
智能合约流动性挖矿开发技术详情丨质押挖矿 dapp 是如何开发计算系统程序的?

  • 2023-10-25
  • 本文字数:1927 字

    阅读完需:约 6 分钟

Mobile miners usually transfer funds frequently between different agreements in order to obtain high returns.Therefore,the defi platform will also provide other economic incentives to attract more capital into the platform.Like centralized trading platforms,liquidity usually brings more liquidity.




The income may be the original token of the project or the governance right it represents.Liquidity mining in the defi field refers to the process of depositing or lending designated token assets as required to provide liquidity for the product's capital pool and obtain income through the defi product with mining mechanism.


它基本上属于一种容纳资金的智能合约。流动性供应商(LP)会向资金池注入流动性,并获得奖励作为回报。这种奖励可能来自基础 DeFi 平台产生的费用或其他来源。

如何计算流动性挖矿的收益?【更全面的开发源码搭建可 V or TG 我昵称】


流动性挖矿通常使用以太坊中的 ERC-20 代币完成,奖励通常也以某种 ERC-20 代币的形式发放然而,未来情况可能会发生变化。为什么这么说呢?因为目前此类活动大多发生在以太坊生态系统中。

What is total lock in value(TVL)?

What is a good way to measure the overall health of DFI mobile mining?The answer is"total lock in value(TVL)".This indicator measures the number of digital currencies locked in DFI lending and other money market types.

In a sense,total locked in value(TVL)is the total amount of liquidity in the liquidity pool.This indicator can effectively balance the overall health of the defi and liquidity mining market.It can also be used to effectively compare the"market share"of different DFI protocols.

常用的度量标准是年化利率(APR)和年化收益比率(APY)。它们之间的区别在于,APR 不考虑复利的影响,而 APY 则需要考虑。在这种情况下,复利意味着直接将利润再投资以产生更多的回报。但是,请注意,APR 和 APY 这两个词有可能会相互混用。

但跨链桥以及其他类似的技术革新可能推动 DeFi 应用程序在未来突破特定区块链的限制。这意味着它们可以在支持智能合约功能的其他区块链中行。


To track the total locked in value(TVL),please visit defifuse here to see which platforms have the largest number of Ethereum or other digital currency assets locked in DFI.Based on this,we can roughly understand the current state of liquidity mining.


由于 APR 和 APY 这两个指标都是传统市场的产物,所以 DeFi 可能需要找到自己用来计算收益的指标。鉴于 DeFi 发展迅猛,可能有必要计算每周甚至每天的收益。

Of course,the more value locked in,the more liquid mining in progress.It should be noted that you can use eth,USD and even BTO to measure TVL.Each method will provide you with a different outlook analysis of the state of the defi money market.



The liquidity supplier is responsible for injecting funds into the liquidity fund pool.The fund pool provides fund support for the market platform,where users can lend,borrow or exchange tokens.The use of these platforms will generate royalties,and the liquidity suppliers can be compensated according to their share.This is the operation basis of automated market makers(AMM).

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