PIRF 413:Recipe – What are we making?
Don’t make a VOWEL FOUL!
How many certain SHORT A sounds in this assignment
Recipe – What are we making?
Remove all the muscle you can from the fat and cut it into small chunks. In a slow
cooker, add some salt and water. Cook it at low for about 12 hours, stirring
occasionally so nothing sticks. The salt and water are going to help purify the fat by
settling the impurities to the bottom, but we still need to remove all the cracklings. I
like to strain mine through a cheesecloth so that I can wring out as much fat as
possible. Next, place it in the fridge to solidify for a few hours. Once solid, we're going
to flip it over and remove any sediment and impurities. I repeat this process at least
three times. The cleaner you get it, the less likely it'll be to go rancid.s
Whoops, you missed the as, if you need not stress can, it can be schwa sound.
The first time with Coach Richard on 10: 20pm on 2024-10-17

small/salt/settling: more L sound
strain: cluster sound, together
solidify: schwa sound
flip it over: short i sound
The third time with Coach Richard at 11:00 pm on 2024-10-22

cut/much: short u sound
flip it over/ place it in: through and through,liked those words together.
cleaner: more L sound
The fourth time with Coach Richard at 10:30pm on 2024-10-24

cook it at : stop t sound
still: short I sound
fridge: short I sound
cleaner: more L sound