What is the termfollow orders,which means placing orders with traders(professionals with trading experience/market analysis)and setting stop loss risk controls to avoid losses as much as possible;The tracking system has gradually become one of the standard configurations for contract trading,and contracts are a trading system that can buy up or down based on market conditions,operate in both directions,and can also enter and exit at any time,avoiding risks to a certain extent;The tracking system can assist investors in stopping one-to-many,forward and reverse tracking,automatically completing position tracking,automatically completing net position tracking,and controlling risk of tracking accounts and total positions. Functions of contract quantification strategy tracking system: 1.When traders settle in,users apply to become platform traders to carry orders,providing them with some revenue sharing,which can bring good contract direction to platform users while making profits; 2.Social functions,with social functions,allow users to freely post,chat,and other operations,thereby increasing the user viscosity of the platform; 3.Market docking,which allows traders and users to choose between multiple mainstream exchanges; 4.Recommendation mechanism,inviting people to settle on the platform,bringing greater benefits; 5.The tracking community can check the trading history of traders(recent profit and loss ratio,accuracy rate,etc.)to better select tracking traders,thereby 常见跟单分自动跟单和手动跟单,自动跟单可以选择要跟的币种,下单的手数,和杠杆倍数;手动跟单需要选择跟单资产跟的价格止盈止损,下单手数和杠杆倍数; 合约跟单的角色大致可分为两种,即跟单者和交易员: 1.跟单者 系统生成交易员榜单,展现交易员的交易记录,例如累计收益率、近三周交易胜率、交易天数、交易笔数、累计跟随人数等,跟随者可在此查看相关记录,选择自己想要跟随的交易员,选择跟单方式(固定金额跟单/比例跟单),设置好相应的策略来进行跟单即可。improving the opportunity to obtain profits; 2.交易员 申请成为交易员,经过后台审核通过才能成为交易员,审核相对严格,通过平台展现自己的交易能力,Collect subscription fees or trading volume from traders to earn commissions;Trader recommendation mechanism,through which users/investors are recommended to obtain corresponding shares; #载入 ImageNet 校准数据集 import os import torchvision.transforms as transforms from PIL import Image import numpy as np import torch input_path=xxxxxxx/xxxxx/x#【改】数据集路径 for file in os.listdir(input_path): filename=os.fsdecode(file) img=Image.open(os.path.join(input_path,filename)).convert('RGB') scaler=transforms.Resize((224,224)) normalize=transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485,0.456,0.406], std=[0.229,0.224,0.225]) to_tensor=transforms.ToTensor() device=torch.device(cpu) image=normalize(to_tensor(scaler(img))).unsqueeze(0).to(device) np.save(file=f'working/data/{filename[:-4]}',arr=image)#【改】注意图像格式是.jpg 还是.jpeg,.jpeg 则 filename[:-5] print('{}已完成,进度{}/{}'.format(filename[:-5],os.listdir(input_path).index(file),len(os.listdir(input_path))))
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