《Programming from the Ground Up》阅读笔记:p147-p180
《Programming from the Ground Up》学习第 9 天,p147-p180 总结,总计 34 页。
1.Physical memeory
p152, Physical memory refers to the actual RAM chips inside your computer and what they contain.
物理地址指的 RAM,即我们买电脑所说的“内存”。
2.Virtual memory
p152, Virtual memory is the way your program thinks about memory。
3.Resident Set Size(常驻集大小)
p155, The amount of memory that your program crrently has in physical memory is called its resident set size, and can be vieed by using the program top. The resident set size is listed undeer the column lablelled "RSS".
在 Ubuntu(Ubuntu 22.04)系统上执行 top 命令时, 不是 RSS 列,是 RES 列,RES 是 Resident(驻留)的缩写。
4.memory manage
(1)dynamic memory manage
第 9 章主要讲解与“内存”相关的知识:如物理内存、虚拟内存、内存管理等。唯一可惜的一点就是本书写作时间较早,代码运行起来确实不方便,也不好修改,先往下看吧。
1.intermediate vs mediate
adj. emphasize being "in-between" in terms of position, level, or time,即我们常说的“中间的”。
adj. exhibiting indirect causation, connection, or relation,即我们常说的“间接的”。
2.wind up
p154, They wind up spending more time just swapping memory on and off disk than they do actually processing it.
wind up 在这里的意思是 as a result of certain condition, 强调这是一种 unexpected outcome。
3.be through with
p156, When you're done with it, you tell deallocate that you are through with it.
在这里,be through with 的意思是“having finished doing sth”。
1. 编程
(1)Jonathan Bartlett,《Programming From The Ground Up》:https://book.douban.com/subject/1787855/
2. 英语
(1)Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com
(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org
