How to Talk, How to Speak!
Don’t make a VOWEL FOUL
How many SHORT OO sounds in this assignment?
Sell It – Loo Grooves~
Ever have this experience? You’re in the middle of a romantic Netflix and chill date,
you scoot off to the bathroom and while you’re in there you decide to put on some
lotion. But the lotion is nearly empty and as you pump it, it sounds like a loud fart!
No more romance tonight! Want more privacy in the bathroom? Introducing Toilet
Tunes! With Toilet Tunes, open the toilet seat and music goes on! It gives you privacy.
It gives your family privacy! It even trains your husband to keep the seat down! Get
one for every bathroom in the house! You can choose from music or nature sounds—
jazz, Latin, waves or even a babbling brook!
Whoops, you're the wrong, only two: put brook
Tunes: long sound
scoot: long oo sound
The first time with Coach Richard at 2024.5.9 10:10 pm

experience: experi-y-ence
in: short i
there: not stress
toilet: deep sound
The second time with Cocah Richard at 2024.5.9 10:00 pm
toilet: deep sound oi
Romance: RO stress siylale
The third time with Coach Lan was at 2024.5.11 7:00 pm

middle/in: short i sound
In there: intonation more stress
brook: short oo sound
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