
长安链源码分析之网络模块 net-liquid(6)

  • 2022-10-19
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  • core/handler 用于回调的处理器函数类型定义。

// MsgPayloadHandler is a function to handle the msg payload received from sender.//MsgPayloadHandler 用于处理接收指定发送者的消息type MsgPayloadHandler func(senderPID peer.ID, msgPayload []byte)
// SubMsgHandler is a function to handle the msg payload received from the PubSub topic network.//SubMsgHandler 用于处理接收指定发布者发布指定topic的消息type SubMsgHandler func(publisher peer.ID, topic string, msg []byte)
  • core/host 网络 Host 接口定义、网络活动事件通知接口定义。

// PeerProtocols store the peer.ID and the protocol.ID list that supported by peer.//存储节点支持的协议type PeerProtocols struct {	PID       peer.ID	Protocols []protocol.ID}
// Host provides the capabilities of network.//hosttype Host interface { //开关 支持启动和关闭方法 basic.Switcher
// Context of the host instance. //上下文 Context() context.Context
// PrivateKey of the crypto private key. //加密私钥 PrivateKey() crypto.PrivateKey
// ID is local peer id. //本地节点id ID() peer.ID
// RegisterMsgPayloadHandler register a handler.MsgPayloadHandler for handling // the msg received with the protocol which id is the given protocolID. //注册指定协议消息的处理器 RegisterMsgPayloadHandler(protocolID protocol.ID, handler handler.MsgPayloadHandler) error // UnregisterMsgPayloadHandler unregister the handler.MsgPayloadHandler for // handling the msg received with the protocol which id is the given protocolID. //注销处理器 UnregisterMsgPayloadHandler(protocolID protocol.ID) error
// SendMsg will send a msg with the protocol which id is the given protocolID // to the receiver whose peer.ID is the given receiverPID. //发送指定协议消息给接收者 SendMsg(protocolID protocol.ID, receiverPID peer.ID, msgPayload []byte) error
// Dial try to establish a connection with peer whose address is the given. //拨号建立连接 Dial(remoteAddr ma.Multiaddr) (network.Conn, error)
// CheckClosedConnWithErr return whether the connection has closed. // If conn.IsClosed() is true, return true. // If err contains closed info, return true. // Otherwise, return false. //检查连接是否关闭 CheckClosedConnWithErr(conn network.Conn, err error) bool
// PeerStore return the store.PeerStore instance of the host. //返回host的 节点存储器 PeerStore() store.PeerStore
// ConnMgr return the mgr.ConnMgr instance of the host. //返回 host的连接管理器 ConnMgr() mgr.ConnMgr
// ProtocolMgr return the mgr.ProtocolManager instance of the host. // 返回host的协议管理器 ProtocolMgr() mgr.ProtocolManager
// Blacklist return the blacklist.BlackList instance of the host. //返回host的黑名单 Blacklist() blacklist.BlackList
// PeerProtocols query peer.ID and the protocol.ID list supported by peer. // If protocolIDs is nil ,return the list of all connected to us. // Otherwise, return the list of part of all which support the protocols // that id contains in the given protocolIDs.
//返回执行协议的,所有(节点-协议) ,如果没有指定协议。 这返回所有节点的(节点-协议) PeerProtocols(protocolIDs []protocol.ID) ([]*PeerProtocols, error)
// IsPeerSupportProtocol return true if peer which id is the given pid // support the given protocol. Otherwise, return false. //返回这个节点知否支持指定的协议 IsPeerSupportProtocol(pid peer.ID, protocolID protocol.ID) bool
// Notify registers a Notifiee to host. //注册一个通知器 Notify(notifiee Notifiee)
// AddDirectPeer append a direct peer. //添加一个直接节点 AddDirectPeer(dp ma.Multiaddr)
// ClearDirectPeers remove all direct peers. //清除所有的远程连接 ClearDirectPeers()
// LocalAddresses return the list of net addresses for listener listening. //返回监听的网络地址 LocalAddresses() []ma.Multiaddr}



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长安链源码分析之网络模块 net-liquid(6)_李_InfoQ写作社区