PIRF423:Opinion-The Avocado Dilemma
Don’t make a VOWEL FOUL!
How many certain Short As in this assignment?
Opinion – The Avocado Dilemma
Have you ever met a rubbery avocado? You know, the ones that never quite soften,
no matter how long you leave them on the counter? I love avocados for their creamy
texture and rich flavor, but they can be so tricky! I’ll buy a bag, excited for guacamole
and avocado toast, only to find that I can’t scoop anything out of them. It truly feels
like a gamble! Some days I’m lucky and they’re perfectly ripe and delicious, but other
times I’m left disappointed, chewing on something unpleasant and chalky. Why can’t
avocados just coordinate better with their harvesting schedule? A little consideration
would go a long way!
Whoops, there are just 5 certain Short As, Have matter gamble can't can't
The first time with Coach Richard was at 9:10 am on 2025.01.27

their/they're: Long A Plus R
and chalky: there is no extra a sound after and
soften: O is short O sound not AW sound.
The second time with Coach Lan at 18:45 pm on 2025.02.08

met a/ Dilemma: schwa sound, there is no extra R sound after SCWHA Sound
for: more R sound
texture: KS
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