
10 分钟写一个 tidb-ai 机器人帮你解答 tidb 问题

  • 2024-11-01
  • 本文字数:7836 字

    阅读完需:约 26 分钟

作者: tidb 狂热爱好者原文来源:https://tidb.net/blog/e9b554f6


周末去参加了 tidb 的 ai 学习会。第一时间写了这篇文章。让没有去开会的小伙伴。自己在本地电脑上也能体验这个课程。

第一步。拿到密钥 花费 1 分钟

到智普 ai 上去注册一个手机号的账号获取到 api 密钥。国内的就不需要翻墙。体验一级棒。

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第二步。到国外的 tidbserverless 注册一个号花费 1 分钟

或者国内的机器也行。主要 tidb 服务器在国外速度可能会比较慢。

TiDB Serverless: Cost-Efficient, Simple, Modern MySQL That Scales Effortlessly.

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进去直接有一个 tidb 可以给你使用。点击生产密码然后获取。用他们给的密钥本地电脑就可以链接到 tidb 了。

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第三步 复制粘贴 把之前的密码填进去 8 分钟。

$ mysql \      --comments -u '3grcM9DRGNroFfR.JW2bS3MJ' -p'!C06Ao41fcuqiHnLr4lycGU6FmKAIwFFC0QO' \      -h gateway01.us-west-2.prod.aws.tidbcloud.com -P 4000 \      --ssl-mode=VERIFY_IDENTITY --ssl-ca=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt


在本地电脑安装 python 组件

$ pip install \      click==8.1.7 \      PyMySQL==1.1.0 \      SQLAlchemy==2.0.30 \      tidb-vector==0.0.9 \      pydantic==2.7.1 pydantic_core==2.18.2 \      dspy-ai==2.4.12 \      langchain-community==0.2.0 \      wikipedia==1.4.0 \      pyvis==0.3.1 \      openai==1.27.0 \      zhipuai==2.1.3

$ export ZHIPUAI_API_KEY=${ZHIPUAI_API_KEY} #把智普的apikey填这里

$ cat > build-graph.py <<'EOF'   import os   import pymysql   import dspy   import enum   import openai      from zhipuai import ZhipuAI   from pymysql import Connection   from pymysql.cursors import DictCursor   from dspy.functional import TypedPredictor   from pydantic import BaseModel, Field   from typing import Mapping, Any, Optional, List   from langchain_community.document_loaders import WikipediaLoader   from pyvis.network import Network   from IPython.display import HTML   from sqlalchemy import (       Column,       Integer,       String,       Text,       JSON,       ForeignKey,       BLOB,       Enum as SQLEnum,       DateTime,       URL,       create_engine,       or_,   )   from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, Session, declarative_base, joinedload   from tidb_vector.sqlalchemy import VectorType   class Entity(BaseModel):       """List of entities extracted from the text to form the knowledge graph"""       name: str = Field(           description="Name of the entity, it should be a clear and concise term"       )       description: str = Field(           description=(               "Description of the entity, it should be a complete and comprehensive sentence, not few words. "               "Sample description of entity 'TiDB in-place upgrade': "               "'Upgrade TiDB component binary files to achieve upgrade, generally use rolling upgrade method'"           )       )   class Relationship(BaseModel):       """List of relationships extracted from the text to form the knowledge graph"""       source_entity: str = Field(           description="Source entity name of the relationship, it should an existing entity in the Entity list"       )       target_entity: str = Field(           description="Target entity name of the relationship, it should an existing entity in the Entity list"       )       relationship_desc: str = Field(           description=(               "Description of the relationship, it should be a complete and comprehensive sentence, not few words. "               "Sample relationship description: 'TiDB will release a new LTS version every 6 months.'"           )       )   class KnowledgeGraph(BaseModel):       """Graph representation of the knowledge for text."""       entities: List[Entity] = Field(           description="List of entities in the knowledge graph"       )       relationships: List[Relationship] = Field(           description="List of relationships in the knowledge graph"       )   class ExtractGraphTriplet(dspy.Signature):       text = dspy.InputField(           desc="a paragraph of text to extract entities and relationships to form a knowledge graph"       )       knowledge: KnowledgeGraph = dspy.OutputField(           desc="Graph representation of the knowledge extracted from the text."       )   class Extractor(dspy.Module):       def __init__(self):           super().__init__()           self.prog_graph = TypedPredictor(ExtractGraphTriplet)       def forward(self, text):           return self.prog_graph(               text=text,               config={                   "response_format": {"type": "json_object"},               },           )   def interactive_graph(kg: KnowledgeGraph) -> str:       net = Network(notebook=True, cdn_resources="remote")       node_map = {}       for index in range(len(kg.entities)):           node_map[kg.entities[index].name] = index           net.add_node(               index, label=kg.entities[index].name, title=kg.entities[index].description           )       for index in range(len(kg.relationships)):           relation = kg.relationships[index]           src_index = node_map[relation.source_entity]           target_index = node_map[relation.target_entity]           net.add_edge(src_index, target_index)       filename = "kg.html"       net.save_graph(filename)       return filename   def get_query_embedding(query: str):       zhipu_ai_client = ZhipuAI(api_key=os.getenv("ZHIPUAI_API_KEY"))       response = zhipu_ai_client.embeddings.create(           model="embedding-2",           input=[query],       )       return response.data[0].embedding   def generate_result(query: str, entities, relationships):       zhipu_ai_client = ZhipuAI(api_key=os.getenv("ZHIPUAI_API_KEY"))       entities_prompt = "\n".join(           map(lambda e: f'(Name: "{e.name}", Description: "{e.description}")', entities)       )       relationships_prompt = "\n".join(           map(lambda r: f'"{r.relationship_desc}"', relationships)       )       response = zhipu_ai_client.chat.completions.create(           model="glm-4-0520",           messages=[               {                   "role": "system",                   "content": "Please carefully think the user's "                   + "question and ONLY use the content below to generate answer:\n"                   + f"Entities: {entities_prompt}, Relationships: {relationships_prompt}",               },               {"role": "user", "content": query},           ],       )       return response.choices[0].message.content   def get_db_url():       return URL(           drivername="mysql+pymysql",           username="改成你的用户",           password="改成你的密码",           host="gateway01.us-west-2.prod.aws.tidbcloud.com",           port=4000,           database="chatdb",           query={"ssl_verify_cert": True, "ssl_verify_identity": True},       )   engine = create_engine(get_db_url(), pool_recycle=300)   Base = declarative_base()   class DatabaseEntity(Base):       id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)       name = Column(String(512))       description = Column(Text)       description_vec = Column(VectorType(1024), comment="HNSW(distance=cosine)")       __tablename__ = "entities"   class DatabaseRelationship(Base):       id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)       source_entity_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("entities.id"))       target_entity_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("entities.id"))       relationship_desc = Column(Text)       source_entity = relationship("DatabaseEntity", foreign_keys=[source_entity_id])       target_entity = relationship("DatabaseEntity", foreign_keys=[target_entity_id])       __tablename__ = "relationships"   def clean_knowledge_graph(kg: KnowledgeGraph) -> KnowledgeGraph:       entity_name_set = set(map(lambda e: e.name, kg.entities))       kg.relationships = list(           filter(               lambda r: r.source_entity in entity_name_set               and r.target_entity in entity_name_set,               kg.relationships,           )       )       return kg   def save_knowledge_graph(kg: KnowledgeGraph):       data_entities = list(           map(               lambda e: DatabaseEntity(                   name=e.name,                   description=e.description,                   description_vec=get_query_embedding(e.description),               ),               kg.entities,           )       )       with Session(engine) as session:           session.add_all(data_entities)           session.flush()           entity_id_map = dict(map(lambda e: (e.name, e.id), data_entities))           print(entity_id_map)           data_relationships = list(               map(                   lambda r: DatabaseRelationship(                       source_entity_id=entity_id_map[r.source_entity],                       target_entity_id=entity_id_map[r.target_entity],                       relationship_desc=r.relationship_desc,                   ),                   kg.relationships,               )           )           session.add_all(data_relationships)           session.commit()   def retrieve_entities_relationships(question_embedding) -> (List[DatabaseEntity], List[DatabaseRelationship]):       with Session(engine) as session:           entity = (               session.query(DatabaseEntity)               .order_by(                   DatabaseEntity.description_vec.cosine_distance(question_embedding)               )               .limit(1)               .first()           )           entities = {entity.id: entity}           relationships = (               session.query(DatabaseRelationship)               .options(                   joinedload(DatabaseRelationship.source_entity),                   joinedload(DatabaseRelationship.target_entity),               )               .filter(                   or_(                       DatabaseRelationship.source_entity == entity,                       DatabaseRelationship.target_entity == entity,                   )               )           )           for r in relationships:               entities.update(                   {                       r.source_entity.id: r.source_entity,                       r.target_entity.id: r.target_entity,                   }               )           return entities.values(), relationships   extractor = Extractor()   Base.metadata.create_all(engine)   zhipu_ai_client = dspy.OpenAI(model="glm-4-0520", api_base="https://open.bigmodel.cn/api/paas/v4/", api_key=os.getenv("ZHIPUAI_API_KEY"), model_type="chat", max_tokens=4096)   dspy.settings.configure(lm=zhipu_ai_client)   wiki = WikipediaLoader(query="TiDB").load()   pred = extractor(text=wiki[0].page_content)   knowledge_graph = clean_knowledge_graph(pred.knowledge)   interactive_graph(knowledge_graph)   save_knowledge_graph(knowledge_graph)   EOF   ls -l build-graph.py

$ cat > test-graph.py <<'EOF'   from zhipuai import ZhipuAI   import os   import click   from sqlalchemy import (       Column,       Integer,       String,       Text,       ForeignKey,       URL,       create_engine,       or_,   )   from typing import Mapping, Any, Optional, List   from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, Session, declarative_base, joinedload   from tidb_vector.sqlalchemy import VectorType   def get_db_url():       return URL(           drivername="mysql+pymysql",           username="改成你的用户",           password="改成你的密码",           host="gateway01.us-west-2.prod.aws.tidbcloud.com",           port=4000,           database="chatdb",           query={"ssl_verify_cert": True, "ssl_verify_identity": True},       )   engine = create_engine(get_db_url(), pool_recycle=300)   Base = declarative_base()   class DatabaseEntity(Base):       id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)       name = Column(String(512))       description = Column(Text)       description_vec = Column(VectorType(1024), comment="HNSW(distance=cosine)")       __tablename__ = "entities"   class DatabaseRelationship(Base):       id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)       source_entity_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("entities.id"))       target_entity_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("entities.id"))       relationship_desc = Column(Text)       source_entity = relationship("DatabaseEntity", foreign_keys=[source_entity_id])       target_entity = relationship("DatabaseEntity", foreign_keys=[target_entity_id])       __tablename__ = "relationships"   def get_query_embedding(query: str):       zhipu_ai_client = ZhipuAI(api_key=os.getenv("ZHIPUAI_API_KEY"))       response = zhipu_ai_client.embeddings.create(           model="embedding-2",           input=[query],       )       return response.data[0].embedding   def retrieve_entities_relationships(       question_embedding,   ) -> (List[DatabaseEntity], List[DatabaseRelationship]):       with Session(engine) as session:           entity = (               session.query(DatabaseEntity)               .order_by(                   DatabaseEntity.description_vec.cosine_distance(question_embedding)               )               .limit(1)               .first()           )           entities = {entity.id: entity}           relationships = (               session.query(DatabaseRelationship)               .options(                   joinedload(DatabaseRelationship.source_entity),                   joinedload(DatabaseRelationship.target_entity),               )               .filter(                   or_(                       DatabaseRelationship.source_entity == entity,                       DatabaseRelationship.target_entity == entity,                   )               )           )           for r in relationships:               entities.update(                   {                       r.source_entity.id: r.source_entity,                       r.target_entity.id: r.target_entity,                   }               )           return entities.values(), relationships   def generate_result(query: str, entities, relationships):       zhipu_ai_client = ZhipuAI(api_key=os.getenv("ZHIPUAI_API_KEY"))       entities_prompt = "\n".join(           map(lambda e: f'(Name: "{e.name}", Description: "{e.description}")', entities)       )       relationships_prompt = "\n".join(           map(lambda r: f'"{r.relationship_desc}"', relationships)       )       response = zhipu_ai_client.chat.completions.create(           model="glm-4-0520",           messages=[               {                   "role": "system",                   "content": "Please carefully think the user's "                   + "question and ONLY use the content below to generate answer:\n"                   + f"Entities: {entities_prompt}, Relationships: {relationships_prompt}",               },               {"role": "user", "content": query},           ],       )       return response.choices[0].message.content   @click.command()   def start_chat():     while True:         question = click.prompt("Enter your question")         question_embedding = get_query_embedding(question)         entities, relationships = retrieve_entities_relationships(question_embedding)         result = generate_result(question, entities, relationships)         click.echo(result)   if __name__ == '__main__':     start_chat()   EOF   ls -l test-graph.py

$ python build-graph.py;python test-graph.py

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诀窍在这里 任何知识只要 wiki 上有,都可以导入到 tidb 里面。

   wiki = WikipediaLoader(query="TiDB").load()   pred = extractor(text=wiki[0].page_content)

发布于: 刚刚阅读数: 3

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TiDB 社区干货传送门是由 TiDB 社区中布道师组委会自发组织的 TiDB 社区优质内容对外宣布的栏目,旨在加深 TiDBer 之间的交流和学习。一起构建有爱、互助、共创共建的 TiDB 社区 https://tidb.net/


10分钟写一个tidb-ai机器人帮你解答tidb问题_新版本/特性解读_TiDB 社区干货传送门_InfoQ写作社区