《使用 Gin 框架构建分布式应用》阅读笔记:p307-p392
《用 Gin 框架构建分布式应用》学习第 16 天,p307-p392 总结,总 86 页。
chapter 08 讲使用 AWS 进行部署,可以根据需要选择是否阅读。因为使用到的概率很小,且还要绑卡,本人选择跳过。
(1)什么是 CI/CD
p348,Luckily, many deployment steps can be automated, saving development time, reducing human errors, and shortening release cycles; this section will show how to embrace continuous integration (CI), continuous deployment (CD), and continuous delivery to accelerate time to market (TTM) and ensure high-quality feature releases.
348 页的这段话很好的回答了什么是 CI/CD,这里直接引用,不转述了。
(2)CI server
常见的 CI server 有:Circle CI,Jenkins,Travis CI,Github Action。书里使用的是 Circle CI。不知道作者是默认大家对这些都比较熟悉了还是其它什么原因。这里相对于介绍 MongoDBCompass 的使用,介绍 Circle CI 的使用比较草率——" To do so, you need to describe all the steps in a template file and save it within the code's GitHub repository", "Start by creating a .circleci folder and a .config.yml file with the following content"要不是我仔细阅读这两句话我还真不知道 config.yml 文件放在哪里。
这里转述一下:在项目根目录下建一个名为 .circleci 的目录,然后在 .circleci 目录里面建一个名为 config.yml 的文件。
在本人的实际工作经历中,CI/CD 使用的是 Jenkins,而不是 Circle CI。总体而言, chapter 09 写得比较糟糕,实操性较低。
p308, Most AWS services offer an abundance of Free Tier resources, so deploying your application will cost a little or nothing.
c. refer to layers or levels in a structure.
p307, We will also discuss the importance of embracing a GitFlow approach while building a Gin-based API.
(1)embrace: en-("in") + brace("the arms"). vt. 本意是“hold sb with both arms to express love, liking, etc”,比喻意义是“include sth, often as one of a numbe of sth”,相对 include 而言,embrace 更正式(formal)。
1. 编程
(1) Mohamed Labouardy,《Building Distributed Applications in Gin》:https://book.douban.com/subject/35610349
2. 英语
(1) Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com
(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org
