PIRF418:Complaining – Why Can’t People Just Be Real
Don’t make a VOWEL FOUL!
How many SCHWA+R sounds in this assignment?
Complaining – Why Can’t People Just Be Real?
I can’t believe how often I encounter two-faced people these days. I mean one
minute they wear a mask of kindness—laughing and smiling—but the next minute
they’re heartless. And some even hurtful. It really makes me cynical when I discover
that someone I’ve trusted turns out to be full of BS. Why is it so hard to find
authentic people who truly care? I just wish more people would value honesty and
loyalty. I mean, life shouldn’t be about keeping score, right? It should be about
building each other up, not tearing each other down.
Whoops, you missed probably they're, long a + r or extra y like they-y-re
The first time with Coach Clive at 9:50 pm on 2024.12.09
people: more L sound
trusted: short u
would/could: stop sound
The second time with Coach Clive at 9:50 pm on 2024.12.13

people/hurtful/loyalty/: more L sound
they're/wear/care: short e and short a sound
would/should: short oo sound and stop sound
The third time with Coach Lan at 11:30 am on 2024-10-16

KINDness: the suffix of ness is not normally should not stress.
laughing: ng sound, distinguish with n sound
turn: more R sound
full: shout oo sound
building: short I sound ,like ill,bill
it/should: stop sound
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