
你们的优雅停机真的优雅吗? | 京东云技术团队

  • 2023-08-14
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你们的优雅停机真的优雅吗? | 京东云技术团队


emm,又又遇到问题啦,现有业务系统应用上线存在窗口期,不能满足正常任务迭代上线。在非窗口期上线容易导致数据库、mq、jsf 等线程中断,进而导致需要手动修单问题。故而通过添加优雅停机功能进行优化,令其在上线前选择优雅停机后,会优先断掉新流量的涌入,并预留一定时间处理现存连接,最后完全下线,可有效扩大上线预留窗口时间并降低上线期间线程中断,进而降低手动修单。可是什么是优雅停机呢?为什么现有的系统技术没有原生的优雅停机机制呢?通过调研整理文章如下。


• 优雅停机是指为确保应用关闭时,通知应用进程释放所占用的资源。

线程池,shutdown(不接受新任务等待处理完)还是 shutdownNow(调用 Thread.interrupt 进行中断)。

• socket 链接,比如:netty、jmq、fmq。(需要着重处理)

• 告知注册中心快速下线,比如jsf。(需要着重处理)

• 清理临时文件。

• 各种堆内堆外内存释放。


3.导致优雅停机不优雅的元凶之-kill 命令

kill 指令

kill -15 :kill 指令默认就是-15,知识发送一个SIGTERM信号通知进程终止,由进程自行决定怎么做,即进程不一定终止。一般不直接使用 kill -15,不一定能够终止进程。

kill -9:强制终止进程,进程会被立刻终止。kill -9 过于暴力,往往会出现事务执行、业务处理中断的情况,导致数据库中存在脏数据、系统中存在残留文件等情况。如果要使用 kill -9,尽量先使用 kill -15 给进程一个处理善后的机会。该命令可以模拟一次系统宕机,系统断电等极端情况。

kill -2:类似 Ctrl + C 退出,会先保存相关数据再终止进程。kill -2 立刻终止正在执行的代码->保存数据->终止进程,只是在进程终止之前会保存相关数据,依然会出现事务执行、业务处理中断的情况,做不到优雅停机。

4.引申问题:jvm 如何接受处理 linux 信号量的?

• 在 jvm 启动时就加载了自定义SingalHandler关闭 jvm 时触发对应的 handle。

public interface SignalHandler {    SignalHandler SIG_DFL = new NativeSignalHandler(0L);    SignalHandler SIG_IGN = new NativeSignalHandler(1L);     void handle(Signal var1);}class Terminator {    private static SignalHandler handler = null;     Terminator() {    }    //jvm设置SignalHandler,在System.initializeSystemClass中触发    static void setup() {        if (handler == null) {            SignalHandler var0 = new SignalHandler() {                public void handle(Signal var1) {                    Shutdown.exit(var1.getNumber() + 128);//调用Shutdown.exit                }            };            handler = var0;             try {                Signal.handle(new Signal("INT"), var0);//中断时            } catch (IllegalArgumentException var3) {                            }             try {                Signal.handle(new Signal("TERM"), var0);//终止时            } catch (IllegalArgumentException var2) {                            }         }    }}

Runtime.addShutdownHook。在了解Shutdown.exit之前,先看Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdownHook);则是为 jvm 中增加一个关闭的钩子,当 jvm关闭的时候调用。

public class Runtime {    public void addShutdownHook(Thread hook) {        SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();        if (sm != null) {            sm.checkPermission(new RuntimePermission("shutdownHooks"));        }        ApplicationShutdownHooks.add(hook);    }}class ApplicationShutdownHooks {    /* The set of registered hooks */    private static IdentityHashMap<Thread, Thread> hooks;    static synchronized void add(Thread hook) {        if(hooks == null)            throw new IllegalStateException("Shutdown in progress");         if (hook.isAlive())            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hook already running");         if (hooks.containsKey(hook))            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hook previously registered");         hooks.put(hook, hook);    }}//它含数据结构和逻辑管理虚拟机关闭序列class Shutdown {    /* Shutdown 系列状态*/    private static final int RUNNING = 0;    private static final int HOOKS = 1;    private static final int FINALIZERS = 2;    private static int state = RUNNING;    /* 是否应该运行所以finalizers来exit? */    private static boolean runFinalizersOnExit = false;    // 系统关闭钩子注册一个预定义的插槽.    // 关闭钩子的列表如下:    // (0) Console restore hook    // (1) Application hooks    // (2) DeleteOnExit hook    private static final int MAX_SYSTEM_HOOKS = 10;    private static final Runnable[] hooks = new Runnable[MAX_SYSTEM_HOOKS];    // 当前运行关闭钩子的钩子的索引    private static int currentRunningHook = 0;    /* 前面的静态字段由这个锁保护 */    private static class Lock { };    private static Object lock = new Lock();     /* 为native halt方法提供锁对象 */    private static Object haltLock = new Lock();     static void add(int slot, boolean registerShutdownInProgress, Runnable hook) {        synchronized (lock) {            if (hooks[slot] != null)                throw new InternalError("Shutdown hook at slot " + slot + " already registered");             if (!registerShutdownInProgress) {//执行shutdown过程中不添加hook                if (state > RUNNING)//如果已经在执行shutdown操作不能添加hook                    throw new IllegalStateException("Shutdown in progress");            } else {//如果hooks已经执行完毕不能再添加hook。如果正在执行hooks时,添加的槽点小于当前执行的槽点位置也不能添加                if (state > HOOKS || (state == HOOKS && slot <= currentRunningHook))                    throw new IllegalStateException("Shutdown in progress");            }             hooks[slot] = hook;        }    }    /* 执行所有注册的hooks     */    private static void runHooks() {        for (int i=0; i < MAX_SYSTEM_HOOKS; i++) {            try {                Runnable hook;                synchronized (lock) {                    // acquire the lock to make sure the hook registered during                    // shutdown is visible here.                    currentRunningHook = i;                    hook = hooks[i];                }                if (hook != null) hook.run();            } catch(Throwable t) {                if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) {                    ThreadDeath td = (ThreadDeath)t;                    throw td;                }            }        }    }    /* 关闭JVM的操作     */    static void halt(int status) {        synchronized (haltLock) {            halt0(status);        }    }    //JNI方法    static native void halt0(int status);    // shutdown的执行顺序:runHooks > runFinalizersOnExit    private static void sequence() {        synchronized (lock) {            /* Guard against the possibility of a daemon thread invoking exit             * after DestroyJavaVM initiates the shutdown sequence             */            if (state != HOOKS) return;        }        runHooks();        boolean rfoe;        synchronized (lock) {            state = FINALIZERS;            rfoe = runFinalizersOnExit;        }        if (rfoe) runAllFinalizers();    }    //Runtime.exit时执行,runHooks > runFinalizersOnExit > halt    static void exit(int status) {        boolean runMoreFinalizers = false;        synchronized (lock) {            if (status != 0) runFinalizersOnExit = false;            switch (state) {            case RUNNING:       /* Initiate shutdown */                state = HOOKS;                break;            case HOOKS:         /* Stall and halt */                break;            case FINALIZERS:                if (status != 0) {                    /* Halt immediately on nonzero status */                    halt(status);                } else {                    /* Compatibility with old behavior:                     * Run more finalizers and then halt                     */                    runMoreFinalizers = runFinalizersOnExit;                }                break;            }        }        if (runMoreFinalizers) {            runAllFinalizers();            halt(status);        }        synchronized (Shutdown.class) {            /* Synchronize on the class object, causing any other thread             * that attempts to initiate shutdown to stall indefinitely             */            sequence();            halt(status);        }    }    //shutdown操作,与exit不同的是不做halt操作(关闭JVM)    static void shutdown() {        synchronized (lock) {            switch (state) {            case RUNNING:       /* Initiate shutdown */                state = HOOKS;                break;            case HOOKS:         /* Stall and then return */            case FINALIZERS:                break;            }        }        synchronized (Shutdown.class) {            sequence();        }    }}

5.Spring 中是如何实现优雅停机的?

• 以 Spring3.2.12 spring中通过ContexClosedEvent事件来触发一些动作,主要通过LifecycleProcessor.onClose来做stopBeans。由此可见spring也基于jvm做了扩展。

public abstract class AbstractApplicationContext extends DefaultResourceLoader {     public void registerShutdownHook() {          if (this.shutdownHook == null) {           // No shutdown hook registered yet.               this.shutdownHook = new Thread() {                    @Override                    public void run() {                         doClose();                    }               };           Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(this.shutdownHook);          } }     protected void doClose() {          boolean actuallyClose;          synchronized (this.activeMonitor) {          actuallyClose = this.active && !this.closed;          this.closed = true;          }           if (actuallyClose) {               if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {                    logger.info("Closing " + this);               }                LiveBeansView.unregisterApplicationContext(this);                try {    //发布应用内的关闭事件                    publishEvent(new ContextClosedEvent(this));               }               catch (Throwable ex) {                    logger.warn("Exception thrown from ApplicationListener handling ContextClosedEvent", ex);               }    // 停止所有的Lifecycle beans.               try {                    getLifecycleProcessor().onClose();               }                   catch (Throwable ex) {                logger.warn("Exception thrown from LifecycleProcessor on context close", ex);               }    // 销毁spring 的 BeanFactory可能会缓存单例的 Bean.               destroyBeans();    // 关闭当前应用上下文(BeanFactory)               closeBeanFactory();    // 执行子类的关闭逻辑               onClose();                synchronized (this.activeMonitor) {                    this.active = false;               }          }     } }public interface LifecycleProcessor extends Lifecycle { /**  * Notification of context refresh, e.g. for auto-starting components.  */     void onRefresh();  /**  * Notification of context close phase, e.g. for auto-stopping components.  */     void onClose();}

6.SpringBoot 是如何做到优雅停机的?

• 优雅停机是springboot的特性之一,在收到终止信号后,不再接受、处理新请求,但会在终止进程之前预留一小段缓冲时间,已完成正在处理的请求。注:优雅停机需要在tomcat的9.0.33及其之后的版本才支持

springboot中有spring-boot-starter-actuator模块提供了一个restful接口,用于优雅停机。执行请求curl -X POST。待关闭成功则返回提示。注:线上环境url需要设置权限,可配合spring-security使用火灾nginx限制内网访问``。

#启用shutdownendpoints.shutdown.enabled=true#禁用密码验证endpoints.shutdown.sensitive=false#可统一指定所有endpoints的路径management.context-path=/manage#指定管理端口和IPmanagement.port=8088management.address= #开启shutdown的安全验证(spring-security)endpoints.shutdown.sensitive=true#验证用户名security.user.name=admin#验证密码security.user.password=secret#角色management.security.role=SUPERUSER


@ConfigurationProperties(    prefix = "endpoints.shutdown")public class ShutdownMvcEndpoint extends EndpointMvcAdapter {    public ShutdownMvcEndpoint(ShutdownEndpoint delegate) {        super(delegate);    }    //post请求    @PostMapping(        produces = {"application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v1+json", "application/json"}    )    @ResponseBody    public Object invoke() {        return !this.getDelegate().isEnabled() ? new ResponseEntity(Collections.singletonMap("message", "This endpoint is disabled"), HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) : super.invoke();    }}@ConfigurationProperties(    prefix = "endpoints.shutdown")public class ShutdownEndpoint extends AbstractEndpoint<Map<String, Object>> implements ApplicationContextAware {    private static final Map<String, Object> NO_CONTEXT_MESSAGE = Collections.unmodifiableMap(Collections.singletonMap("message", "No context to shutdown."));    private static final Map<String, Object> SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE = Collections.unmodifiableMap(Collections.singletonMap("message", "Shutting down, bye..."));    private ConfigurableApplicationContext context;     public ShutdownEndpoint() {        super("shutdown", true, false);    }    //执行关闭    public Map<String, Object> invoke() {        if (this.context == null) {            return NO_CONTEXT_MESSAGE;        } else {            boolean var6 = false;             Map var1;             class NamelessClass_1 implements Runnable {                NamelessClass_1() {                }                 public void run() {                    try {                        Thread.sleep(500L);                    } catch (InterruptedException var2) {                        Thread.currentThread().interrupt();                    }                    //这个调用的就是AbstractApplicationContext.close                    ShutdownEndpoint.this.context.close();                }            }             try {                var6 = true;                var1 = SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE;                var6 = false;            } finally {                if (var6) {                    Thread thread = new Thread(new NamelessClass_1());                    thread.setContextClassLoader(this.getClass().getClassLoader());                    thread.start();                }            }             Thread thread = new Thread(new NamelessClass_1());            thread.setContextClassLoader(this.getClass().getClassLoader());            thread.start();            return var1;        }    }}

7.知识拓展之 Tomcat 和 Spring 的关系?


TomcatjetteyHTTP 服务器Servlet 容器,负责给类似 Spring 这种 servlet 提供一个运行的环境,其中:Http 服务器与 Servlet 容器的功能界限是:可以把 HTTP 服务器想象成前台的接待,负责网络通信和解析请求,Servlet 容器是业务部门,负责处理业务请求

• Tomcat 和 Servlet 作为 Web 服务器Servlet 容器的结合,可以接受网络 http 请求解析为 Servlet 规范的请求对象和响应对象。比如,HttpServletRequest 对象是 Tomcat 提供的,Servlet 是规范,Tomcat 是实现规范的 Servlet 容器,SpringMVC 是处理 Servlet 请求的应用,其中 DispatcherServlet 实现了 Servlet 接口,Tomcat 负责加载和调用 DispatcherServlet。同时,DispatcherServlet 有自己的容器(SpringMVC)容器,这个容器负责管理 SpringMVC 相关的 bean,比如 Controler 和 ViewResolver 等。同时,Spring 中还有其他的 Bean 比如 Service 和 DAO 等,这些由全局的 Spring IOC 容器管理,因此,Spring 有两个 IOC 容器。

• 如果只是使用 spring(不包含 springmvc),那么是 tomcat 容器解析 xml 文件,通过反射实例化对应的类,根据这些 servlet 规范实现类,触发对应的代码处理逻辑,这个时候 tomcat 负责 http 报文的解析和 servlet 调度的工作。

• 如果使用 spring mvc,那么 tomcat 只是解析 http 报文,然后将其转发给 dispatchsetvlet,然后由 springmvc 根据其配置,实例对应的类,执行对应的逻辑,然后返回结果给 dispatchservlet,最后由它转发给 tomcat,由 tomcat 负责构建 http 报文数据。



/** * @ClassName ShutDownHook * @Description * @Date 2022/10/28 17:47 **/@Component@Slf4jpublic class ShutDownHook {
@Value("${shutdown.waitTime:10}") private int waitTime;
@Resource com.jdjr.fmq.client.consumer.MessageConsumer fmqMessageConsumer;
@Resource com.jd.jmq.client.consumer.MessageConsumer jmqMessageConsumer;

@PreDestroy public void destroyHook() { try { log.info("ShutDownHook destroy");
jmqMessageConsumer.pause(); fmqMessageConsumer.pause();
int i = 0; while (i < waitTime) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); log.info("距离服务关停还有{}秒", waitTime - i++); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("异常", e); } }
} catch (Throwable e) { log.error("异常", e); }

• 在优雅停机时需要先把jsf生产者下线,并预留一定时间消费完毕,行云部署有相关 stop.sh 脚本,项目中通过在 shutdown 中编写方法实现。

jsf启停分析:见京东内部 cf 文档;

@Component@Lazy(value = false)public class ShutDown implements ApplicationContextAware {    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShutDown.class);
@Value("${shutdown.waitTime:60}") private int waitTime;
@Resource com.jdjr.fmq.client.consumer.MessageConsumer fmqMessageConsumer;
@PostConstruct public void init() { logger.info("ShutDownHook init"); }
private ApplicationContext applicationContext = null;
@PreDestroy public void destroyHook() { try { logger.info("ShutDownHook destroy"); destroyJsfProvider(); fmqMessageConsumer.pause();
int i = 0; while (i < waitTime) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); logger.info("距离服务关停还有{}秒", waitTime - i++); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("异常", e); } }
} catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("异常", e); }
} private void destroyJsfProvider() { logger.info("关闭所有JSF生产者"); if (null != applicationContext) { String[] providerBeanNames = applicationContext.getBeanNamesForType(ProviderBean.class); for (String name : providerBeanNames) { try { logger.info("尝试关闭JSF生产者" + name); ProviderBean bean=(ProviderBean)applicationContext.getBean(name); bean.destroy(); logger.info("关闭JSF生产者" + name + "成功"); } catch (BeanCreationNotAllowedException re){ logger.error("JSF生产者" + name + "未初始化,忽略"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("关闭JSF生产者失败", e); } } } logger.info("所有JSF生产者已关闭"); }
@Override public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException { this.applicationContext = applicationContext; ((AbstractApplicationContext)applicationContext).registerShutdownHook(); }

absfactory-base-custcenter应用优雅停机出现日志无法打印问题,排查定位发现问题如下:通过本地 debug 发现优雅停机先销毁logback日志打印线程,导致实际倒计时的日志无法打印。

    <!--  fix-程序关停时,logback先销毁的问题-->    <context-param>        <param-name>logbackDisableServletContainerInitializer</param-name>        <param-value>true</param-value>    </context-param>


现有的 springboot 内置 Tomcat 能通过配置参数达到优雅停机的效果。但是因为业务系统中的代码中存在多种技术交叉应用,针对 Tomcat 和 springmvc 不同的应用确实需要花费时间研究底层原理来编写相关类实现同 springboot 配置参数托管的效果。

作者:京东科技 宋慧超


发布于: 刚刚阅读数: 4

拥抱技术,与开发者携手创造未来! 2018-11-20 加入



你们的优雅停机真的优雅吗? | 京东云技术团队_Java_京东科技开发者_InfoQ写作社区