How to Speak! How to Talk!
Don’t make a VOWEL FOUL!
How many SHORT E sounds in this assignment?
Tidbits – Things that make you go “Hmm…”
I’ve got a couple tidbits that’ll blow your mind. You ready? When Sweden plays
against Denmark in the World Cup, the scoreboard displays SWE-DEN. That’s cool,
right? Now, what are the missing letters? Next, think about the best liar you know.
Actually, the best liar you know is probably not the best liar you know. Get it? We
squint at the sun because it’s bright. We squint at people because they’re not. Another
one—if you say “edited it” you just said “edit” twice. Biologists are just a bunch of
cells that talk about other cells. And for the finale, and/or is short for and or or or and
and or.
Whoops: you missed against, edited, edit,SWE-DEN
The first time
2024.4.25. 10 pm with Coach Richard

display: stress the dis
SWE-DEN: notice w sound
biologists: extra light y sound bi-y-o-lo-gists
The second time
2024.4.18 10pm with Coach Richard

display: short i
missing: short i
/: slash
actually: aek-chu-wuh there is a extra light w between letter u and letter a
The third time
2024.4.20 6:30 pm with Coach Lan
world: more L
missing: short i
cells: short e , short e is light, not stress.
that'll: t is flap sound
The fourth time

2024.4.22 11:30 am with Coach Lan
tidbits/that: When I meet stop sounds, especially t and d, there is always an extra schwa sound.
against: short e, again not long a sound. there/ when/ again
t d n dark l sound: your tongue is behind our upper teeth.
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