
Taobao purchasing system 丨 Taobao purchasing system 丨 Chinese purchasing system 丨 Chinese goods purchasing

  • 2023-12-18
  • 本文字数:877 字

    阅读完需:约 3 分钟

Taobao purchasing system丨Taobao purchasing system丨Chinese purchasing system丨Chinese goods purchasing

The request method of Taobao commodity details data interface includes the following steps:Register a developer account on Taobao Open platform, create an application, obtain App Key and App Secret of the application, request address:http://c0b.cc/R4rbK2 Add wechat ID: Taobaoapi2014 to obtain request link and demo example.Concatenate the request URL. The format of the request URL is generally: http://gw.api.taobao.com/router/rest?method=taobao.item.get&app_key=[app_key]&session=[session]×tamp=[timestamp]&format= json&v=2.0&sign=[sign]&fields=[fields]&num_iid=[num_iid], where the meanings of the parameters are as follows: method: name of the API interface, taobao.item. app_key: indicates the App Key of the application. session: indicates the authorization code of the user. This parameter is optional. timestamp: Time stamp. format: specifies the response format. The value is optional. The default value is JSON. v: indicates the API version. This parameter is optional. The default value is 2.0. sign: Signature value, used for authentication. fields: List of fields to be returned. This parameter is optional. num_iid: indicates the product ID. Developers need to arrange the above parameters in lexicographical order, and add App Secret to generate signature values to complete authentication.Initiates an HTTP request. The HTTP protocol is used to send a request to the open platform of Taobao to obtain the detailed information of the product. In general, developers need to use HTTP GET or HTTP POST requests.Parse the response result. The response returned by the Taobao Open platform is a string in JSON format, which the developer needs to parse into the corresponding data structure to obtain the detailed information of the product.




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Taobao purchasing system丨Taobao purchasing system丨Chinese purchasing system丨Chinese goods purchasing_taobao agent_tbapi_InfoQ写作社区