Programming Abstractions in C 阅读笔记:p327-p330
《Programming Abstractions in C》学习第 78 天,p327-p330,总计 4 页。
p328, A type defined in term of its behavior rather than its represnetation is called an abstract data type(如果一种数据类型使用它们的行为而不是表示来定义,那么这样的数据类型称为抽象数据类型)。
p328, In this section, you will learn about a data structure called a stack, which provides storages for a collection a data values, subject to the restriction that values can only be be removed from a stack in the opposite order from which they were added(栈是一种数据结构。栈用于存储一组数据,并且栈里面的元素只能后进先出)。
1)element(元素):The values stored in a stack are called its elements。
2)pushing(入栈) & popping(出栈):Adding a new element to a stack is called pushing that element。Removing the most recent element from a stack is called popping the stack。两者简称为 LIFO(后进先出,last in, first out)。
之前总是分不清 push 和 pop,到底哪个是入栈,哪个是出栈。后面是使用联想记忆来记住,push——(press 按)/pressure(压力),施加压力,按下去,所以是压入;pop——pop back up(弹回),所以是出栈。
1.assimilate form 是什么意思?
答: in phsiology, "absorb into and make part of the body"(在生理学上,指“吸收并使之称为身体的一部分”)。assimilate form 正是来自此意思,例如:Before a voiced consonant sound, "ad" can assimilate into "a" or "at" in pronunciation(在浊辅音前,"ad" 可以被同化为“a”或者“at”)。从语法上来说,这是指发音的变化。
以 assimilate 这个单词为例,from assimilated form of ad(to 的意思, 即 assimilate 的首字母 a 是 ad 的同化形式) + simulare(make similar 之意)。这在语法解释上会见得比较多。
2.assemble 是什么意思?
(1)assimulare(from Latin) > assembler(from old French) > assemble。
(2)assimulare: ad-(a from assimilatd form of ad) + simulare(to make like)。sim from stem of similis "like, resembling, of the same kind" (sim 来自于 similis 的主干部分)。
(3)assemble: vi. collect into one place; vt. meet or come together,聚集,组装。
p328, As you know from your programming experience, data structures can be assembled to form hierarchies.
3.physiology 是什么意思?
答:physio-(nature) + -logy(study,研究),science of the normal function of living things(生理学)。
4.occupy 是什么意思?
答:ob-(over) + intensive form(强化形式) of capere(to grasp, seize, from PIE root *kap-)。vt. to take possession of and keep (拥有,占有, 占据)。
1. 编程
(1)Eric S.Roberts,《Programming Abstractions in C》:
2. 英语
(1)Etymology Dictionary:
(2) Cambridage Dictionary:

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