手把手带你申请 Sora 内测资格,附申请提示词
自从 OpenAI 发布了 Sora 之后,由于其流畅的画面,极高的真实度的 60 秒超长视频,瞬间秒杀当前市面上所有的视频胜场模型。
相信 Sora 发布之后也会像 ChatGPT 一样必然会改变很多行业,也必将在很多领域带来翻天覆地的改变。
有关 Sora 的具体原理和视频,可以看怎么用OpenAI Sora?最全分析-新手小白必看 。
但是 OpenAI 目前只向一少部分艺术家、设计师和电影制作人开放了 Sora。显然,大部分人是无法获得这个条件的。
按照 OpenAI 的作风,Sora 必然是 ChatGPT Plus 用户才可以使用的高级功能。根据ChatGPT Plus保姆级升级教程 ,1 分钟就可以开通 Plus 账户了。
在 OpenAI Sora 的官方资料里,其实并没有提及任何允许普通用户绕过公测流程的内部途径。 目前也只有 OpenAI 定向为极少数的艺术家开放了 Sora 的使用权限。

但是 OpenAI CEO Sam Altman 也表示,成为 OpenAI 的红队测试人员就可以有 Sora 的使用权限了。红队测试人员简单理解就是网络安全领域的专家。Sora 需要招聘部分网络安全人员帮助他们测试 Sora 系统是否安全漏洞或者是安全风险,必须经过充分安全测试后,才有可能大面积开放。
目前 Sora 官方就只有一个这样的渠道,所以通过申请成为 OpenAI 的红队测试人员就可以优先使用 Sora。
OpenAI 主要是面向红队人员开放测试,所以我们申请的时候尽量保证我们的个人信息符合 OpenAI 想要招聘的能力要求,这样会增大通过率,。
下面就带大家通过官网一步步申请 Sora。

主要是有 5 个部分信息需要填写。
邮箱(Email):邮箱最好是使用 Gmail 或者是 outlook 邮箱,避免使用国内邮箱
居住国家(Country of residence):美国
学历(Highest level of Education completed): 硕士(Master’s Degreee)
专业(If you have a degreee,in which field is it?):计算机(Computer Scientise)
选择美国的计算机专业,主要是为了满足 OpenAI 对于测试的人员的要求,毕竟照片的红队人员就是要求有计算机水平的。
Areas you consider yourself to have expertise *
我们需要选择我们擅长的方向,我们就直接选择 Computer Science 就好。尽量和我们前面的专业保持一致。

Why are you interested in joining the OpenAI Red Teaming Network? *
大意就是:你为什么对于参加 OpenAI 的红队感兴趣?
我们可以提示词,让 ChatGPT 帮助我们回答这个问题。
My interest in OpenAI’s Red Team projects is deeply rooted in my background as an AI engineer with a Computer Science Master’s degree from the United States. There are three main reasons for my enthusiasm:
Ethical AI Development: My education and experience have instilled in me a strong sense of responsibility towards developing AI ethically. The Red Team projects offer a platform to proactively identify and mitigate potential misuse and biases in AI systems, aligning with my commitment to responsible innovation.
Technical Expertise: My skills in areas such as machine learning and natural language processing position me well to uncover vulnerabilities in AI models. I see this as an opportunity to apply my technical knowledge to enhance the security and fairness of AI technologies.
Collaboration and Learning: Participating in the Red Team projects means working with and learning from a diverse group of experts. This collaborative environment not only broadens my perspective on AI challenges but also contributes to my professional growth by keeping me updated on the latest in AI safety and ethics. In essence, my interest is driven by a desire to contribute to the ethical advancement of AI, leveraging my skills to improve AI safety and engaging in a continuous learning process with other experts in the field.
How much time do you expect to be able to spend red teaming new systems or models in a given month? (Note that you would not be expected to be contributing every month) *

What do you think is an important area for OpenAI to be red teaming? *
对应的中文含义是:为你认为对于 OpenAI 的红队工作来说,最重要的是什么?
我们同样通过 ChatGPT 得到的答案。
As an AI engineer with a background in Computer Science, I see ethical use and bias mitigation in AI decision-making systems as critical areas for OpenAI’s red teaming. These systems impact various sectors, including healthcare and justice, where biases can lead to unfair outcomes. Additionally, ensuring AI systems are secure against malicious attacks and protect user privacy is paramount. My expertise emphasizes the need for interdisciplinary collaboration to address these challenges effectively. In essence, red teaming should focus on making AI systems fair, secure, and privacy-compliant, leveraging diverse expertise to safeguard against misuse and enhance societal trust in AI technologies.
What languages are you fluent in?


I have previously used the following *
是询问我们之前使用过 OpenAI 的那些产品,这里我们选择所有的产品就可以了。
Twitter & LinkedIn
接下来就是需要填写 Twitter 和 LinkedIn 的地址,在这里我方便演示。图中我仅仅只是演示信息,大家根据个人实际情况填写。
按照我上面的教程填写完毕之后,直接点击 Submit 提交我们的申请。提交之后就会显示下面的页面,表示我们已经提交成功。

以上就是整个 Sora 的申请流程了。申请完毕之后,大家就耐心等待就好了。
按照之前 OpenAI 开放使用习惯,肯定是优先向部分申请了 Sora 内测的 Plus 的开放,然后再全量开放所有的 ChatGPT Plus 用户。所以如果想尽快使用 Sora 功能,除了申请之外,Plus 账户是必须的。
如果想尽早体验 Sora 功能,但是目前还没有 Plus 账户的,按照ChatGPT Plus保姆级升级教程 ,1 分钟就可以完成 Plus 账户升级。早用早享受。