MetaForce 佛萨奇魔豹 2.0 系统开发技术讲解方案
那么今天 meta force 它一共分为三个阶段,第一个阶段叫 classical,是它的经典矩阵,第二个阶段叫 boost,是它的一个升级版的矩阵,第三个叫 delta,是整个生态落地元宇宙的版块。那么今天我们重点呢,只讲第一个板块儿,叫做经典矩阵。
佛萨奇 2.0 魔豹联盟系统开发 digital 开发 18o_2857_8624D☆v collection 佛萨奇 2.0 魔豹联盟软件开发,佛萨奇 2.0 魔豹联盟 dapp 开发,佛萨奇 2.0 魔豹联盟矩阵系统开发,佛萨奇 2.0 魔豹联盟模式开发
In the future,based on the Internet platform,blockchain technology will be used to make a new change.Now is the key turning point.If there are any tie points in the blockchain that try to tamper with data privately,and most nodes do not change,this tampering behavior will then be rejected by the whole blockchain to ensure the consensus and security of the whole network.
Smart contract is a"computer transaction agreement that implements the terms of the contract".All users on the blockchain can see the smart contract based on blockchain.However,this will make all vulnerabilities,including security vulnerabilities,visible and may not be repaired quickly.Such attacks are difficult to solve quickly.For example,in June 2016,the daother vulnerability caused a loss of$50million,and developers tried to reach a consensus solution.Dao’s program has a period of delay before hackers delete funds.A hard fork in Ethereum software completed the attacker’s fund recovery before the deadline expired.
添加代码添加类 MyController:package com.kb.controller;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;import org.springframework.ui.Model;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
@Controllerpublic class MyController{@RequestMapping(“/controller1”)public String controllerFunc1(Model m){m.addAttribute(“msg”,“hello controller 1”);return “test”;}@RequestMapping(“/controller2”)public String controllerFunc2(Model m){m.addAttribute(“msg”,“hello controller 2”);return “test”;}@RequestMapping(“/controller3”)public String controllerFunc3(Model m){m.addAttribute(“msg”,“hello controller 3”);return “test”;}}这里使用注解的方式,有三个方法可以被前端调用,分别为 controllerFunc1;controllerFunc2;controllerFunc3;URL 分别为 http://localhost:8080/controller1;http://localhost:8080/controller2;http://localhost:8080/controller3。由于 springmvc-servlet.xml 里配置了 web 访问的路径前缀包括 jsp,因此在 WEB-INFO 路径下添加 jsp 文件夹,并创建 test.jsp 文件。