alter table Book
delete foreign key FK_BOOK_RELATIONS_PUBLISH
end if;
if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_BOOK_RELATIONS_STACK') then
alter table Book
delete foreign key FK_BOOK_RELATIONS_STACK
end if;
if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_BORROW B_RELATIONS_READER') then
alter table "Borrow Book"
delete foreign key "FK_BORROW B_RELATIONS_READER"
end if;
if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_BORROW B_RELATIONS_BOOK') then
alter table "Borrow Book"
delete foreign key "FK_BORROW B_RELATIONS_BOOK"
end if;
if exists(
select 1 from sys.systable
where table_name='Adminster'
and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')
) then
drop table Adminster
end if;
if exists(
select 1 from sys.systable
where table_name='Book'
and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')
) then
drop table Book
end if;
if exists(
select 1 from sys.systable
where table_name='Borrow Book'
and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')
) then
drop table "Borrow Book"
end if;
if exists(
select 1 from sys.systable
where table_name='Publish'
and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')
) then
drop table Publish
end if;
if exists(
select 1 from sys.systable
where table_name='Reader'
and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')
) then
drop table Reader
end if;
if exists(
select 1 from sys.systable
where table_name='Stack'
and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')
) then
drop table Stack
end if;
/* Table: Adminster */
create table Adminster
AdminID char(8) not null,
AdminName varchar(8) not null,
Phonenumber varchar(11) not null,
AdminPassword varchar(20) not null,
constraint PK_ADMINSTER primary key (AdminID)
/* Table: Book */
create table Book
BookID char(10) not null,
PublishName varchar(40) null,
StackID char(2) null,
ISBN varchar(20) not null,
Title varchar(40) not null,
Author varchar(20) null,
Price numeric(5,2) not null,
"Book concern" varchar(40) null,
AddTime date not null,
Amount integer not null,
Remain integer not null,
constraint PK_BOOK primary key (BookID)
/* Table: "Borrow Book" */
create table "Borrow Book"
ReaderID char(10) null,
BookID char(10) null,
BorrowTime date null,
SReturntime date null,
RReturntime date null
/* Table: Publish */
create table Publish
PublishName varchar(40) not null,
Address varchar(40) not null,
Phone varchar(15) not null,
"E-mail" varchar(30) not null,
constraint PK_PUBLISH primary key (PublishName)
/* Table: Reader */
create table Reader
ReaderID char(10) not null,
ReaderName varchar(8) not null,
Sex char(2) null,
Age integer null,
Class varchar(10) not null,
ReaderPassword varchar(20) not null,
Maxborrowed integer not null,
constraint PK_READER primary key (ReaderID)
/* Table: Stack */
create table Stack
StackID char(2) not null,
StackName varchar(10) not null,
StackLocation varchar(20) not null,
constraint PK_STACK primary key (StackID)
alter table Book
add constraint FK_BOOK_RELATIONS_PUBLISH foreign key (PublishName)
references Publish (PublishName)
on update restrict
on delete restrict;
alter table Book
add constraint FK_BOOK_RELATIONS_STACK foreign key (StackID)
references Stack (StackID)
on update restrict
on delete restrict;
alter table "Borrow Book"
add constraint "FK_BORROW B_RELATIONS_READER" foreign key (ReaderID)
references Reader (ReaderID)
on update restrict
on delete restrict;
alter table "Borrow Book"
add constraint "FK_BORROW B_RELATIONS_BOOK" foreign key (BookID)
references Book (BookID)
on update restrict
on delete restrict;