Programming abstractions in C 阅读笔记:p161-p165
《Programming Abstractions In C》学习第 57 天,开始第 4 章“Introduction to Recursion”的学习,p161-p165,总结如下。
1.recursion vs stepwise refinement
答:p164, The strategy, called recursion is defined as any solution technique in which large problems are solved by reducing them to smaller problem of the same form. The italicized phrase(注:斜体短语指 the same form, 书上是用斜体表示的) is crucial to the definition, which otherwise describes the basic strategy of stepwise refinement。
把一个大问题分解为相同形式的小问题,这种策略称为“recursion(递归)”;把一个大问题分解为不同的小问题,这种策略称为“stepwise refinement(逐步求精)。
1.with relatively little trouble 语法分析
答:p164,Because these operations are fimilar, most people learn to use the control statements for, while and if with relatively little trouble。“with relatively little trouble”这里使用 little 修饰 trouble,表示“麻烦较少”,而不是“小麻烦”,所以翻译的时候要转换一下:因为这些操作都是类似的,所以大多数人学习使用 for, while 和 if 控制语句相对容易一些。
2.refinement 什么意思?
答:(1)refinement < refine: refinement 是 refine 的名称形式, u. the process of making a substance pure。(2)refine: re- + fine: fine repeatedly(重复地 fine), to make sth pure(提炼)。(3)fine: vt. pury, clearify, to make finer in quality or size(使澄清,简化)。
3.almost 是什么意思?
答:adv. nearly but not quite,接近但是不完全,中文翻译成“几乎,近乎”,但是几乎后面跟形容词并不是很恰当。例如 p164,“As a problem-solving tool, recursion is so powerful that it at times seems almost magical.”,从英文的角度而言,almost magical 就是“nearly magical”,接近于 magical,但是并不是 magical。如果从中文角度,翻译成“近乎神奇”,这里的“神奇”就是名词的用法了,而不是形容词。
1. 编程
(1)Eric S.Roberts,《Programming Abstractions in C》:
2. 英语
(1)Etymology Dictionary:
(2) Cambridage Dictionary:
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