
tidb 6.1.4 table cache 导致的集群 QPS 异常问题

  • 2024-04-12
  • 本文字数:4290 字

    阅读完需:约 14 分钟

作者: 饭光小团原文来源:https://tidb.net/blog/043e3b21

1. 问题现象

  1. TIDB 日志中频繁的刷以下日志:

[2024/03/13 09:09:40.542 +08:00] [WARN] [cache.go:205] [“lock cached table for read”] [error=“previous statement: update mysql.table_cache_meta set lock_type = ‘READ’, lease = 448342830925742080 where tid = 265617: [kv:9007]Write conflict, txnStartTS=448342833363681305, conflictStartTS=448342833363681293, conflictCommitTS=448342833363681328, key={tableID=57, handle=265617} primary={tableID=57, handle=265617} [try again later]“][2024/03/13 09:09:40.555 +08:00] [WARN] [session.go:1966] [“run statement failed”] [schemaVersion=313410] [error=“previous statement: update mysql.table_cache_meta set lock_type = ‘READ’, lease = 448342830938849280 where tid = 265617: [kv:9007]Write conflict, txnStartTS=448342833363681354, conflictStartTS=448342833363681331, conflictCommitTS=448342833363681368, key={tableID=57, handle=265617} primary={tableID=57, handle=265617} [try again later]“] [session=“{\n “currDBName”: “”,\n “id”: 0,\n “status”: 2,\n “strictMode”: true,\n “user”: null\n}“]

  1. 通过监控发现,出现大量的 2PC 阶段的失败和 PrePareWrite 失败的情况。同时整个集群的 QPS 断崖式下降。

2. 问题分析

从监控上来看大量的请求是处于两阶段提交失败的情况,且失败的表是 mysql.table_cache_meta。从 6.0.0 开始 ,TIDB 新增了 cache 表功能,对于热点的小表可以缓存在内存中,增加访问的速度。但是为了保证各个 TIDB 节点之间的缓存一致性,TIDB 实现了一个 lease 机制 (来自官网文档):

缓存表的写入延时高是受到实现的限制。存在多个 TiDB 实例时,一个 TiDB 实例并不知道其它的 TiDB 实例是否缓存了数据,如果该实例直接修改了表数据,而其它 TiDB 实例依然读取旧的缓存数据,就会读到错误的结果。为了保证数据正确性,缓存表的实现使用了一套基于 lease 的复杂机制:读操作在缓存数据同时,还会对于缓存设置一个有效期,也就是 lease。在 lease 过期之前,无法对数据执行修改操作。因为修改操作必须等待 lease 过期,所以会出现写入延迟。

这里可以猜测引起问题的是在更新 lease 的阶段。在 SQL Build 的阶段会调用 getCacheTable :

func (b *executorBuilder) getCacheTable(tblInfo *model.TableInfo, startTS uint64) kv.MemBuffer {  tbl, ok := b.is.TableByID(tblInfo.ID)  if !ok {    b.err = errors.Trace(infoschema.ErrTableNotExists.GenWithStackByArgs(b.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB, tblInfo.Name))    return nil  }  sessVars := b.ctx.GetSessionVars()  leaseDuration := time.Duration(variable.TableCacheLease.Load()) * time.Second  cacheData, loading := tbl.(table.CachedTable).TryReadFromCache(startTS, leaseDuration)  if cacheData != nil {    sessVars.StmtCtx.ReadFromTableCache = true    return cacheData  } else if loading {    // continue  } else {    if !b.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.InExplainStmt && !b.inDeleteStmt && !b.inUpdateStmt {      tbl.(table.CachedTable).UpdateLockForRead(context.Background(), b.ctx.GetStore(), startTS, leaseDuration)    }  }  return nil}

这里有 2 个地方会去更新 lease :

  1. TryReadFromCache

  2. UpdateLockForRead

在 TryReadFromCache 中,当剩余过期时间小于 1/2 的 lease 的时候,会去尝试更新 lease:

func (c *cachedTable) TryReadFromCache(ts uint64, leaseDuration time.Duration) (kv.MemBuffer, bool /*loading*/) {  tmp := c.cacheData.Load()  if tmp == nil {    return nil, false  }  data := tmp.(*cacheData)  if ts >= data.Start && ts < data.Lease {    ... ...     if distance >= 0 && distance <= leaseDuration/2 || triggerFailpoint {      if h := c.TakeStateRemoteHandleNoWait(); h != nil {        go c.renewLease(h, ts, data, leaseDuration)      }    }    // If data is not nil, but data.MemBuffer is nil, it means the data is being    // loading by a background goroutine.    return data.MemBuffer, data.MemBuffer == nil  }  return nil, false}
func (c *cachedTable) renewLease(handle StateRemote, ts uint64, data *cacheData, leaseDuration time.Duration) { ... ... tid := c.Meta().ID lease := leaseFromTS(ts, leaseDuration) newLease, err := handle.RenewReadLease(context.Background(), tid, data.Lease, lease) ... ...}
func (h *stateRemoteHandle) RenewReadLease(ctx context.Context, tid int64, oldLocalLease, newValue uint64) (uint64, error) { var newLease uint64 err := h.runInTxn(ctx, false, func(ctx context.Context, now uint64) error { lockType, remoteLease, _, err := h.loadRow(ctx, tid, false) if err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) }
if now >= remoteLease { // read lock had already expired, fail to renew return nil } if lockType != CachedTableLockRead { // Not read lock, fail to renew return nil }
// It means that the lease had already been changed by some other TiDB instances. if oldLocalLease != remoteLease { // 1. Data in [cacheDataTS -------- oldLocalLease) time range is also immutable. // 2. Data in [ now ------------------- remoteLease) time range is immutable. // // If now < oldLocalLease, it means data in all the time range is immutable, // so the old cache data is still available. if now < oldLocalLease { newLease = remoteLease } // Otherwise, there might be write operation during the oldLocalLease and the new remoteLease // Make renew lease operation fail. return nil }
if newValue > remoteLease { // lease should never decrease! err = h.updateRow(ctx, tid, "READ", newValue) if err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } newLease = newValue } else { newLease = remoteLease } return nil })
return newLease, err}
func (h *stateRemoteHandle) updateRow(ctx context.Context, tid int64, lockType string, lease uint64) error { _, err := h.execSQL(ctx, "update mysql.table_cache_meta set lock_type = %?, lease = %? where tid = %?", lockType, lease, tid) return err}

如果在 Build 阶段发现 lease 过期了,则会调用 UpdateLockForRead 进行更新:

func (c *cachedTable) UpdateLockForRead(ctx context.Context, store kv.Storage, ts uint64, leaseDuration time.Duration) {  if h := c.TakeStateRemoteHandle(); h != nil {    go c.updateLockForRead(ctx, h, store, ts, leaseDuration)  }}
func (c *cachedTable) updateLockForRead(ctx context.Context, handle StateRemote, store kv.Storage, ts uint64, leaseDuration time.Duration) { ... ...
// Load data from original table and the update lock information. tid := c.Meta().ID lease := leaseFromTS(ts, leaseDuration) succ, err := handle.LockForRead(ctx, tid, lease) if err != nil { log.Warn("lock cached table for read", zap.Error(err)) return } ... ... // Current status is not suitable to cache.}
func (h *stateRemoteHandle) LockForRead(ctx context.Context, tid int64, newLease uint64) ( /*succ*/ bool, error) { succ := false ... ...
err := h.runInTxn(ctx, false, func(ctx context.Context, now uint64) error { lockType, lease, _, err := h.loadRow(ctx, tid, false) if err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } // The old lock is outdated, clear orphan lock. if now > lease { succ = true if err := h.updateRow(ctx, tid, "READ", newLease); err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } return nil }
switch lockType { case CachedTableLockNone: case CachedTableLockRead: case CachedTableLockWrite, CachedTableLockIntend: return nil } succ = true if newLease > lease { // Note the check, don't decrease lease value! if err := h.updateRow(ctx, tid, "READ", newLease); err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } }
return nil }) return succ, err}
func (h *stateRemoteHandle) updateRow(ctx context.Context, tid int64, lockType string, lease uint64) error { _, err := h.execSQL(ctx, "update mysql.table_cache_meta set lock_type = %?, lease = %? where tid = %?", lockType, lease, tid) return err}

可以看到两个对 lease 的更新点,最后都会统一调用 updateRow,并且在 txn(事务中进行)。因为系统的默认 tidb_table_cache_lease 是 3s,也就是说在 1.5s 之后,当 select 语句使用到缓存表的时候,就会开始更新 table_cache_meta 表。

正常情况下往数据库系统的业务 QPS 可以达到 40K-80K,因此每隔 1.5s 左右就需要更新一次 lease,更新期间其他相同的请求会因为 Write conflict 而失败,因此导致整个系统的 QPS 断崖式下降。


从分析来看有 2 个处理办法:

  1. 提高 tidb_table_cache_lease 的值: 不过根据分析来看,当剩余 1/2 Lease 的时候,在高 QPS 下,还是可能导致 QPS 抖动。

  2. 针对 cache 表,去掉 cache,直接中 TIKV 读取数据。

当日在线上的处理操作是紧急去掉了 cache , 系统即恢复正常。


  1. 一篇文章说透缓存表 : https://tidb.net/blog/f663f0f5

  1. TiDB v6.0.0 DMR 源码阅读——缓存表: https://tidb.net/book/book-rush/features/new-features/new-cache-tables

发布于: 刚刚阅读数: 4

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tidb 6.1.4 table cache 导致的集群QPS异常问题_集群管理_TiDB 社区干货传送门_InfoQ写作社区