PIRF 425 - Advice – Drop’m like a hot potato.pdf
Don’t make a VOWEL FOUL!
How many certain Short Is in this assignment
Advice – Drop’m like a hot potato
Clichés are a dime a dozen. If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. They’ve been
used once too often. They’ve outlived their usefulness. Their familiarity breeds
contempt. They make the writer look as dumb as a doornail, and they cause the reader
to sleep like a log. So be sly as a fox. Avoid clichés like the plague. If you start to use
one, drop it like a hot potato. Instead, be smart as a whip. Write something that is fresh
as a daisy, cute as a button, and sharp as a tack. Better safe than sorry.
Whoops, you missed the instead and something.
The practice
The first time with Coach Richard at 8:40 am on 2025-02-24

cliches: Stress the second syllable.
outlived/whip: short I sound
log/fox/often: All short O sound
plague: long A sound
The second time with Coach Richard at 8:40 am on 2025-02-25

The second time with Coach Richard at 8:40 am on 2025-02-27
🎉, Coach do not find any pronation problem.
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