - 1);
p = b + (int) (keyChars[i]) + 1;
if (b == check[(int)p])
b = base[(int)p];
return result;
p = b;
n = base[(int)p];
if (b == check[(int)p] && n < 0) {
result.add(-n - 1);
return result;
// debug
public void dump() {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if(base[i] != 0 && check[i] != 0) {
System.err.println("i: " + i + " [" + base[i] + ", " + check[i]
+ "]");
private static class ValueAttrDTO {
String value;
int pos;
public ValueAttrDTO(String value, int pos) {
this.value = value;
this.pos = pos;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
public void setPos(int pos) {
this.pos = pos;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public int getPos() {
return pos;
版权声明: 本文为 InfoQ 作者【alexgaoyh】的原创文章。
本文遵守【CC-BY 4.0】协议,转载请保留原文出处及本版权声明。

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