PIRF-411-Being a dad
Don’t make a VOWEL FOUL!
How many AW sounds in this assignment?
Recollection – Being a Dad
What’s it like being a dad? This is what I heard this morning: Can I try some of your
coffee? Will you make me French toast? Can you come clean me up ‘cuz I got syrup
on my clothes? Can you double-knot my Reeboks? Can I pick out your shirt? Can we
watch Spider-Man again when you get back from work? When you walk out the door,
can you take me with you, please? I promise I'll be good. Do you really gotta leave?
Stay at home, Dad. You toss me the baseball and I'll throw it back. We could have the
best time that we've ever had. Yeah, I know, Dad. You gotta go, Dad. But just today,
maybe you could stay at home, Dad.
Practice every day 3X a day!
🎉🎉🎉 Congratulations, you have got all the AW sounds.
The first time with Coach Lan at 11:20 pm on 2024-09-30

syrup: schwa sound or short i sound
the/throw : th sound
promise: short I sound or schwa
that/it/at/out: stop sound especially the stop t or stop d