
Flutter 和 OpenHarmony 通信 pigeon 库的具体接入和用法

  • 2024-11-05
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Flutter 和 OpenHarmony 通信 pigeon 库的具体接入和用法


Pigeon 是一个代码生成器工具,用于使 Flutter 和宿主平台之间的通信类型安全、更轻松、更快捷.

引入 pigeon 库,在 pubspec.yaml 中 dev_dependencies 新增配置:

dev_dependencies: pigeon:   git:     url: "https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/flutter_packages.git"     path: "packages/pigeon"

项目根目录运行flutter pub get


创建 pigeons/message.dart(lib 同级目录创建)

import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart';
// #docregion config@ConfigurePigeon(PigeonOptions( dartOut: 'lib/src/messages.g.dart', dartOptions: DartOptions(), cppOptions: CppOptions(namespace: 'pigeon_example'), cppHeaderOut: 'windows/runner/messages.g.h', cppSourceOut: 'windows/runner/messages.g.cpp', kotlinOut: 'android/app/src/main/kotlin/dev/flutter/pigeon_example_app/Messages.g.kt', kotlinOptions: KotlinOptions(), javaOut: 'android/app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/Messages.java', javaOptions: JavaOptions(), swiftOut: 'ios/Runner/Messages.g.swift', swiftOptions: SwiftOptions(), objcHeaderOut: 'macos/Runner/messages.g.h', objcSourceOut: 'macos/Runner/messages.g.m', // Set this to a unique prefix for your plugin or application, per Objective-C naming conventions. objcOptions: ObjcOptions(prefix: 'PGN'), copyrightHeader: 'pigeons/copyright.txt', dartPackageName: 'pigeon_example_package', arkTSOut: 'ohos/entry/src/main/ets/plugins/Messages.ets', arkTSOptions: ArkTSOptions(),))// #enddocregion config
// This file and ./messages_test.dart must be identical below this line.
// #docregion host-definitionsenum Code { one, two }
class MessageData { MessageData({required this.code, required this.data}); String? name; String? description; Code code; Map<String?, String?> data;}
@HostApi()abstract class ExampleHostApi { String getHostLanguage();
// These annotations create more idiomatic naming of methods in Objc and Swift. @ObjCSelector('addNumber:toNumber:') @SwiftFunction('add(_:to:)') int add(int a, int b);
@async bool sendMessage(MessageData message);}// #enddocregion host-definitions
// #docregion flutter-definitions@FlutterApi()abstract class MessageFlutterApi { String flutterMethod(String? aString);}// #enddo

项目根目录运行flutter pub run pigeon --input <dart通信模型文件路径> --arkts_out <arkts平台方法代码输出文件路径,示例./ohos/entry/src/main/ets/xxx.ets>

OpenHarmony 使用

import { FlutterPlugin, FlutterPluginBinding} from '@ohos/flutter_ohos/src/main/ets/embedding/engine/plugins/FlutterPlugin';import { ExampleHostApi, MessageData, Result } from './Messages';
class HostApiImp extends ExampleHostApi { getHostLanguage(): string { return 'ArkTS'; }
add(a: number, b: number): number { return a + b; }
sendMessage(message: MessageData, result: Result<boolean>) { console.log("收到消息:" + message.getName()); }}
export default class MessagePlugin implements FlutterPlugin {
constructor() { }
getUniqueClassName(): string { return 'MessagePlugin'; }
onAttachedToEngine(binding: FlutterPluginBinding) { ExampleHostApi.setup(binding.getBinaryMessenger(), new HostApiImp()); }
onDetachedFromEngine(binding: FlutterPluginBinding) { //ExampleHostApi.setup(binding.getBinaryMessenger(), null); }}

flutter 使用

class _ExampleFlutterApi implements MessageFlutterApi {  @override  String flutterMethod(String? aString) {    return aString ?? '';  }}
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget { const MyHomePage({super.key, required this.title});
final String title;
@override State<MyHomePage> createState() => _MyHomePageState();}
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> { final ExampleHostApi _hostApi = ExampleHostApi(); String? _hostCallResult;
// #docregion main-dart final ExampleHostApi _api = ExampleHostApi();
/// Calls host method `add` with provided arguments. Future<int> add(int a, int b) async { try { return await _api.add(a, b); } catch (e) { // handle error. return 0; } }
/// Sends message through host api using `MessageData` class /// and api `sendMessage` method. Future<bool> sendMessage(String messageText) { final MessageData message = MessageData( code: Code.one, data: <String?, String?>{'header': 'this is a header'}, description: 'uri text', ); try { return _api.sendMessage(message); } catch (e) { // handle error. return Future<bool>(() => true); } } // #enddocregion main-dart
@override void initState() { super.initState(); _hostApi.getHostLanguage().then((String response) { setState(() { _hostCallResult = 'Hello from $response!'; }); }).onError<PlatformException>((PlatformException error, StackTrace _) { setState(() { _hostCallResult = 'Failed to get host language: ${error.message}'; }); }); }
@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.inversePrimary, title: Text(widget.title), ), body: Center( child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: <Widget>[ Text( _hostCallResult ?? 'Waiting for host language...', ), if (_hostCallResult == null) const CircularProgressIndicator(), ], ), ), ); }}




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