
Programming Abstractions in C 阅读笔记:p338-p346

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《Programming Abstractions in C》学习第 80 天,p338-p346,总计 9 页。


栈的实现包括入栈、出栈、判断栈是否为满,判断栈是否为空等。作者结合 RPN 计算器来实现,稍显无聊。

/* * File: rpncalc.c * --------------- * This program simulates an electronic calculator that uses * reverse Polish notation, in which the operators com after * the operands to which they apply. */
#include <stdio.h>#include <ctype.h>#include "genlib.h"#include "simpio.h"#include "strlib.h"#include "stack.h"
/* Private function prototypes */
static void ApplyOperator(char op, stackADT operandStack);
static void HelpCommand(void);
static void ClearStack(stackADT operandStack);
static void DisplayStack(stackADT operandStack);
/* Main program */int main() { stackADT operandStack; string line; char ch;
printf("RPN Calculator Simulator (type H for help)\n"); operandStack = NewStack(); while (TRUE) { printf("> "); line = GetLine();
ch = toupper(line[0]); switch (ch) { case 'Q': exit(0); case 'H': HelpCommand(); break; case 'C': ClearStack(operandStack); break; case 'S': DisplayStack(operandStack); break; default: if (isdigit(ch)) { Push(operandStack, StringToReal(line)); } else { ApplyOperator(ch, operandStack); } break;
} }
return 0;}
/* Private functions */
/* * Function: ApplyOperator * Usage: ApplyOperator(op, operandStack); * --------------------------------------- * This function applies the operator to the top two elements on * the operand stack. Because the elements on the stack are * popped in reverse order, the right operand is popped before * the left operand. */
static void ApplyOperator(char op, stackADT operandStack) { double lhs, rhs, result;
rhs = Pop(operandStack); lhs = Pop(operandStack); switch (op) { case '+': result = lhs + rhs; break; case '-': result = lhs - rhs; break; case '*': result = lhs * rhs; break; case '/': result = lhs / rhs; break; default: Error("Illegal operator %c", op); } printf("%g\n", result); Push(operandStack, result);}
/* * Function: HelpCommand * Usage: HelpCommand(); * --------------------- * This function generate a help message for the user; */
static void HelpCommand(void) { printf("Enter expression in Reverse Polish Notation, \n"); printf("in which operators follow the operands to which\n"); printf("they apply. Each line consists of a number, an\n"); printf("operator, or one of the following commands: \n"); printf(" Q -- Quit the program\n"); printf(" H -- Display this help message\n"); printf(" C -- Clear the calculator stack\n"); printf(" S -- Display all values in the stack\n");}

/* * Function: ClearStack * Usage: ClearStack(stack); * ------------------------- * This function clears the stack by popping elements until it is * empty. */static void ClearStack(stackADT stack) { while (!StackIsEmpty(stack)) { (void)Pop(stack); }}
/* * Function: DisplayStack * Usage: DisplayStack(stack); * --------------------------- * This function displays the contents of a stack. */
static void DisplayStack(stackADT stack) { int i, depth;
printf("Stack: "); depth = StackDepth(stack); if (depth == 0) { printf("empty\n"); } else { for (i = depth - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i < depth - 1) { printf(", "); } printf("%g", GetStackElement(stack, i)); } }}



1.insulation 是什么意思?


(1)insulate > insulation

(2)insulate: from insula“island”(isle)。 vt. to cover and surround sth with materials。

(3)insulation: u. the substance used in insulating。

p345, By using StackDepth(stack) form, you provide a layer of insulation between the client and the implementation.

2.auxiliary 是什么意思?

答:*aug-"to increase"。adj. giving help, especially to a more import person(辅助的)。




1. 编程

(1)Eric S.Roberts,《Programming Abstractions in C》:https://book.douban.com/subject/2003414

2. 英语

(1)Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com

(2) Cambridage Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org


发布于: 刚刚阅读数: 2



公众号:编程人 2021-01-14 加入

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