
书写自动智慧文本分类器的开发与应用:支持多分类、多标签分类、多层级分类和 Kmeans 聚类

  • 2023-08-11
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书写自动智慧文本分类器的开发与应用:支持多分类、多标签分类、多层级分类和 Kmeans 聚类

文本分类器,提供多种文本分类和聚类算法,支持句子和文档级的文本分类任务,支持二分类、多分类、多标签分类、多层级分类和 Kmeans 聚类,开箱即用。python3 开发。

  • Classifier 支持算法

  • [x] LogisticRegression

  • [x] Random Forest

  • [x] Decision Tree

  • [x] K-Nearest Neighbours

  • [x] Naive bayes

  • [x] Xgboost

  • [x] Support Vector Machine(SVM)

  • [x] TextCNN

  • [x] TextRNN

  • [x] Fasttext

  • [x] BERT

  • Cluster

  • [x] MiniBatchKmeans

While providing rich functions, pytextclassifier internal modules adhere to low coupling, model adherence to inert loading, dictionary publication, and easy to use.

  • 安装

  • Requirements and Installation

pip3 install torch # conda install pytorchpip3 install pytextclassifier


git clone https://github.com/shibing624/pytextclassifier.gitcd pytextclassifierpython3 setup.py install

1. English Text Classifier



import sys
sys.path.append('..')from pytextclassifier import ClassicClassifier
if __name__ == '__main__': m = ClassicClassifier(output_dir='models/lr', model_name_or_model='lr') # ClassicClassifier support model_name:lr, random_forest, decision_tree, knn, bayes, svm, xgboost print(m) data = [ ('education', 'Student debt to cost Britain billions within decades'), ('education', 'Chinese education for TV experiment'), ('sports', 'Middle East and Asia boost investment in top level sports'), ('sports', 'Summit Series look launches HBO Canada sports doc series: Mudhar') ] # train and save best model m.train(data) # load best model from model_dir m.load_model() predict_label, predict_proba = m.predict([ 'Abbott government spends $8 million on higher education media blitz']) print(f'predict_label: {predict_label}, predict_proba: {predict_proba}')
test_data = [ ('education', 'Abbott government spends $8 million on higher education media blitz'), ('sports', 'Middle East and Asia boost investment in top level sports'), ] acc_score = m.evaluate_model(test_data) print(f'acc_score: {acc_score}')


ClassicClassifier instance (LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=False), stopwords size: 2438)predict_label: ['education'], predict_proba: [0.5378236358492112]acc_score: 1.0

2. Chinese Text Classifier(中文文本分类)


example examples/lr_classification_demo.py

import sys
sys.path.append('..')from pytextclassifier import ClassicClassifier
if __name__ == '__main__': m = ClassicClassifier(output_dir='models/lr-toy', model_name_or_model='lr') # 经典分类方法,支持的模型包括:lr, random_forest, decision_tree, knn, bayes, svm, xgboost data = [ ('education', '名师指导托福语法技巧:名词的复数形式'), ('education', '中国高考成绩海外认可 是“狼来了”吗?'), ('education', '公务员考虑越来越吃香,这是怎么回事?'), ('sports', '图文:法网孟菲尔斯苦战进16强 孟菲尔斯怒吼'), ('sports', '四川丹棱举行全国长距登山挑战赛 近万人参与'), ('sports', '米兰客场8战不败国米10年连胜'), ] m.train(data) print(m) # load best model from model_dir m.load_model() predict_label, predict_proba = m.predict(['福建春季公务员考试报名18日截止 2月6日考试', '意甲首轮补赛交战记录:米兰客场8战不败国米10年连胜']) print(f'predict_label: {predict_label}, predict_proba: {predict_proba}')
test_data = [ ('education', '福建春季公务员考试报名18日截止 2月6日考试'), ('sports', '意甲首轮补赛交战记录:米兰客场8战不败国米10年连胜'), ] acc_score = m.evaluate_model(test_data) print(f'acc_score: {acc_score}') # 1.0
#### train model with 1w data print('-' * 42) m = ClassicClassifier(output_dir='models/lr', model_name_or_model='lr') data_file = 'thucnews_train_1w.txt' m.train(data_file) m.load_model() predict_label, predict_proba = m.predict( ['顺义北京苏活88平米起精装房在售', '美EB-5项目“15日快速移民”将推迟']) print(f'predict_label: {predict_label}, predict_proba: {predict_proba}')


ClassicClassifier instance (LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=False), stopwords size: 2438)predict_label: ['education' 'sports'], predict_proba: [0.5, 0.598941806741534]acc_score: 1.0------------------------------------------predict_label: ['realty' 'education'], predict_proba: [0.7302956923617372, 0.2565005445322923]


例如,显示模型的特征权重,以及预测词的权重 examples/visual_feature_importance.ipynb

import sys
sys.path.append('..')from pytextclassifier import ClassicClassifierimport jieba
tc = ClassicClassifier(output_dir='models/lr-toy', model_name_or_model='lr')data = [ ('education', '名师指导托福语法技巧:名词的复数形式'), ('education', '中国高考成绩海外认可 是“狼来了”吗?'), ('sports', '图文:法网孟菲尔斯苦战进16强 孟菲尔斯怒吼'), ('sports', '四川丹棱举行全国长距登山挑战赛 近万人参与'), ('sports', '米兰客场8战不败国米10年连胜')]tc.train(data)import eli5
infer_data = ['高考指导托福语法技巧国际认可', '意甲首轮补赛交战记录:米兰客场8战不败国米10年连胜']eli5.show_weights(tc.model, vec=tc.feature)seg_infer_data = [' '.join(jieba.lcut(i)) for i in infer_data]eli5.show_prediction(tc.model, seg_infer_data[0], vec=tc.feature, target_names=['education', 'sports'])


4. Deep Classification model

本项目支持以下深度分类模型:FastText、TextCNN、TextRNN、Bert 模型,import模型对应的方法来调用:

from pytextclassifier import FastTextClassifier, TextCNNClassifier, TextRNNClassifier, BertClassifier

下面以 FastText 模型为示例,其他模型的使用方法类似。

4.1 FastText 模型


import sys
sys.path.append('..')from pytextclassifier import FastTextClassifier, load_data
if __name__ == '__main__': m = FastTextClassifier(output_dir='models/fasttext-toy') data = [ ('education', '名师指导托福语法技巧:名词的复数形式'), ('education', '中国高考成绩海外认可 是“狼来了”吗?'), ('education', '公务员考虑越来越吃香,这是怎么回事?'), ('sports', '图文:法网孟菲尔斯苦战进16强 孟菲尔斯怒吼'), ('sports', '四川丹棱举行全国长距登山挑战赛 近万人参与'), ('sports', '米兰客场8战不败保持连胜'), ] m.train(data, num_epochs=3) print(m) # load trained best model m.load_model() predict_label, predict_proba = m.predict(['福建春季公务员考试报名18日截止 2月6日考试', '意甲首轮补赛交战记录:米兰客场8战不败国米10年连胜']) print(f'predict_label: {predict_label}, predict_proba: {predict_proba}') test_data = [ ('education', '福建春季公务员考试报名18日截止 2月6日考试'), ('sports', '意甲首轮补赛交战记录:米兰客场8战不败国米10年连胜'), ] acc_score = m.evaluate_model(test_data) print(f'acc_score: {acc_score}') # 1.0
#### train model with 1w data print('-' * 42) data_file = 'thucnews_train_1w.txt' m = FastTextClassifier(output_dir='models/fasttext') m.train(data_file, names=('labels', 'text'), num_epochs=3) # load best trained model from model_dir m.load_model() predict_label, predict_proba = m.predict( ['顺义北京苏活88平米起精装房在售', '美EB-5项目“15日快速移民”将推迟'] ) print(f'predict_label: {predict_label}, predict_proba: {predict_proba}') x, y, df = load_data(data_file) test_data = df[:100] acc_score = m.evaluate_model(test_data) print(f'acc_score: {acc_score}')

4.2 BERT 类模型

4.2.1 多分类模型


import sys
sys.path.append('..')from pytextclassifier import BertClassifier
if __name__ == '__main__': m = BertClassifier(output_dir='models/bert-chinese-toy', num_classes=2, model_type='bert', model_name='bert-base-chinese', num_epochs=2) # model_type: support 'bert', 'albert', 'roberta', 'xlnet' # model_name: support 'bert-base-chinese', 'bert-base-cased', 'bert-base-multilingual-cased' ... data = [ ('education', '名师指导托福语法技巧:名词的复数形式'), ('education', '中国高考成绩海外认可 是“狼来了”吗?'), ('education', '公务员考虑越来越吃香,这是怎么回事?'), ('sports', '图文:法网孟菲尔斯苦战进16强 孟菲尔斯怒吼'), ('sports', '四川丹棱举行全国长距登山挑战赛 近万人参与'), ('sports', '米兰客场8战不败国米10年连胜'), ] m.train(data) print(m) # load trained best model from model_dir m.load_model() predict_label, predict_proba = m.predict(['福建春季公务员考试报名18日截止 2月6日考试', '意甲首轮补赛交战记录:米兰客场8战不败国米10年连胜']) print(f'predict_label: {predict_label}, predict_proba: {predict_proba}')
test_data = [ ('education', '福建春季公务员考试报名18日截止 2月6日考试'), ('sports', '意甲首轮补赛交战记录:米兰客场8战不败国米10年连胜'), ] acc_score = m.evaluate_model(test_data) print(f'acc_score: {acc_score}')
# train model with 1w data file and 10 classes print('-' * 42) m = BertClassifier(output_dir='models/bert-chinese', num_classes=10, model_type='bert', model_name='bert-base-chinese', num_epochs=2, args={"no_cache": True, "lazy_loading": True, "lazy_text_column": 1, "lazy_labels_column": 0, }) data_file = 'thucnews_train_1w.txt' # 如果训练数据超过百万条,建议使用lazy_loading模式,减少内存占用 m.train(data_file, test_size=0, names=('labels', 'text')) m.load_model() predict_label, predict_proba = m.predict( ['顺义北京苏活88平米起精装房在售', '美EB-5项目“15日快速移民”将推迟', '恒生AH溢指收平 A股对H股折价1.95%']) print(f'predict_label: {predict_label}, predict_proba: {predict_proba}')

PS:如果训练数据超过百万条,建议使用 lazy_loading 模式,减少内存占用

4.2.2 多标签分类模型




import sysimport pandas as pd
sys.path.append('..')from pytextclassifier import BertClassifier

def load_jd_data(file_path): """ Load jd data from file. @param file_path: format: content,其他,互联互通,产品功耗,滑轮提手,声音,APP操控性,呼吸灯,外观,底座,制热范围,遥控器电池,味道,制热效果,衣物烘干,体积大小 @return: """ data = [] with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): continue if not line: continue terms = line.split(',') if len(terms) != 16: continue val = [int(i) for i in terms[1:]] data.append([terms[0], val]) return data

if __name__ == '__main__': # model_type: support 'bert', 'albert', 'roberta', 'xlnet' # model_name: support 'bert-base-chinese', 'bert-base-cased', 'bert-base-multilingual-cased' ... m = BertClassifier(output_dir='models/multilabel-bert-zh-model', num_classes=15, model_type='bert', model_name='bert-base-chinese', num_epochs=2, multi_label=True) # Train and Evaluation data needs to be in a Pandas Dataframe containing at least two columns, a 'text' and a 'labels' column. The `labels` column should contain multi-hot encoded lists. train_data = [ ["一个小时房间仍然没暖和", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]], ["耗电情况:这个没有注意", [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], ] data = load_jd_data('multilabel_jd_comments.csv') train_data.extend(data) print(train_data[:5]) train_df = pd.DataFrame(train_data, columns=["text", "labels"])
print(train_df.head()) m.train(train_df) print(m) # Evaluate the model acc_score = m.evaluate_model(train_df[:20]) print(f'acc_score: {acc_score}')
# load trained best model from model_dir m.load_model() predict_label, predict_proba = m.predict(['一个小时房间仍然没暖和', '耗电情况:这个没有注意']) print(f'predict_label: {predict_label}, predict_proba: {predict_proba}')


  1. THUCNews 中文文本数据集(1.56GB):官方下载地址,抽样了 10 万条 THUCNews 中文文本 10 分类数据集(6MB),地址:examples/thucnews_train_10w.txt

  2. TNEWS 今日头条中文新闻(短文本)分类 Short Text Classificaiton for News,该数据集(5.1MB)来自今日头条的新闻版块,共提取了 15 个类别的新闻,包括旅游,教育,金融,军事等,地址:tnews_public.zip

在 THUCNews 中文文本 10 分类数据集(6MB)上评估,模型在测试集(test)评测效果如下:

在中文新闻短文本分类数据集 TNEWS 上评估,模型在开发集(dev)评测效果如下:

  • 以上结果均为分类的准确率(accuracy)结果

  • THUCNews 数据集评测结果可以基于examples/thucnews_train_10w.txt数据用examples下的各模型 demo 复现

  • TNEWS 数据集评测结果可以下载 TNEWS 数据集,运行examples/bert_classification_tnews_demo.py复现

  • 命令行调用


pytextclassifier├── bert_classifier.py├── fasttext_classifier.py├── classic_classifier.py├── textcnn_classifier.py└── textrnn_classifier.py

每个文件对应一个模型方法,各模型完全独立,可以直接运行,也方便修改,支持通过argparse 修改--data_path等参数。

直接在终端调用 fasttext 模型训练:

python -m pytextclassifier.fasttext_classifier -h


Text clustering, for example examples/cluster_demo.py

import sys
sys.path.append('..')from pytextclassifier.textcluster import TextCluster
if __name__ == '__main__': m = TextCluster(output_dir='models/cluster-toy', n_clusters=2) print(m) data = [ 'Student debt to cost Britain billions within decades', 'Chinese education for TV experiment', 'Abbott government spends $8 million on higher education', 'Middle East and Asia boost investment in top level sports', 'Summit Series look launches HBO Canada sports doc series: Mudhar' ] m.train(data) m.load_model() r = m.predict(['Abbott government spends $8 million on higher education media blitz', 'Middle East and Asia boost investment in top level sports']) print(r)
########### load chinese train data from 1w data file from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
tcluster = TextCluster(output_dir='models/cluster', feature=TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2)), n_clusters=10) data = tcluster.load_file_data('thucnews_train_1w.txt', sep='\t', use_col=1) feature, labels = tcluster.train(data[:5000]) tcluster.show_clusters(feature, labels, 'models/cluster/cluster_train_seg_samples.png') r = tcluster.predict(data[:30]) print(r)


TextCluster instance (MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=2, n_init=10), <pytextclassifier.utils.tokenizer.Tokenizer object at 0x7f80bd4682b0>, TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2)))[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 8 1 1 9 1]

clustering plot image:



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