《计算机组成及汇编语言原理》学习第 7 天,p116-p120 总结,总计 5 页。
1.CPU 优化
(1)increase overall performance number
例如:16 位电脑提升到 32 位电脑。
One way to make computers more useful is to allow them to run more than one program at a time.——不是很确定这里指的是不是“多进程”。
Rather than relying on the good citizenship of each user program, the solution is to create a special überprogram called the operating system, whose primary job is to act as a program control program, as in “program to control [other] programs,” and enforcer of the security rules.——这种方式的实现是通过操作系统来进行的。
(3)Instruction Set optimization
(5)Superscalar Architecture
1.vacation condominium
(1)condo: condominium 的缩写
表示公寓的常见单词有 apartment/flast,condo。apartment/flat 和 condo 的区别是:apartment/flat 的住户对房屋没有所有权,condao 的住户对房屋有所有权。apartment 和 flat 的区别是 apartment 在美式英语中用得比较多,flat 在英式英语中用得比较多。
p116, As with time-sharing a vacation condominium, time is divided into slices (weeks for the condo, perhaps milli- or microseconds for the CPU), and you are allowed to use the equipment for one slice.
刚开始看这句话很懵,“vacation condominium” 和 CPU 有什么关系呢?查了一下 "as with" 的意思 “in the same way as”——好吧,对这个词没理解对,刚开始理解成了“with”,其实是 “like” 的意思,作者这是在类比。
(1)citizenship: citizen + -ship
(2)citizen: cite(city) + -ain(-ian)
u.Citizenship is also carrying out the duties and responsibilities of a member of a particular society.
p117, Rather than relying on the good citizenship of each user program, the solution is to create a special überprogram called the operating system, whose primary job is to act as a program control program, as in “program to control [other] programs,” and enforcer of the security rules.
1. 编程
(1) Patrick Juola,《计算机组成及汇编语言原理》:https://book.douban.com/subject/3069889/
2. 英语
(1) Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com
(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org

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