
react 源码分析:组件的创建和更新

  • 2022-12-14
  • 本文字数:8031 字

    阅读完需:约 26 分钟


React 源码执行流程图


// packages/react-dom/src/client/ReactDOMLegacy.jsexport function render(  element: React$Element<any>, // 经过babel解析后的element  container: Container, // 根组件节点: document.getElementById('root')..  callback: ?Function,// 回调) {  // 做合法容器的验证(根组件)  invariant(    isValidContainer(container),    'Target container is not a DOM element.',  );
// 开发模式下 if (__DEV__) { const isModernRoot = isContainerMarkedAsRoot(container) && container._reactRootContainer === undefined; if (isModernRoot) { console.error( 'You are calling ReactDOM.render() on a container that was previously ' + 'passed to ReactDOM.createRoot(). This is not supported. ' + 'Did you mean to call root.render(element)?', ); } } // 返回 legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer return legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer( null, element, container, false, callback, );}




function legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer(  parentComponent: ?React$Component<any, any>, // 父级组件  children: ReactNodeList, // 当前元素  container: Container, // 容器 eg:getElementById('root')  forceHydrate: boolean,  callback: ?Function,) {  if (__DEV__) {    topLevelUpdateWarnings(container);    warnOnInvalidCallback(callback === undefined ? null : callback, 'render');  }
// TODO: Without `any` type, Flow says "Property cannot be accessed on any // member of intersection type." Whyyyyyy. let root: RootType = (container._reactRootContainer: any); let fiberRoot; // 如果有根组件,表示不是初始化渲染,则走下面的批量更新 // 没有根组件,那么就要去创建根组件了 if (!root) { // 初始化挂载 root = container._reactRootContainer = legacyCreateRootFromDOMContainer( container, forceHydrate, ); fiberRoot = root._internalRoot; if (typeof callback === 'function') { const originalCallback = callback; callback = function() { const instance = getPublicRootInstance(fiberRoot); originalCallback.call(instance); }; } // 不必要的批量更新 unbatchedUpdates(() => { updateContainer(children, fiberRoot, parentComponent, callback); }); } else { fiberRoot = root._internalRoot; if (typeof callback === 'function') { const originalCallback = callback; callback = function() { const instance = getPublicRootInstance(fiberRoot); originalCallback.call(instance); }; } // 批量更新 updateContainer(children, fiberRoot, parentComponent, callback); } return getPublicRootInstance(fiberRoot);}

  • 有根节点的情况下,我们判定为非首次渲染状态,执行updateContainer

  • 没有根节点的情况下,我们判定为首次渲染,接着去创建根节点,执行legacyCreateRootFromDOMContainer,拿到了root之后,我们会去触发执行updateContainer


function legacyCreateRootFromDOMContainer(  container: Container, // 容器  forceHydrate: boolean, // value:false): RootType {  const shouldHydrate =    forceHydrate || shouldHydrateDueToLegacyHeuristic(container);  // First clear any existing content.  if (!shouldHydrate) {    let warned = false;    let rootSibling;    while ((rootSibling = container.lastChild)) {      if (__DEV__) {        if (          !warned &&          rootSibling.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE &&          (rootSibling: any).hasAttribute(ROOT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)        ) {          warned = true;          console.error(            'render(): Target node has markup rendered by React, but there ' +              'are unrelated nodes as well. This is most commonly caused by ' +              'white-space inserted around server-rendered markup.',          );        }      }      container.removeChild(rootSibling);    }  }  if (__DEV__) {    if (shouldHydrate && !forceHydrate && !warnedAboutHydrateAPI) {      warnedAboutHydrateAPI = true;      console.warn(        'render(): Calling ReactDOM.render() to hydrate server-rendered markup ' +          'will stop working in React v18. Replace the ReactDOM.render() call ' +          'with ReactDOM.hydrate() if you want React to attach to the server HTML.',      );    }  }
// 关注createLegacyRoot return createLegacyRoot( container, shouldHydrate ? { hydrate: true, } : undefined, );}


export function createLegacyRoot(  container: Container, // 容器  options?: RootOptions,): RootType {  //关注ReactDOMBlockingRoot  return new ReactDOMBlockingRoot(container, LegacyRoot, options);}


function ReactDOMBlockingRoot(  container: Container, // 容器  tag: RootTag, // LegacyRoot = 0;BlockingRoot = 1;ConcurrentRoot = 2;  options: void | RootOptions,) {  this._internalRoot = createRootImpl(container, tag, options);}

  • 我们在这里看到this._internalRoot出来了,因为在先前这个值会给到fiberRoot,所以我们再去看一看这个_internalRoot是怎么创建出来的


function createRootImpl(  container: Container,  tag: RootTag,  options: void | RootOptions,) {  // Tag is either LegacyRoot or Concurrent Root  const hydrate = options != null && options.hydrate === true;  const hydrationCallbacks =    (options != null && options.hydrationOptions) || null;  const mutableSources =    (options != null &&      options.hydrationOptions != null &&      options.hydrationOptions.mutableSources) ||    null;
// 关注createContainer const root = createContainer(container, tag, hydrate, hydrationCallbacks); markContainerAsRoot(root.current, container); const containerNodeType = container.nodeType;
if (enableEagerRootListeners) { const rootContainerElement = container.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE ? container.parentNode : container; listenToAllSupportedEvents(rootContainerElement); } else { if (hydrate && tag !== LegacyRoot) { const doc = containerNodeType === DOCUMENT_NODE ? container : container.ownerDocument; // We need to cast this because Flow doesn't work // with the hoisted containerNodeType. If we inline // it, then Flow doesn't complain. We intentionally // hoist it to reduce code-size. eagerlyTrapReplayableEvents(container, ((doc: any): Document)); } else if ( containerNodeType !== DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE && containerNodeType !== DOCUMENT_NODE ) { ensureListeningTo(container, 'onMouseEnter', null); } }
if (mutableSources) { for (let i = 0; i < mutableSources.length; i++) { const mutableSource = mutableSources[i]; registerMutableSourceForHydration(root, mutableSource); } }
// 关注root return root;}


  • 见名知意关注createContainer为创建容器,看其源码


// packages/react-reconciler/src/ReactFiberReconciler.old.jsexport function createContainer(  containerInfo: Container, // 容器  tag: RootTag, // LegacyRoot = 0;BlockingRoot = 1;ConcurrentRoot = 2;  hydrate: boolean,  hydrationCallbacks: null | SuspenseHydrationCallbacks,): OpaqueRoot {  // 关注createFiberRoot  return createFiberRoot(containerInfo, tag, hydrate, hydrationCallbacks);}


export function createFiberRoot(  containerInfo: any,  tag: RootTag,  hydrate: boolean,  hydrationCallbacks: null | SuspenseHydrationCallbacks,): FiberRoot {  const root: FiberRoot = (new FiberRootNode(containerInfo, tag, hydrate): any);  if (enableSuspenseCallback) {    root.hydrationCallbacks = hydrationCallbacks;  }
// 关注createHostRootFiber const uninitializedFiber = createHostRootFiber(tag); root.current = uninitializedFiber; uninitializedFiber.stateNode = root;
// 初始化更新队列 initializeUpdateQueue(uninitializedFiber);
return root;}

  • 关注 root.currentuninitializedFiber.stateNode这两个玩意儿,后面有大作用,我们还是看看createHostRootFiber


export function createHostRootFiber(tag: RootTag): Fiber {  let mode;  if (tag === ConcurrentRoot) {    mode = ConcurrentMode | BlockingMode | StrictMode;  } else if (tag === BlockingRoot) {    mode = BlockingMode | StrictMode;  } else {    mode = NoMode;  }
if (enableProfilerTimer && isDevToolsPresent) { // Always collect profile timings when DevTools are present. // This enables DevTools to start capturing timing at any point– // Without some nodes in the tree having empty base times. mode |= ProfileMode; }
return createFiber(HostRoot, null, null, mode);}

  • 一眼望去这里便是对tag的处理,到了后面便是去创建fiber节点


const createFiber = function(  tag: WorkTag,  pendingProps: mixed,  key: null | string,  mode: TypeOfMode,): Fiber {  // $FlowFixMe: the shapes are exact here but Flow doesn't like constructors  return new FiberNode(tag, pendingProps, key, mode);};

  • 那么主角出来了,就是我们的FiberNode,这里才走完初始化的创建流程,


我们知道除了ReactDOM.render()会触发更新流程之外,我们还有setState强制更新hooks里面的setXxxx等等手段可以触发更新,所谓setState那么不正好是我们Component原型上挂的方法嘛。我们回顾一下 Component,那些更新都是调用了 updater 触发器上的方法,那么我们去看一下这个东西。

const classComponentUpdater = {  isMounted,  // setState  enqueueSetState(inst, payload, callback) {    const fiber = getInstance(inst);    const eventTime = requestEventTime(); // 获取更新触发的时间    const lane = requestUpdateLane(fiber); // 获取任务优先级
//根据更新触发时间 + 更新优先级来创建更新任务对象 const update = createUpdate(eventTime, lane); // 创建更新任务对象 // const update: Update<*> = { // eventTime, // 更新时间 // lane, // 优先级
// tag: UpdateState, // 更新类型:0更新,1替换。,2强制替换,3捕获型更新 // payload: null,// 需要更新的内容 // callback: null, // 更新完后的回调
// next: null, // 指向下一个更新 // }; // 把内容填上 update.payload = payload;
if (callback !== undefined && callback !== null) { if (__DEV__) { // 开发环境下腰给个警告 warnOnInvalidCallback(callback, 'setState'); } // 如果有回调,那么加上回调 update.callback = callback; } // const update: Update<*> = { // eventTime, // 更新时间 you // lane, // 优先级 you
// tag: UpdateState, // 更新类型:0更新,1替换。,2强制替换,3捕获型更新 // payload: null,// 需要更新的内容 you // callback: null, // 更新完后的回调 you
// next: null, // 指向下一个更新 // };
enqueueUpdate(fiber, update);// 推入更新队列 scheduleUpdateOnFiber(fiber, lane, eventTime);// 调度
if (__DEV__) { if (enableDebugTracing) { if (fiber.mode & DebugTracingMode) { const name = getComponentName(fiber.type) || 'Unknown'; logStateUpdateScheduled(name, lane, payload); } } }
if (enableSchedulingProfiler) { markStateUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane); } }, // replaceState enqueueReplaceState(inst, payload, callback) { const fiber = getInstance(inst); const eventTime = requestEventTime(); const lane = requestUpdateLane(fiber);
const update = createUpdate(eventTime, lane); update.tag = ReplaceState; update.payload = payload;
if (callback !== undefined && callback !== null) { if (__DEV__) { warnOnInvalidCallback(callback, 'replaceState'); } update.callback = callback; }
enqueueUpdate(fiber, update); scheduleUpdateOnFiber(fiber, lane, eventTime);
if (__DEV__) { if (enableDebugTracing) { if (fiber.mode & DebugTracingMode) { const name = getComponentName(fiber.type) || 'Unknown'; logStateUpdateScheduled(name, lane, payload); } } }
if (enableSchedulingProfiler) { markStateUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane); } }, // forceUpdate enqueueForceUpdate(inst, callback) { const fiber = getInstance(inst); const eventTime = requestEventTime(); const lane = requestUpdateLane(fiber);
const update = createUpdate(eventTime, lane); update.tag = ForceUpdate;
if (callback !== undefined && callback !== null) { if (__DEV__) { warnOnInvalidCallback(callback, 'forceUpdate'); } update.callback = callback; }
enqueueUpdate(fiber, update); scheduleUpdateOnFiber(fiber, lane, eventTime);
if (__DEV__) { if (enableDebugTracing) { if (fiber.mode & DebugTracingMode) { const name = getComponentName(fiber.type) || 'Unknown'; logForceUpdateScheduled(name, lane); } } }
if (enableSchedulingProfiler) { markForceUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane); } },};


export function updateContainer(  element: ReactNodeList,  container: OpaqueRoot,  parentComponent: ?React$Component<any, any>,  callback: ?Function,): Lane {  if (__DEV__) {    onScheduleRoot(container, element);  }
const current = container.current; const eventTime = requestEventTime(); if (__DEV__) { // $FlowExpectedError - jest isn't a global, and isn't recognized outside of tests if ('undefined' !== typeof jest) { warnIfUnmockedScheduler(current); warnIfNotScopedWithMatchingAct(current); } } const lane = requestUpdateLane(current);
if (enableSchedulingProfiler) { markRenderScheduled(lane); }
const context = getContextForSubtree(parentComponent); if (container.context === null) { container.context = context; } else { container.pendingContext = context; }
if (__DEV__) { if ( ReactCurrentFiberIsRendering && ReactCurrentFiberCurrent !== null && !didWarnAboutNestedUpdates ) { didWarnAboutNestedUpdates = true; console.error( 'Render methods should be a pure function of props and state; ' + 'triggering nested component updates from render is not allowed. ' + 'If necessary, trigger nested updates in componentDidUpdate.\n\n' + 'Check the render method of %s.', getComponentName(ReactCurrentFiberCurrent.type) || 'Unknown', ); } }
const update = createUpdate(eventTime, lane);// 创建更新任务 // Caution: React DevTools currently depends on this property // being called "element". update.payload = {element};
callback = callback === undefined ? null : callback; if (callback !== null) { if (__DEV__) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { console.error( 'render(...): Expected the last optional `callback` argument to be a ' + 'function. Instead received: %s.', callback, ); } } update.callback = callback; }
enqueueUpdate(current, update); // 推入更新队列 scheduleUpdateOnFiber(current, lane, eventTime); // 进行调度
return lane;}

  • 我们看到了enqueueSetStateenqueueReplaceStateenqueueForceUpdate还是初始化时候走的updateContainer都是走了几乎一样的逻辑:requestEventTime => requestUpdateLane => createUpdate => enqueueUpdate => scheduleUpdateOnFiber






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