
2023-04-30:用 go 语言重写 ffmpeg 的 resampling_audio.c 示例,它实现了音频重采样的功能。

  • 2023-04-30
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2023-04-30:用 go 语言重写 ffmpeg 的 resampling_audio.c 示例,它实现了音频重采样的功能。

答案 2023-04-30:

resampling_audio.c 是 FFmpeg 中的一个源文件,其主要功能是实现音频重采样。


resampling_audio.c 中实现了多种音频重采样算法,包括最近邻插值法、线性插值法、升采样过滤器、降采样过滤器等等。这些算法可以针对不同的输入和输出音频格式进行选择,以达到最佳效果。

使用 resampling_audio.c 可以方便地完成音频重采样操作,并在保证音质的同时提高处理效率。因此,它是 FFmpeg 中非常重要的一个模块。

代码见 github/moonfdd/ffmpeg-go 库。

这段代码是一个使用 FFmpeg 中的 libswresample 库进行音频重采样的示例程序。大体过程如下:

--1. 初始化输入和输出音频参数,包括声道数、采样率、样本格式等。

--3. 创建 libswresample 的上下文(SwrContext)。

--5. 通过 AvOptSetXXX 函数设置输入输出参数。

--7. 调用 SwrInit 函数初始化 resampler 上下文。

--9. 申请输入和输出音频数据缓冲区。

--11. 循环读取输入音频数据,重采样并保存为输出音频数据。每次循环中:

----a. 填充源音频数据缓冲区(即生成或从文件中读取音频数据)。

----b. 计算重采样后的目标音频数据大小。

----c. 申请足够的输出音频数据缓冲区空间。

----d. 调用 SwrConvert 函数将源音频数据转换为目标音频数据。

----e. 将重采样后的目标音频数据写入输出文件。

--13. 释放资源并退出程序。



go run ./examples/internalexamples/resampling_audio/main.go ./out/res.aac
./lib/ffplay -f s16le -channel_layout 7 -channels 3 -ar 44100 ./out/res.aac

golang 代码如下:

package main
import ( "fmt" "math" "os" "unsafe"
"github.com/moonfdd/ffmpeg-go/ffcommon" "github.com/moonfdd/ffmpeg-go/libavutil" "github.com/moonfdd/ffmpeg-go/libswresample")
func main0() (ret ffcommon.FInt) { var src_ch_layout ffcommon.FInt64T = libavutil.AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO var dst_ch_layout ffcommon.FInt64T = libavutil.AV_CH_LAYOUT_SURROUND var src_rate ffcommon.FInt = 48000 var dst_rate ffcommon.FInt = 44100 var src_data, dst_data **ffcommon.FUint8T var src_nb_channels, dst_nb_channels ffcommon.FInt var src_linesize, dst_linesize ffcommon.FInt var src_nb_samples ffcommon.FInt = 1024 var dst_nb_samples ffcommon.FInt var max_dst_nb_samples ffcommon.FInt var src_sample_fmt libavutil.AVSampleFormat = libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL var dst_sample_fmt libavutil.AVSampleFormat = libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 var dst_filename string var dst_file *os.File var dst_bufsize ffcommon.FInt var fmt0 string var swr_ctx *libswresample.SwrContext var t ffcommon.FDouble
if len(os.Args) != 2 { fmt.Printf("Usage: %s output_file\nAPI example program to show how to resample an audio stream with libswresample.\nThis program generates a series of audio frames, resamples them to a specified output format and rate and saves them to an output file named output_file.\n", os.Args[0]) os.Exit(1) } dst_filename = os.Args[1] dst_file, _ = os.Create(dst_filename) if dst_file == nil { fmt.Printf("Could not open destination file %s\n", dst_filename) os.Exit(1) }
/* create resampler context */ swr_ctx = libswresample.SwrAlloc() if swr_ctx == nil { fmt.Printf("Could not allocate resampler context\n") ret = -libavutil.ENOMEM goto end }
/* set options */ libavutil.AvOptSetInt(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(swr_ctx)), "in_channel_layout", src_ch_layout, 0) libavutil.AvOptSetInt(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(swr_ctx)), "in_sample_rate", int64(src_rate), 0) libavutil.AvOptSetSampleFmt(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(swr_ctx)), "in_sample_fmt", src_sample_fmt, 0)
libavutil.AvOptSetInt(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(swr_ctx)), "out_channel_layout", dst_ch_layout, 0) libavutil.AvOptSetInt(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(swr_ctx)), "out_sample_rate", int64(src_rate), 0) libavutil.AvOptSetSampleFmt(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(swr_ctx)), "out_sample_fmt", dst_sample_fmt, 0)
/* initialize the resampling context */ ret = swr_ctx.SwrInit() if ret < 0 { fmt.Printf("Failed to initialize the resampling context\n") goto end }
/* allocate source and destination samples buffers */
src_nb_channels = libavutil.AvGetChannelLayoutNbChannels(uint64(src_ch_layout)) ret = libavutil.AvSamplesAllocArrayAndSamples(&src_data, &src_linesize, src_nb_channels, src_nb_samples, src_sample_fmt, 0) if ret < 0 { fmt.Printf("Could not allocate source samples\n") goto end }
/* compute the number of converted samples: buffering is avoided * ensuring that the output buffer will contain at least all the * converted input samples */ dst_nb_samples = int32(libavutil.AvRescaleRnd(int64(src_nb_samples), int64(dst_rate), int64(src_rate), libavutil.AV_ROUND_UP)) max_dst_nb_samples = dst_nb_samples
/* buffer is going to be directly written to a rawaudio file, no alignment */ dst_nb_channels = libavutil.AvGetChannelLayoutNbChannels(uint64(dst_ch_layout)) ret = libavutil.AvSamplesAllocArrayAndSamples(&dst_data, &dst_linesize, dst_nb_channels, dst_nb_samples, dst_sample_fmt, 0) if ret < 0 { fmt.Printf("Could not allocate destination samples\n") goto end }
t = 0 for { /* generate synthetic audio */ fill_samples((*float64)(unsafe.Pointer(*src_data)), src_nb_samples, src_nb_channels, src_rate, &t)
/* compute destination number of samples */ dst_nb_samples = int32(libavutil.AvRescaleRnd(swr_ctx.SwrGetDelay(int64(src_rate))+ int64(src_nb_samples), int64(dst_rate), int64(src_rate), libavutil.AV_ROUND_UP)) if dst_nb_samples > max_dst_nb_samples { libavutil.AvFreep(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dst_data))) ret = libavutil.AvSamplesAlloc(dst_data, &dst_linesize, dst_nb_channels, dst_nb_samples, dst_sample_fmt, 1) if ret < 0 { break } max_dst_nb_samples = dst_nb_samples }
/* convert to destination format */ ret = swr_ctx.SwrConvert(dst_data, dst_nb_samples, src_data, src_nb_samples) if ret < 0 { fmt.Printf("Error while converting\n") goto end } dst_bufsize = libavutil.AvSamplesGetBufferSize(&dst_linesize, dst_nb_channels, ret, dst_sample_fmt, 1) if dst_bufsize < 0 { fmt.Printf("Could not get sample buffer size\n") goto end } fmt.Printf("t:%f in:%d out:%d\n", t, src_nb_samples, ret) dst_file.Write(ffcommon.ByteSliceFromByteP(*dst_data, int(dst_bufsize))) if t < 10 {
} else { break } }
ret = get_format_from_sample_fmt(&fmt0, dst_sample_fmt) if ret < 0 { goto end } fmt.Printf("Resampling succeeded. Play the output file with the command:\nffplay -f %s -channel_layout %d -channels %d -ar %d %s\n", fmt0, dst_ch_layout, dst_nb_channels, dst_rate, dst_filename)
end: dst_file.Close()
if src_data != nil { libavutil.AvFreep(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(src_data))) } libavutil.AvFreep(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&src_data)))
if dst_data != nil { libavutil.AvFreep(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dst_data))) } libavutil.AvFreep(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&dst_data)))
libswresample.SwrFree(&swr_ctx) if ret < 0 { return 1 } else { return 0 }}
func get_format_from_sample_fmt(fmt0 *string, sample_fmt libavutil.AVSampleFormat) (ret ffcommon.FInt) { switch sample_fmt { case libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8: *fmt0 = "u8" case libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16: *fmt0 = "s16le" case libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32: *fmt0 = "s32le" case libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT: *fmt0 = "f32le" case libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL: *fmt0 = "f64le" default: fmt.Printf("sample format %s is not supported as output format\n", libavutil.AvGetSampleFmtName(sample_fmt)) ret = -1 } return}
/*** Fill dst buffer with nb_samples, generated starting from t. */func fill_samples(dst *ffcommon.FDouble, nb_samples, nb_channels, sample_rate ffcommon.FInt, t *ffcommon.FDouble) { var i, j ffcommon.FInt tincr := 1.0 / float64(sample_rate) dstp := dst c := 2 * libavutil.M_PI * 440.0
/* generate sin tone with 440Hz frequency and duplicated channels */ for i = 0; i < nb_samples; i++ { *dstp = math.Sin(c * *t) for j = 1; j < nb_channels; j++ { *(*float64)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dstp)) + uintptr(8*j))) = *dstp } dstp = (*ffcommon.FDouble)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dstp)) + uintptr(8*nb_channels))) *t += tincr }}
func main() {
os.Setenv("Path", os.Getenv("Path")+";./lib") ffcommon.SetAvutilPath("./lib/avutil-56.dll") ffcommon.SetAvcodecPath("./lib/avcodec-58.dll") ffcommon.SetAvdevicePath("./lib/avdevice-58.dll") ffcommon.SetAvfilterPath("./lib/avfilter-56.dll") ffcommon.SetAvformatPath("./lib/avformat-58.dll") ffcommon.SetAvpostprocPath("./lib/postproc-55.dll") ffcommon.SetAvswresamplePath("./lib/swresample-3.dll") ffcommon.SetAvswscalePath("./lib/swscale-5.dll")
genDir := "./out" _, err := os.Stat(genDir) if err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { os.Mkdir(genDir, 0777) // Everyone can read write and execute } }

发布于: 刚刚阅读数: 3

公众号:福大大架构师每日一题 2021-02-15 加入


