
ARTS 打卡第 3 周(8.28~9.3)

  • 2023-09-03
  • 本文字数:4591 字

    阅读完需:约 15 分钟

A Algorithm 一道算法题

题目:Leetcode 26. 删除有序数组中的重复项

给你一个 升序排列 的数组 nums ,请你 原地 删除重复出现的元素,使每个元素 只出现一次 ,返回删除后数组的新长度。元素的 相对顺序 应该保持 一致 。然后返回 nums 中唯一元素的个数。

考虑 nums 的唯一元素的数量为 k ,你需要做以下事情确保你的题解可以被通过:

更改数组 nums ,使 nums 的前 k 个元素包含唯一元素,并按照它们最初在 nums 中出现的顺序排列。nums 的其余元素与 nums 的大小不重要。

返回 k 。


输入:nums = [1,1,2]

输出:2, nums = [1,2,_]

解释:函数应该返回新的长度 2 ,并且原数组 nums 的前两个元素被修改为 1, 2 。不需要考虑数组中超出新长度后面的元素。

题解:BY C#

public class Solution {    public int RemoveDuplicates(int[] nums) {        int n = nums.Length;        if (n == 0) {            return 0;        }        int fast = 1, slow = 1;        while (fast < n) {            if (nums[fast] != nums[fast - 1]) {                nums[slow] = nums[fast];                slow++;            }            fast++;        }        return slow;    }}

R Review 读一篇英文文章


Announcing the New Foundational C# Certification with freeCodeCamp

宣布通过 freeCodeCamp 获得新的基础 C#认证

Hello Students and Developers!

We are excited to announce the release of the new Foundational C# Certification in collaboration with freeCodeCamp. freeCodeCamp is a charity that creates free learning resources for math, programming, and computer science. The Foundational C# Certification is completely free, globally available, and includes a full 35-hour C# training course hosted on Microsoft Learn.


我们很高兴地宣布与 freeCodeCamp 合作发布新的基础 C#认证。freeCodeCamp 是一个慈善机构,为数学、编程和计算机科学提供免费的学习资源。基础 C# 认证完全免费,全球可用,包括在 Microsoft Learn 上托管的完整 35 小时 C# 培训课程。

Amplify Your C# Career Trajectory

C# continues to shine as a leading programming language, essential in creating dynamic web applications, Unity games, comprehensive enterprise solutions, and more. In the rapidly evolving tech landscape, having tangible proof of your skills and dedication can set you apart.

Our Foundational C# Certification provides just that — a testament to the time and effort you’ve invested in mastering this versatile language. While no certification can guarantee a job, adding this to your portfolio demonstrates your commitment to continuous growth and your proficiency in C#.

Partnering with the esteemed freeCodeCamp, our certification is not just a badge, but a mark of quality education. It’s comprehensive, globally accessible, and free. This ensures that learners everywhere can benefit from a robust C# training on Microsoft Learn.

放大您的 C# 职业轨迹

C# 作为领先的编程语言继续大放异彩,对于创建动态 Web 应用程序、Unity 游戏、全面的企业解决方案等至关重要。在快速发展的科技环境中,拥有对您的技能和奉献精神的切实证明可以使您与众不同。

我们的基础 C# 认证正好提供了这一点 — 证明了您为掌握这种多功能语言所投入的时间和精力。虽然没有任何认证可以保证工作,但将其添加到您的产品组合中表明您对持续增长的承诺和您对 C# 的熟练程度。

与受人尊敬的 freeCodeCamp 合作,我们的认证不仅仅是一个徽章,而是优质教育的标志。它全面、可在全球范围内访问且免费。这可确保世界各地的学习者都可以从有关 Microsoft Learn 的强大 C# 培训中受益。

Why This Certification?

Thorough Knowledge Base: With a 35-hour training course on Microsoft Learn, this certification provides a thorough foundation of C#. From core concepts, syntax to practical software development applications – it’s all here.

A Credential You Can Showcase: Existing C# developers, here’s your chance to bolster your LinkedIn profile. Display your commitment to continuous learning and expertise to potential employers and peers.

Global and Free: This certification is free and globally available, ensuring every developer across the globe can access and benefit from it.

A Comprehensive C# Journey: Partnering with freeCodeCamp, a renowned charity with a world-class learning platform, we’ve developed a certification that truly stands out. By utilizing resources from Microsoft Learn, learners will undergo a thorough training program, capped off by an 80-question exam hosted on freeCodeCamp. Master foundational concepts including variables, data types, control structures, and more.


全面的知识库:通过 35 小时的 Microsoft Learn 培训课程,此认证为 C# 提供了全面的基础。从核心概念、语法到实际的软件开发应用程序,应有尽有。

您可以展示的凭据:现有的 C# 开发人员,这是增强 LinkedIn 配置文件的机会。向潜在雇主和同行展示您对持续学习和专业知识的承诺。


全面的 C# 之旅:我们与拥有世界级学习平台的知名慈善机构 freeCodeCamp 合作,开发了一种真正脱颖而出的认证。通过利用 Microsoft Learn 的资源,学习者将接受全面的培训计划,并在 freeCodeCamp 上托管 80 个问题的考试。掌握基本概念,包括变量、数据类型、控制结构等。

Earn your certificate

Go to the Foundational C# Certification path on freeCodeCamp. Here you’ll find the training content under Courses. Press Expand course to find all the modules within each course.

Click on each module in the course to find the link to the training content for that module.

Complete the training content on Microsoft Learn. (Note: If you have previously completed the training content, you do not need to redo it)

Once you are done, complete the comprehension check question on freeCodeCamp.

At the end of each course, you will receive a Trophy on Microsoft Learn. Each step on freeCodeCamp will show instructions for how you can claim and submit these Trophies.

Once you complete all the training, take the exam.

Earn your certification!


转到 freeCodeCamp 上的基础 C# 认证路径。在这里,您可以在课程下找到培训内容。按展开课程以查找每个课程中的所有模块。


完成 Microsoft 学习上的培训内容。(注意:如果您之前已完成培训内容,则无需重做)

完成后,在 freeCodeCamp 上完成理解检查问题。

在每门课程结束时,您将获得一个关于 Microsoft 学习的奖杯。freeCodeCamp 上的每一步都会显示有关如何领取和提交这些奖杯的说明。



Let’s Train Together!

With Microsoft : In addition to the training content on Microsoft Learn, we are hosting six office-hour style streaming events to help you succeed. The streams will be September 20 to October 25, every Wednesday at 2:00 pm UTC. In each session, expert presenters will review a training course, walkthrough a guided project, and answer questions. Stay updated with live and on-demand sessions via the .NET YouTube channel.

With freeCodeCamp: Begin with a video walkthrough by freeCodeCamp detailing the certification and training journey. For further support, be a part of the vibrant freeCodeCamp community over on the C# section of the freeCodeCamp Forum.


Microsoft:除了 Microsoft Learn 上的培训内容外,我们还举办了六场办公时间风格的流媒体活动,以帮助您取得成功。直播时间为 9 月 20 日至 10 月 25 日,每周三下午 2:00 UTC。在每节课中,专家演示者将回顾培训课程,演练指导项目并回答问题。通过 .NET YouTube 频道随时了解实时和点播会话的最新情况。

使用 freeCodeCamp:从 freeCodeCamp 的视频演练开始,详细介绍认证和培训过程。如需进一步支持,请在 freeCodeCamp 论坛的 C# 部分成为充满活力的 freeCodeCamp 社区的一员。

Join the challenge

Go beyond certification! Take the C# Challenge and compare your learning journey with global peers. The challenge begins on August 29th! Register here: https://aka.ms/csharp-challenge


超越认证!参加 C# 挑战赛,将您的学习之旅与全球同行进行比较。挑战将于 29 月<>日开始!在此注册: https://aka.ms/csharp-challenge

Final Words

Whether you’re an aspiring C# developer or a seasoned professional wanting to showcase your expertise, our Foundational C# Certification awaits you. Join us in this enlightening journey and elevate your tech career to unprecedented heights.


无论您是有抱负的 C# 开发人员,还是想要展示您的专业知识的经验丰富的专业人士,我们的基础 C# 认证都在等着您。加入我们这个启发性的旅程,将您的技术职业生涯提升到前所未有的高度。

T Technique/Tip 分享一个小技术

1、Linq 分组取每一组的第一条记录

Linq 分组后,再对分组后的每组数据进行排序,获取每组的第一条记录。

Linq to SQL 的写法:

var result = from transRecord in TransRecord        group transRecord by transRecord.TransType into g        select g.OrderByDescending(o=>o.Date)        .FirstOrDefault();

Linq to Entity 的写法:

var result = _dbContext             .TransRecord             .GroupBy(g => g.TransType)             .Select(s => s.OrderByDescending(o => o.Date)             .FirstOrDefault());
2、.Net 控制台中文(简体/繁体)乱码问题

.Net 控制台程序默认不支持中文。加上这句就可以了:

Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;


class Program{    static void Main(string[] args)    {        Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;        Console.WriteLine("繁體計算機 简体计算机");        Console.Read();    }}

S Share 分享一个观点


作为软件工程师,算法、英语水平、掌握的技术、解决问题的能力,这些很重要。但是,如果你不是研究生,也不是 985、211 本科生,那么获得一个或几个有一定含金量的证书也很重要。比如,软考证书、PMP(项目管理专业资格认证)、NISP/CISP、微软认证、华为认证等。


先精之,再思之,五六分把握即做之。 2020-06-24 加入



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