
Trie 树简介及应用

  • 2023-01-30
  • 本文字数:6554 字

    阅读完需:约 22 分钟


作者:京东物流 马瑞

1 什么是 Trie 树

1.1 Trie 树的概念

Trie 树,即字典树,又称单词查找树或键树,是一种树形结构,典型应用是用于统计,排序和保存大量的字符串(但不仅限于字符串),所以经常被搜索引擎系统用于文本词频统计。它的优点是:利用字符串的公共前缀来减少查询时间,最大限度地减少无谓的字符串比较,查询效率比哈希树高。

Trie, also called digital tree and sometimes radix tree or prefix tree (as they can be searched by prefixes), is a kind of search tree—an ordered tree data structure that is used to store a dynamic set or associative array where the keys are usually strings. It is one of those data-structures that can be easily implemented.

1.2 Trie 树优点


  1. 插入、查找的时间复杂度均为 O(N),其中 N 为字符串长度。

  2. 空间复杂度是 26^n 级别的,非常庞大(可采用双数组实现改善)。

1.3 Trie 树的三个基本性质

  1. 根节点不包含字符,除根节点外每一个节点都只包含一个字符

  2. 从根节点到某一节点,路径上经过的字符连接起来,为该节点对应的字符串

  3. 每个节点的所有子节点包含的字符都不相同

2 Trie 树数据结构


Java 的数据结构定义:

@Datapublic class TrieTreeNode {    private Character data;    private Map<Character, TrieTreeNode> children;    private boolean isEnd;    //  前缀,冗余信息,可选    private String prefix;    //  后缀,冗余信息,可选    private String suffix;}

如果只是处理 26 个英文字符,data 可以通过 children 数组是否为空来判断。如果处理程序,默认 children 为空来判断是否为最后一个节点,则 isEnd 字段可以省略。

前缀 prefix 和 suffix 可以在数据处理的时候,方便拿到当前节点前缀和后缀信息,如果不需要可以去除。

3 Trie 树在脏话过滤中的应用

3.1 脏话关键词 Keyword 定义

public class KeyWord implements Serializable {    /**     * 关键词内容     */    private String word;//其他省略}

3.2 关键词查询器

public class KWSeeker {
/** * 所有的关键词 */ private Set<KeyWord> sensitiveWords;
/** * 关键词树 */ private Map<String, Map> wordsTree = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map>();
/** * 最短的关键词长度。用于对短于这个长度的文本不处理的判断,以节省一定的效率 */ private int wordLeastLen = 0;

3.3 字符串构造一棵树

/**    * 将指定的词构造到一棵树中。    *     * @param tree 构造出来的树    * @param word 指定的词    * @param KeyWord 对应的词    * @return    */public static Map<String, Map> makeTreeByWord(Map<String, Map> tree, String word,        KeyWord KeyWord) {    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(word)) {        tree.putAll(EndTagUtil.buind(KeyWord));        return tree;    }    String next = word.substring(0, 1);    Map<String, Map> nextTree = tree.get(next);    if (nextTree == null) {        nextTree = new HashMap<String, Map>();    }    // 递归构造树结构    tree.put(next, makeTreeByWord(nextTree, word.substring(1), KeyWord));    return tree;}


3.4 词库树的生成

/**    * 构造、生成词库树。并返回所有敏感词中最短的词的长度。    *     * @param sensitiveWords 词库    * @param wordsTree 聚合词库的树    * @return 返回所有敏感词中最短的词的长度。    */public int generalTree(Set<KeyWord> sensitiveWords, Map<String, Map> wordsTree) {    if (sensitiveWords == null || sensitiveWords.isEmpty() || wordsTree == null) {        return 0;    }
wordsTreeTmp.clear(); int len = 0; for (KeyWord kw : sensitiveWords) { if (len == 0) { len = kw.getWordLength(); } else if (kw.getWordLength() < len) { len = kw.getWordLength(); } AnalysisUtil .makeTreeByWord(wordsTreeTmp, StringUtils.trimToEmpty(kw.getWord()), kw); } wordsTree.clear(); wordsTree.putAll(wordsTreeTmp); return len;}

3.5 关键词提取

/** * 将文本中的关键词提取出来。 */public List<SensitiveWordResult> process(Map<String, Map> wordsTree, String text,        AbstractFragment fragment, int minLen) {    // 词的前面一个字    String pre = null;    // 词匹配的开始位置    int startPosition = 0;    // 返回结果    List<SensitiveWordResult> rs = new ArrayList<SensitiveWordResult>();
while (true) { try { if (wordsTree == null || wordsTree.isEmpty() || StringUtils.isEmpty(text)) { return rs; } if (text.length() < minLen) { return rs; } String chr = text.substring(0, 1); text = text.substring(1); Map<String, Map> nextWord = wordsTree.get(chr); // 没有对应的下一个字,表示这不是关键词的开头,进行下一个循环 if (nextWord == null) { pre = chr; continue; }
List<KeyWord> keywords = Lists.newArrayList(); KeyWord kw = AnalysisUtil.getSensitiveWord(chr, pre, nextWord, text, keywords); if (keywords == null || keywords.size() == 0) { // 没有匹配到完整关键字,下一个循环 pre = chr; continue; } for (KeyWord tmp : keywords) { // 同一个word多次出现记录在一起 SensitiveWordResult result = new SensitiveWordResult(startPosition, tmp.getWord()); int index = rs.indexOf(result); if (index > -1) { rs.get(index).addPosition(startPosition, tmp.getWord()); } else { rs.add(result); } }
// 从text中去除当前已经匹配的内容,进行下一个循环匹配 // 这行注释了,避免"中国人",导致"国人"。搜索不出来,逐个字符遍历 // text = text.substring(kw.getWordLength() - 1); pre = kw.getWord().substring(kw.getWordLength() - 1, kw.getWordLength()); continue; } finally { if (pre != null) { startPosition = startPosition + pre.length(); } }
/** * 查询文本开头的词是否在词库树中,如果在,则返回对应的词,如果不在,则返回null。return 返回找到的最长关键词 * * @param append 追加的词 * @param pre 词的前一个字,如果为空,则表示前面没有内容 * @param nextWordsTree 下一层树 * @param text 剩余的文本内容 * @param keywords 返回的keywords,可能多个 * @return 返回找到的最长关键词 */public static KeyWord getSensitiveWord(String append, String pre, Map<String, Map> nextWordsTree, String text, List<KeyWord> keywords) { if (nextWordsTree == null || nextWordsTree.isEmpty()) { return null; }
Map<String, Object> endTag = nextWordsTree.get(EndTagUtil.TREE_END_TAG); // 原始文本已到末尾 if (StringUtils.isEmpty(text)) { // 如果有结束符,则表示匹配成功,没有,则返回null if (endTag != null) { keywords.add(checkPattern(getKeyWord(append, endTag), pre, null)); return checkPattern(getKeyWord(append, endTag), pre, null); } else { return null; } }
String next = text.substring(0, 1); String suffix = text.substring(0, 1); Map<String, Map> nextTree = nextWordsTree.get(next);
// 没有遇到endTag,继续匹配 if (endTag == null) { if (nextTree != null && nextTree.size() > 0) { // 没有结束标志,则表示关键词没有结束,继续往下走。 return getSensitiveWord(append + next, pre, nextTree, text.substring(1), keywords); }
// 如果没有下一个匹配的字,表示匹配结束! return null; } else { // endTag , 添加关键字 KeyWord tmp = getKeyWord(append, endTag); keywords.add(checkPattern(tmp, pre, suffix)); }
// 有下一个匹配的词则继续匹配,一直取到最大的匹配关键字 KeyWord tmp = null; if (nextTree != null && nextTree.size() > 0) { // 如果大于0,则表示还有更长的词,继续往下找 tmp = getSensitiveWord(append + next, pre, nextTree, text.substring(1), keywords); if (tmp == null) { // 没有更长的词,则就返回这个词。在返回之前,先判断它是模糊的,还是精确的 tmp = getKeyWord(append, endTag); } return checkPattern(tmp, pre, suffix); }
// 没有往下的词了,返回该关键词。 return checkPattern(getKeyWord(append, endTag), pre, suffix);

思路是对某个字符串 text,逐个字符 ch,获取 ch 对应的词库树的 children,然后获取匹配到的单个或多个结果,将匹配到的关键词在 text 中的开始和结束下标进行记录,如后续需要 html 标记,或者字符替换可直接使用。如果未能在词库树中找到对应的 ch 的 children,或者词库树的 children 未能匹配到去除 ch 的子字符串,则继续循环。具体可再详细读一下代码。

4 Radix Tree 的应用

4.1 RAX - Redis Tree

Redis 实现了不定长压缩前缀的 radix tree,用在集群模式下存储 slot 对应的的所有 key 信息。

/* Representation of a radix tree as implemented in this file, that contains * the strings "foo", "foobar" and "footer" after the insertion of each * word. When the node represents a key inside the radix tree, we write it * between [], otherwise it is written between (). * * This is the vanilla representation: * *              (f) "" *                \ *                (o) "f" *                  \ *                  (o) "fo" *                    \ *                  [t   b] "foo" *                  /     \ *         "foot" (e)     (a) "foob" *                /         \ *      "foote" (r)         (r) "fooba" *              /             \ *    "footer" []             [] "foobar" * * However, this implementation implements a very common optimization where * successive nodes having a single child are "compressed" into the node * itself as a string of characters, each representing a next-level child, * and only the link to the node representing the last character node is * provided inside the representation. So the above representation is turned * into: * *                  ["foo"] "" *                     | *                  [t   b] "foo" *                  /     \ *        "foot" ("er")    ("ar") "foob" *                 /          \ *       "footer" []          [] "foobar" * * However this optimization makes the implementation a bit more complex. * For instance if a key "first" is added in the above radix tree, a * "node splitting" operation is needed, since the "foo" prefix is no longer * composed of nodes having a single child one after the other. This is the * above tree and the resulting node splitting after this event happens: * * *                    (f) "" *                    / *                 (i o) "f" *                 /   \ *    "firs"  ("rst")  (o) "fo" *              /        \ *    "first" []       [t   b] "foo" *                     /     \ *           "foot" ("er")    ("ar") "foob" *                    /          \ *          "footer" []          [] "foobar" * * Similarly after deletion, if a new chain of nodes having a single child * is created (the chain must also not include nodes that represent keys), * it must be compressed back into a single node. * */#define RAX_NODE_MAX_SIZE ((1<<29)-1)typedef struct raxNode {    uint32_t iskey:1;     /* Does this node contain a key? */    uint32_t isnull:1;    /* Associated value is NULL (don't store it). */    uint32_t iscompr:1;   /* Node is compressed. */    uint32_t size:29;     /* Number of children, or compressed string len. */    unsigned char data[];} raxNode;
typedef struct rax { raxNode *head; uint64_t numele; uint64_t numnodes;} rax;
typedef struct raxStack { void **stack; /* Points to static_items or an heap allocated array. */ size_t items, maxitems; /* Number of items contained and total space. */ void *static_items[RAX_STACK_STATIC_ITEMS]; int oom; /* True if pushing into this stack failed for OOM at some point. */} raxStack;

如 Redis 源码中的注释所写,RAX 进行了一些优化,并不会将一个字符串直接按照每个字符进行树的构建,而是在 Insert 有冲突时节点分割处理,在 Delete 时如果子节点和父节点都只有一个,则需要进行合并操作。

对于 RAX 有兴趣的同学,可以看一下 rax.h、rax.c 的相关代码。

4.2 Linux 内核

Linux radix 树最广泛的用途是用于内存管理,结构 address_space 通过 radix 树跟踪绑定到地址映射上的核心页,该 radix 树允许内存管理代码快速查找标识为 dirty 或 writeback 的页。Linux radix 树的 API 函数在 lib/radix-tree.c 中实现。Linux 基数树(radix tree)是将指针与 long 整数键值相关联的机制,它存储有效率,并且可快速查询,用于指针与整数值的映射(如:IDR 机制)、内存管理等。

struct radix_tree_node {        unsigned int    path;        unsigned int    count;        union {                struct {                        struct radix_tree_node *parent;                        void *private_data;                };                struct rcu_head rcu_head;        };        /* For tree user */        struct list_head private_list;        void __rcu      *slots[RADIX_TREE_MAP_SIZE];        unsigned long   tags[RADIX_TREE_MAX_TAGS][RADIX_TREE_TAG_LONGS];};

关于 Linux 内核使用 Radix Tree 的具体代码,有兴趣的同学可以继续深入。

5 总结

Trie 树在单词搜索、统计、排序等领域有大量的应用。文章从基础概念到具体的脏话过滤的应用、Redis 的 RAX 和 Linux 内核的 Radix Tree 对 Trie 树做了介绍。数据结构和算法是程序高性能的基础,本文抛砖引玉,希望大家对 Trie 树有所了解,并在未来开发过程实践和应用 Trie 树解决中类似情景的问题。

发布于: 刚刚阅读数: 4

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