
TiDB 源码编译之 PD/TiDB Dashboard 篇

  • 2023-08-04
  • 本文字数:6837 字

    阅读完需:约 22 分钟

作者: ShawnYan 原文来源:https://tidb.net/blog/a16b1d46


TiDB 是 PingCAP 公司自主设计、研发的开源分布式关系型数据库,是一款同时支持在线事务处理与在线分析处理 (Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing, HTAP) 的融合型分布式数据库产品,具备水平扩容或者缩容、金融级高可用、实时 HTAP、云原生的分布式数据库、兼容 MySQL 5.7 协议和 MySQL 生态等重要特性,支持在本地和云上部署。


TiDB 数据库本身由众多组件构成,而周边生态也欣欣向荣,所以源码仓库很多,本文主要涉及 PD 和 TiDB Dashboard 两个源码库,目标地址如下:

PD 是 Placement Driver 的缩写。它管理和调度 TiKV 集群。PD 被称之为 TiDB 集群的“大脑”。PD 通过嵌入 etcd 来支持容错。部署时,建议启动 3 个 PD 进程来构成 PD 集群,保证高可用。

TiDB Dashboard 是一个 Web UI,用于监视、诊断和管理 TiDB 集群。可单独编译前后台资源包,也可以打包成二进制文件,一键启动。关于 TiDB Dashboard 的更多介绍,可以参考官方文档: TiDB Dashboard 介绍


本文的编译使用的系统为 CentOS 7。

[shawnyan@centos7 ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-releaseCentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)[shawnyan@centos7 ~]$ uname -aLinux centos7.shawnyan.com 3.10.0-1160.92.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 20 11:48:01 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux[shawnyan@centos7 ~]$ go versiongo version go1.20.6 linux/amd64

PD 编译依赖 go 1.20,所以需要先安装 golang。但是,CentOS 7 默认提供的是 golang 1.19。

[shawnyan@centos7 ~]$ yum info golangLoaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-managerLoading mirror speeds from cached hostfileInstalled PackagesName        : golangArch        : x86_64Version     : 1.19.10Release     : 1.el7Size        : 7.4 MRepo        : installedFrom repo   : epel-7-aliyunSummary     : The Go Programming LanguageURL         : http://golang.org/License     : BSD and Public DomainDescription : The Go Programming Language.
[shawnyan@centos7 pd]$ go versiongo version go1.19.10 linux/amd64


wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.20.6.linux-amd64.tar.gztar zxvf go1.20.6.linux-amd64.tar.gzsudo mv go /opt
vi ~/.bashrcexport GOl11MODULE=onexport GOROOT=/opt/goexport GOPATH=/home/shawnyanexport PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH

TiDB Dashboard 包含前端 UI,所以依赖会多一些,需要安装 npm、pnpm,如果未安装 pnpm 会遇到报错。

cd ui &&\pnpm i/bin/sh: line 1: pnpm: command not foundmake: *** [ui_deps] Error 127

这里,从 GitHub 下载 pnpm 二进制包。

wget https://github.com/pnpm/pnpm/releases/latest/download/pnpm-linuxstatic-x64sudo mv pnpm-linuxstatic-x64 /bin/pnpmsudo chmod +x /bin/pnpmpnpm --version8.6.11

编译示例 – PD

PD 编译时会直接引用 TiDB Dashboard,PD 编译日志截取如下。

+ Fetch TiDB Dashboard Go module  - TiDB Dashboard directory: /home/shawnyan/pkg/mod/github.com/pingcap/tidb-dashboard@v0.0.0-20230705095454-5e220f970f27+ Create download cache directory: /home/shawnyan/pd/.dashboard_download_cache+ Discover TiDB Dashboard release version  - TiDB Dashboard release version: 2023.07.05.1+ Check whether pre-built assets are available  - Cached archive does not exist  - Download pre-built embedded assets from GitHub release  - Download https://github.com/pingcap/tidb-dashboard/releases/download/v2023.07.05.1/embedded-assets-golang.zip  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0100 14.7M  100 14.7M    0     0  4029k      0  0:00:03  0:00:03 --:--:-- 7105k  - Save archive to cache: /home/shawnyan/pd/.dashboard_download_cache/embedded-assets-golang-2023.07.05.1.zip+ Unpack embedded asset from archiveArchive:  /home/shawnyan/pd/.dashboard_download_cache/embedded-assets-golang-2023.07.05.1.zip

所以想修改 TiDB Dashboard 的 UI 见面并打包到 PD 中,则需先完成 TiDB Dashboard 的编译。当然也可以跳过 TiDB Dashboard 的编译,在 PD 编译过程中会自动下载打包好的 Dashboard。甚至,可以在 PD 编译过程中,使用参数 without_dashboard 来跳过 Dashboard。

PD 编译过程其实蛮顺畅。

git clone https://github.com/shawn0915/pd --depth=1cd pdmake


[shawnyan@centos7 bin]$ lspd-ctl  pd-recover  pd-server[shawnyan@centos7 bin]$ ./pd-server --versionRelease Version: fe52361Edition: CommunityGit Commit Hash: fe52361cf48a7f5ed8c69bcd02db77e25162f207Git Branch: masterUTC Build Time:  2023-07-31 05:49:54

编译示例 – TiDB Dashboard

下载 TiDB Dashboard 源码,这里为了节省时间、空间,只克隆一份最新版本的源码:

git clone https://github.com/shawn0915/tidb-dashboard --depth=1

进入源码文件夹,并执行编译命令 make package,然后进入漫长的等待。。。

[shawnyan@centos7 tidb-dashboard-master]$ make packagescripts/install_go_tools.sh+ Install go toolsgo install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swaggo install github.com/vektra/mockery/v2+ Clean up go modcd ui &&\pnpm ipackages/tidb-dashboard-lib              |  WARN  The field "resolutions" was found in /home/shawnyan/tidb-dashboard-master/ui/packages/tidb-dashboard-lib/package.json. This will not take effect. You should configure "resoluti                                         ons" at the root of the workspace instead.Scope: all 8 workspace projectspackages/tidb-dashboard-for-clinic-cloud |  WARN  deprecated opn@6.0.0packages/tidb-dashboard-for-clinic-cloud |  WARN  deprecated chokidar@2.1.8packages/tidb-dashboard-for-clinic-cloud |  WARN  deprecated fsevents@1.2.13packages/tidb-dashboard-lib              |  WARN  deprecated @babel/polyfill@7.12.1packages/tidb-dashboard-lib              |  WARN  deprecated uuid@3.4.0packages/tidb-dashboard-lib              |  WARN  deprecated querystring@0.2.0packages/tidb-dashboard-for-clinic-cloud |  WARN  deprecated core-js@1.2.7packages/tidb-dashboard-lib              |  WARN  deprecated core-js@2.6.12packages/tidb-dashboard-for-clinic-cloud |  WARN  deprecated source-map-resolve@0.5.3packages/tidb-dashboard-for-clinic-cloud |  WARN  deprecated source-map-url@0.4.1packages/tidb-dashboard-for-clinic-cloud |  WARN  deprecated urix@0.1.0packages/tidb-dashboard-for-clinic-cloud |  WARN  deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1packages/tidb-dashboard-for-op           |  WARN  deprecated source-map-resolve@0.6.0packages/tidb-dashboard-for-clinic-cloud |  WARN  deprecated sane@4.1.0packages/tidb-dashboard-for-clinic-cloud |  WARN  deprecated w3c-hr-time@1.0.2packages/tidb-dashboard-lib              |  WARN  deprecated uglify-es@3.3.9Packages: +2384++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Progress: resolved 2408, reused 2387, downloaded 0, added 0Progress: resolved 2408, reused 2387, downloaded 0, added 0, donenode_modules/.pnpm/esbuild@0.14.49/node_modules/esbuild: Running postinstall script, done in 791msnode_modules/.pnpm/cypress@8.5.0/node_modules/cypress: Running postinstall script, done in 1m 42.9snode_modules/.pnpm/es5-ext@0.10.61/node_modules/es5-ext: Running postinstall script, done in 367ms. prepare$ cd .. && husky install ui/.husky│ fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git└─ Done in 609ms WARN  Issues with peer dependencies found.├─┬ @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 4.33.0│ └── ✕ unmet peer eslint@"^5.0.0 || ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0": found 8.20.0└─┬ @typescript-eslint/parser 4.33.0  └── ✕ unmet peer eslint@"^5.0.0 || ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0": found 8.20.0
packages/tidb-dashboard-for-clinic-cloud├─┬ cypress-image-snapshot 4.0.1│ └── ✕ unmet peer cypress@^4.5.0: found 8.5.0└─┬ @g07cha/flexbox-react 5.0.0 └─┬ styled-components 2.4.1 └── ✕ unmet peer react@">= 0.14.0 < 17.0.0-0": found 17.0.2
packages/tidb-dashboard-for-op├─┬ cypress-image-snapshot 4.0.1│ └── ✕ unmet peer cypress@^4.5.0: found 8.5.0└─┬ @g07cha/flexbox-react 5.0.0 └─┬ styled-components 2.4.1 └── ✕ unmet peer react@">= 0.14.0 < 17.0.0-0": found 17.0.2
packages/tidb-dashboard-lib├─┬ @g07cha/flexbox-react 5.0.0│ └─┬ styled-components 2.4.1│ └── ✕ unmet peer react@">= 0.14.0 < 17.0.0-0": found 17.0.2├─┬ react-konva 16.8.6│ ├── ✕ unmet peer react@16.8.x: found 17.0.2│ ├── ✕ unmet peer react-dom@16.8.x: found 17.0.2│ └─┬ react-reconciler 0.20.4│ └── ✕ unmet peer react@^16.0.0: found 17.0.2├─┬ react-native 0.70.6│ └── ✕ unmet peer react@18.1.0: found 17.0.2└─┬ @react-three/fiber 8.9.1 ├── ✕ unmet peer react@>=18.0: found 17.0.2 ├── ✕ unmet peer react-dom@>=18.0: found 17.0.2 ├─┬ its-fine 1.0.6 │ └── ✕ unmet peer react@>=18.0: found 17.0.2 └─┬ react-reconciler 0.27.0 └── ✕ unmet peer react@^18.0.0: found 17.0.2
The integrity of 1189 files was checked. This might have caused installation to take longer.Done in 6m 53.8scd ui &&\pnpm build
> tidb-dashboard-ui@1.0.0 build /home/shawnyan/tidb-dashboard-master/ui> pnpm -r build
packages/tidb-dashboard-lib |  WARN  The field "resolutions" was found in /home/shawnyan/tidb-dashboard-master/ui/packages/tidb-dashboard-lib/package.json. This will not take effect. You should configure "resolutions" at the root of the workspace instead.Scope: 7 of 8 workspace projectspackages/clinic-client build$ gulp build[28 lines collapsed]│ [main] INFO o.o.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file /home/shawnyan/tidb-dashboard-master/ui/packages/clinic-client/src/client/api/.openapi-generator/FILES│ ################################################################################│ # Thanks for using OpenAPI Generator. #│ # Please consider donation to help us maintain this project 🙏 ##│ # https://opencollective.com/openapi_generator/donate #│ ################################################################################│ [17:37:00] Finished 'swagger:gen' after 45 min│ [17:37:00] Starting 'tsc:build'...│ [17:37:14] Finished 'tsc:build' after 14 s│ [17:37:14] Finished 'build' after 45 min└─ Done in 45m 36.6s...

Finally, TiDB Dashboard 编译完成。这里演示的是直接将 TiDB Dashboard 直接编译为二进制文件,所以编译完成后,可以在 bin 目录下看到 tidb-dashboard 二进制包。

[shawnyan@centos7 bin]$ ./tidb-dashboard --helpUsage of ./tidb-dashboard:      --cluster-allowed-names string   comma-delimited list of acceptable peer certificate SAN identities      --cluster-ca string              (TLS between components of the TiDB cluster) path of file that contains list of trusted SSL CAs      --cluster-cert string            (TLS between components of the TiDB cluster) path of file that contains X509 certificate in PEM format      --cluster-key string             (TLS between components of the TiDB cluster) path of file that contains X509 key in PEM format      --data-dir string                path to the Dashboard Server data directory (default "/tmp/dashboard-data")  -d, --debug                          enable debug logs      --experimental                   allow experimental features      --feature-version string         target TiDB version for standalone mode (default "N/A")  -h, --host string                    listen host of the Dashboard Server (default "")      --path-prefix string             public URL path prefix for reverse proxies (default "/dashboard")      --pd string                      PD endpoint address that Dashboard Server connects to (default "")  -p, --port int                       listen port of the Dashboard Server (default 12333)      --telemetry                      allow telemetry      --temp-dir string                path to the Dashboard Server temporary directory, used to store the searched logs      --tidb-allowed-names string      comma-delimited list of acceptable peer certificate SAN identities      --tidb-ca string                 (TLS for MySQL client) path of file that contains list of trusted SSL CAs      --tidb-cert string               (TLS for MySQL client) path of file that contains X509 certificate in PEM format      --tidb-key string                (TLS for MySQL client) path of file that contains X509 key in PEM format  -v, --version                        print version information and exitpflag: help requested

此时,可以单独启动面板,只需将其注册到 PD。

./bin/tidb-dashboard --pd x.x.x.x

新启动的面板默认端口为 12333,可以通过 URL 来访问刚刚编译好的面板。


为了验证编译效果,本例中对 TiDB Dashboard 做了小小改动,版本号增加了 -ShawnYan 后缀,在【概况】、【监控指标】页面有文档链接,实际产品中指向了 stable 版本,这里修改为 v7.2


修改完成后,再次打包。待打包完成后启动 TiDB Dashboard。可以看到如下效果:


在 CentOS 7 下就可以进行编译,并不需要高版本的 gcc,体验就很棒,但是还是对机器的性能是有要求的,“老破小”机器上编译就很痛苦。在写本文过程中,发现 TiDB Dashboard 和 PD 的版本未对齐,于是在 AskTUG 上开了一个帖子 (1010558),从帖子提出到问题有人对应,产研在源码仓库提出 Issue #1566 仅过去了不到一小时,对应速度可谓飞快。 Surprise!另发现一处文档选择 dev 版本的小问题,也提了帖子记录一下。(1010580)anyway, TiDB 组件很多,而编译工作是定制化二次开发的一个必要条件,要想一个一个编译过来还需要花点时间和精力。

发布于: 刚刚阅读数: 2

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